Showing posts with label Asai. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Asai. Show all posts

29 August, 2011

Ooh! Blue glitter! Asai (50)

Last weekend I finally had the chance to try one of the gorgeous glitter polishes I won from The Polish Haven.

This is a single coat of Asai (50), a vivid azure blue glitter layered over a deep navy blue creme (Essence - Just Rock It!).  I added top coat to give it a glassy finish and I was absolutely in love with the resulting look.  I don't need to say any more so here are lots of pictures:

Full sun

Indoors natural daylight
Until my next post.

Vita :)

22 August, 2011

Haul post: I won a giveaway!

Hi everyone!

I was so excited to win The Polish Haven's glitter giveaway last week!  Kristy is another Aussie Gum Leaf Mafiette and her polish pictures will launch a thousand lemmings.  Be sure to check out her blog!

I took a quick flash photo of the gorgeous glitters I was lucky enough to win, and can't wait to try.  From left to right these are:  England (Merlin), Asai (48), Asai (53), Asai, (50), BYS (Through the Looking Glass), BYS (Adventures of Alice) and OPI (Glow Up Already!)

This was the perfect prize for a middle-aged glitter fanatic like me.  I'm doing another happy dance!

Enjoy your week.

Vita :)

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