We had a great Halloween this year.
Our festivities began last Saturday with a trip to Lasdon Arboretum for a fun Harry Potter inspired train show.
The set-up was very elaborate. Complete with Hogwarts, Flying Car and Whomping Willow!
Anna especially enjoyed getting the chance to run the Thomas train all by herself!
The Forbidden Forest room was a little too scary so we headed out to enjoy a little of the grounds.
Thursday was our preschool Halloween party. Anna was an adorable Little Bo Peep and Doctor Beckett was on call!
On Friday, we headed to the aquarium with a bunch of friends for their annual "free admission to anyone in costume" afternoon.
Saturday was our ward party. The Activities Committee and Primary Presidency joined forces and put on a pretty great show. As the Primary Secretary, I was busy all night which left Spencer chasing after Anna so sadly, not a single picture was taken. But it was a great activity in which I won second place in the chili cook-off, Anna had a blast playing carnival games and trunk-or-treating.
The only disappointment was my inability to move the next morning! After set-up Saturday morning and being on my feet the entire night, my pregnant back and hips completely betrayed me.
We brought our celebrations and month to a close last night with a delicious dinner in a pumpkin.
Happy Halloween!