Decided to share 5 more projects I've been working on some are from the Epiphany Crafts CHA-W booth and some are from HSN this past week.and a bonus photo of my messy space I'm creating in.
and the mess(taken with the camera & phone. Right now my space is part of the big laundry room.)
**Question if you've looked or read this far: Do you scrap the same photo multiple times?
My Answer: Yes, especially when I've printed the photo in different sizes. Some times the photo fits 2 different "themes" of layouts. And last but not least my 3rd reason for scrapping the same picture is if its a layout that's been sent in for pub or DT work that I know I might not get it back for awhile or maybe not at all.
Have a great Friday and be sure to check back tomorrow or after midnight est tonight I have something pretty cool the share with y'all!
PS. I still have more projects to share with you too just don't want to overload you all at once :)