In September, I was asked to head-up our ward Halloween party. I started planning immediately...coming up with a theme, saving coupons, making purchases and calling meetings.
On Saturday morning, my committee and I met at the church to set up. While we were inside, it started to snow. SNOW! We have not had snow in this area before Halloween since 1952! I kept peeking outside and sadly watching as the snow kept falling and falling and piling up. Spencer and I shoveled and salted the walks before we left and I was starting to fear that no one would come. When we got home, I checked in with the bishop to confirm that we should continue and he said yes. Then, within two hours, he called back to tell me that there were downed trees and power lines all over the area and that we needed to cancel. Needless to say, I lost it. I cried and cried and cried. All my hard work for nothing.
Intent on not letting our night (or all the chili we had made) go to waste, our friends The Bishops, invited us over for a fun impromptu party. We ate our chili, played a few games and let the kids trick or treat while we hung out in various rooms and closets down their hallway!
Clara and I all dressed up in our monster outfits I may, or may not, have made especially for the ward party. |
Anna enjoying running around like a crazy person at our friends' house. |
Anna wore her Rapunzel costume to school. If you look closely you will notice that she was one of FOUR Rapunzels! She did have the best hair (if I do say so myself), but I think we'll try and do something a little more creative next year.
Later that evening we met up with friends to hit the streets.
The kids had a blast running up and down the street, shouting "Trick or Treat" as loud as they possibly could!
Clara wasn't able to get in on any of the fun but she sure looked cute in Anna's old skunk costume!
We broke off from the pack for the last block. Anna charmed everyone she happened upon and almost everyone eagerly answered the door with "Why Rapunzel, how are you?" One lady even met her with a cute, "Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair!"
We finally headed home where we dumped out her bag and inspected the goods.
Notice Anna's mouth is bulging with candy she ever so quickly popped in! |
All in all, it turned out to be a pretty good holiday.