The day we came to New York to look at apartments, we took notes. After touring this place, I remember I wrote down the following: Large, new carpet and linoleum, washer/dryer, parking, weird oven. It was such a turn-off that I almost couldn't see past it for all the good things. And to be honest, I was afraid of it. The main reason was due to the lack of a pre-heated light. How was I to know when it was warm?
Anyhow, we moved in and I started using it. It turned out to work just fine and I actually got very used to it. Except for one thing.
Every time I walked past the oven I would notice the faint smell of gas. It concerned me but I thought maybe I was over-reacting. Maybe that's just how old gas ovens smell, I kept telling myself. After several months, I decided that I shouldn't ignore it anymore. So last night, I called Con Edison. Let me tell you, they don't mess around. I told the operator that it wasn't urgent and they could send someone out the following day. She replied "Oh no, we'll have someone out there within 45 minutes".
The man came within 20 minutes and brought all sorts of tools and measuring devices. He fiddled around for about 10 minutes, using this device and that one, poking them in every crack he could find until finally he declared, "Yeah, you've got a leak". Thank you! I'm NOT crazy!
To make a long story short, my "weird" oven has now been rendered useless. The gas man cut the flow to the oven and stuck a huge red tag on the pipe. Now I have the unfortunate task of calling out landlord to tell him he has to buy us a new oven. Good for us, bad for him.