Saturday, May 26, 2007

Week 38

Yes, that swollen beached whale of a person above is really me. Those flabby arms and second chin are so sexy...doncha think?!?!? It's week 38 and we are coming down the homestretch!

Although I would much rather just forget how ungainly I look right now (I kind of always do until I see a picture), I decided to put away my pride for the sake of recorded my image for posterity.

Here's the lowdown:
  • I've made progress towards delivery (I'll spare you the actual details)
  • Our list of To Dos and To Buys is getting shorter
  • Our list of prospective names has gotten ONE shorter...only 5 more to go!
  • The second bedroom is becoming more of a nursery day by day. I'll post pictures when it's all done.
  • I am nesting away! Spencer is going crazy with my need to organize, throw out and clean. If only I had more energy!
  • We are getting very excited to welcome our new addition...we hope you all are too!

Monday, May 14, 2007

The Name Game

Those of you who know him understand my husband's extremely methodical nature. Our need to choose a name for our baby has in NO WAY escaped the normal methodologies. After months of internet searches, book reading and some serious teeth-pulling on my part I am pleased to announce that we have officially narrowed our search down to 8 names.

We have made a pact that the list CAN NOT be added to. And, I told Spencer that the most I will allow before we go to the hospital is two. So, here's the list:


What does everyone think??? Not that the most popular will win in the end but, opinions might help us make up our minds! :)

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Getting the Baby Clean!

Whenever I come home from a baby shower, Spencer always asks me if the baby got clean. Well, this time it was our baby's turn to get washed up!

My friends from church had a shower for me today. We had great food and great fun!

Isn't that watermelon baby carriage the cutest thing you've ever seen?

I received lots of great stuff for our baby...including many new outfits, books, bottles and teddy bears!

It was also great to sit and chat with everyone for a couple of hours. It was a fun time and we are so greatful to everyone for their generosity.

Thursday, May 3, 2007


I decided that I didn't really like our blog template. So, I've made the switch to "Dots Dark". Hope everyone likes it!

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Erin Turns 30!

To celebrate my advancing years, Spencer took me on a dinner train in Lancaster County. It was such a great surprise and we had a wonderful time.

Our train was a real coal-powered steam engine. Even at 30 years old, it was a thrill to watch it pull into the station with bells clanging and smoke billowing from it's stack.

Our dining car had been restored to the glory days of train travel with beautiful mahogany interior.

The train ride took us through Amish Country, complete with narration by the conductor. I have to admit that I was more focused on the food but, he did inform us that we were passing the "largest turkey farm in America". It was pretty stinky but also interesting.

What a fun birthday! Thanks honey for making my 30th so memorable!

I'm it...

Wow, this was hard! Sorry it took me so long to respond to the tag

Three things I love:
  • Spencer
  • Traveling
  • Sleeping In

Three things I Miss:

  • My neighbors in Utah
  • Grandma's Sunday dinners
  • Mountains

Three people that make me laugh:

  • Spencer
  • Harry at work (always good for a classic one-liner!)
  • Caleb (He called me on my birthday and had me in stitches!)

Three things that scare me:

  • The "unknown" of labor and delivery
  • The thought of someone breaking into my house...especially while I'm asleep
  • Debt

Three things on my desk:

  • Water Bottle
  • Stress Ball
  • Files, files, and more files!

Three things I want to do in life:

  • Visit Europe
  • Be a good mother (I know I sound like I'm copying Tara but, it's true!)
  • Serve a mission with my husband

Three things I can do:

  • Play the trumpet
  • Tap Dance
  • Bake a pie. I made my first pie this wasn't all that pretty but it tasted good!

Three things I can't do:

  • Standing Toe-touch (BOTH of my siblings can)
  • Roll my Rs
  • Convince myself that bungee jumping or skydiving would be "fun"

Three things I regret:

  • Quitting piano lessons
  • Not changing my major
  • Dating the same guy for 2 years in high school (I think it made me a bit of a social retard)

Three of my favorite foods:

  • Mexican
  • Ice Cream
  • Donuts

Three of my favorite shows as a kid:

  • Punky Brewster
  • Baywatch - Yes, I can hear you all screaming "What??? Baywatch???" but, it was in the early years of the show. It was actually quite entertaining then.
  • Donald Duck Presents

Three people I tag: