I was extremely sad to trade my beautiful 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom apartment for an old house with sloping floors but we are making it work. Although we are making due without a dishwasher we are extremely grateful for our washer and dryer and two car driveway. We do feel very blessed to have found our place for the price we are paying.
I have my good days and my bad days here. Most are okay but some are really bad. Two weekends ago, we drove to White Plains (about 10 miles) to go to Target. Well, since we are in New York we of course had to park in a parking garage. We misunderstood and thought we could pay after but instead got a ticket. We drove to the garage office to pay and were in line behind several cars. A woman behind us was not satisfied with our decision and decided to hit our car so she could park and go in to pay. When I confronted her to tell her she hit our bumper, she looked at me and said "So." I was absolutely flabbergasted and I must say, still a little traumatized. I wish I could have found my voice to tell her off but all I could do was walk away. The damage was minimal but the experience definitely turned me off to the city of White Plains.
On a lighter note, we are meeting a lot of nice people in our ward. We are really enjoying our ward so far and are excited about the opportunities is has and will provide. We are also excited to be so close to the Rockefeller Christmas Tree. We'll have to post some pictures once we make it there.
Here are some pictures of our new apartment. I'm really embarressed that all the boxes aren't put away but, we got rid of a few of our storage options so I don't have anywhere to put the stuff inside them. Also, I'm a little unpacking burned out and I knew I better get some pictures up soon for you all to see. I don't have an excuse for our bedroom. I've never figured out a way to decorate it nicely...even when it was huge.