Monday, March 22, 2010

JPMC Family Day

This past Saturday was JPMC Family Day at the New York Historical Society.  The day included free admission into the exhibits, a fun scavenger hunt, crafts and snacks.

There was a special exhibit called Lincoln and New York so all the activities were based on Lincoln.  The scavenger hunt had us searching through all the collections for items related to Lincoln.

Anna was much too young to appreciate this activity but I sure had fun!

Next we headed to the crafts.  I don't need to explain how much Anna enjoyed this.  We made silhouettes of Lincoln, three cornered hats and colored a picture of Paul Revere.

While we crafted, we enjoyed some fruit, cheese, crackers and juice.  Spencer was starving and came back from the food table with a big plate full.  I descreetly told him not to eat too much because we were conveniently a block away from the Shake Shack!

After finishing our crafts, we headed down the way to wait in line for our orders of deliciousness.  Anna DEVOURED her bowl of chocolate frozen custard!

My black and white shake really hit the spot...

and very little compares to a Shack Burger and Fries!

Next we hoped on the subway to head downtown to Century 21.  Spencer was dying for some new work shirts and the prices at this place can't be beat. 

When we left the house to walk to the train station, we gave Anna the choice of walking or riding in the stroller.  She choose to walk.  I'm not sure she fully understood the magnitude of her decision but that little girl was a trooper as we walked her all over the city!  Needless to say, after such a busy day, she came home and passed out!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Yay, Me!

When Spencer's mom was here in December, she taught me how to crochet.  I latched onto it big time and knew it was something I could really get into.  Ever since then, I've began buying all sorts of yarn, different sized hooks, pattern books and searching online for free projects to make.

The first thing I started was a baby afghan.  While in the midst of that BIG project, I started and finished several small ones.  One quick project I really love is baby hats and booties.  I have made a boy set and a girl set.  So, all you friends out there who are expecting...don't be surprised if these little ditties show up on your doorstep some time soon!

They may even come with a matching cuddly little friend!  (The lion still needs his stubby little legs.  But I've been putting it off because the one thing I've realized I don't like about crocheting is sewing on pieces.)

After those, I finally finished the baby afghan.  Since this is the first project I started I actually did the double crochet improperly.  I didn't realize my mistake until I was a third of the way through.  But, I decided that I liked it better that way and went ahead and finished it!

The first Christmas after I got married, my parents gave me a sewing machine.  I desperately wanted it and wanted to learn how to sew.  But I must admit that it sat dormant for some time.  I decided to make Anna some pajamas for Christmas and since then, I've had an insatiable appetite for more!

I am a completely self-taught seamtress.  So, I decided to stick to easy projects for awhile.  What could be easier than more pajama pants?

After feeling comfortable with those, I decided to tackle some actual clothes.  I'm still very much in the "easy-to-sew" pattern range but I'm pretty proud of the fact that I made something that can actually be worn out of the house!

So, there you have recent adventures in crafting.  Stay tuned for more!