Monday, August 27, 2012

City of Water Day

Our of our most favorite summer traditions here in New York is City of Water Day.  To quote the website:  "City of Water Day is the Metropolitan Waterfront Alliance’s way to bring together everything about the water that is exciting and fun, from port commerce to environmental education to active recreation.  The event is a celebration of the potential of the waterfront."  There are free boat rides, festivals and fun!

We tried to get tickets for a few different boat tours but they were all sold out.  So we opted for a second go at a tour we took 2 years ago.  It is sponsored by the New York Audubon and gives you lots of information regarding the many water fowl that live on the little islands surrounding Manhattan.

Here we are at Pier 83, waiting for our tour to begin.

Finally, we were underway, motoring passed the city with it's many sites.

A view of the new twin towers under construction.
Last time we took this tour, we turned around the tip of the island, up the East River.  This year, we continued on passed Brooklyn...

under the Verrazano Bridge...

and out into open water.

 I have to admit it was a little freaky being out in the Atlantic Ocean on a little Circle Line tourist boat!   All throughout, our tour guide pointed out the many different birds we were seeing.

This island was once a quarantine location for those with typhoid fever.  Now, the dilapidated building is home to flocks and flocks of water fowl.

We then turned around and came back towards Manhattan, catching glimpses of the Statue of Liberty and the Brooklyn and Manhattan bridges.  

We disembarked at Governor's Island and went to enjoy the fun activities they had for us there.  All of which we didn't get any pictures of!

We love City of Water Day!

Monday, August 20, 2012

American Girl Cafe

In July, my friend Rachel and I took our girls for a special lunch at the American Girl Cafe.

First was the ever-exciting train ride into the city.

Anna, Phoebe and Phoebe's brother Levi
While we were walking to the American Girl store, Anna asked me if she could put Suzy (her Bitty Twin doll) on her shoulders.  I said of course, so she and Phoebe walked with their dolls like this for at least two blocks!  So cute!

We arrived a little early for our reservation so we took some time to look around the store.  Anna and Phoebe found this adorable double stroller they had fun pushing their dolls in.

After our perusal of all the fun American Girl merchandise, we were seated for our lunch.  Notice the sweet little doll-sized high chairs!

Of course, the cafe had high chairs for the likes of this little doll, too!

Photo by Phoebe
These two little girls are the best of friends and it was so fun seeing them have such a great time together.

Mommy and HER American girls!
 A few days before we went to lunch, Anna saw the McKenna movie on TV.  She's been obsessed ever since!

After lunch, we went and picked out a pet for Suzy.  Anna chose a cute little black kitty named Licorice.

It was such a fun outing and I'm so fun we took the opportunity to go!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Hello Kitty, Hello Birthday!

My Hello Kitty obsessed 5 year old chose a fun Hello Kitty birthday party this year.  And it turned out really cute!

Unfortunately, we didn't get many pictures.  Since I was busy running the party, Spencer was in charge of taking pictures.  Turns out he was too busy chasing after Clara!

First, we colored Hello Kitty pictures and did mazes while all the guests arrived.

Then we played Pin The Bow on Hello Kitty (seen taped to the house) and then Hot Potato with a ball of yarn.  Cause you know, cats like to play with yarn!

Next was cupcakes, ice cream and pink lemonade.  I sprung for custom made Hello Kitty cupcakes from my friend's bakery.  They were absolutely adorable!  And you'll just have to take my word for it since there are no pictures!

After cupcakes, Anna was able to open her presents.  Her friends gave her wonderful, thoughtful gifts and she was truly spoiled!

We ended the party with a fun bingo game and a Hello Kitty pinata!  The kids left with all sorts of cute Hello Kitty goodies and definitely more candy then they needed.

It was a fun party and we were glad to celebrate our little girl!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012


Congratulations to Chad for the most compelling "keep blogging" comment.  I'm still severely lacking inspiration and creativity (which is weird, since that's usually not a problem for me) but I'll get the basics out there so we can all feel a little more connected in this wide, wide world of ours.

Stay tuned...

Monday, August 13, 2012

Blog Apathy

I really do have a lot to blog about:  Anna's birthday party, our lunch at the American Girl cafe, our two weeks in Utah...

But I just can't bring myself to do it.

Perhaps it's because I'm not sure any more why I blog.  Perhaps it's because I'm convinced no one reads our blog anyway (Only one comment on Anna's dance recital?  Really??).  Perhaps it's because my second child is a MAJOR whiner and wants to be held all day.  So when I finally get a chance, after she goes to bed, all I want to do is veg in front of the TV.   Perhaps it's because we are out all day having tons of fun.  So much fun that I just simply do not have time to blog.  Okay, we all know that last one's a lie!

Anyhow, maybe I'll be hit with some inspiration soon.

Maybe I won't.

Maybe I'll blog.

Maybe I won't.