Last weekend we went down to the wonderfully warm and sunny Richfield for Jr High State wrestling. 50 degrees! We ENJOYED the warm south! lol
This was our teens first year to wrestle. He has decided he's not a fan. I think he did really well. When he started we told him that he couldn't quit. If he decided part way through he didn't like it an wanted to quit, he couldn't. He would have to stick it out to the end. Ugg. Sometimes it's hard to stand behind your convictions. In the end we were all glad to be done, but I think we could each agree that it had been a good experience. We've spent every weekend almost during the season somewhere sitting in a gym. We had scary weather a couple of times, but these little weekend road trips with just the 3 of us have been good times. On our way home from Richfield, we took the long way home and stopped here you know how excited a 14 yr boy who has been trying to stay at 90 pounds can get when he sees this?

Oh. My. Word.
The Mr and I are almost as bad as the teen! We came out of here with not one, but two dozen donuts!!! 2 hot chocolates, 3 free glazed donuts (like we needed them) and a calender full of coupons! Good thing this place is over 2 hours away! lol
Alright....... I have decided to do "Pay it Forward : A Challenge" with
Marcy, a girl in a gorilla suit. Like Marcy, I want to do something that gets me out of my comfort zone, and stretches me to do something I normally would not. And like Marcy, I have felt all kinds of anxt about doing this, the 'what if' this and 'what if that''s are pretty strong.
Here's what Marcy said on her blog
One of my goals this year is to do things that I wouldn't normally feel comfortable doing. I'm trying to step outside myself and help develop the inner me. I'm still really nervous about a few things, but I have discovered that I actually can do hard things!
A little while back I saw this post on FB...
I thought the idea was cute, but I didn't feel confident enough to re-post it. All those doubts of "what if no one comments" or "what if they don't like what I make" came flooding into my head so I quickly dismissed the idea.
BUT, today I read my friend, Lyssa's blog. She decided to do it on her blog! Genius, no?
So here I am, doing things that I don't feel comfortable doing? Are you proud?
"I promise to send something handmade
to the first 4 people who leave a comment here.
To be eligible, you must also post this on your blog,
offering the same thing to 4 other people.
The rules: That it must be handmade by you (me) and it
must be sent to your 4 people (you!) sometime in 2011."
You might have noticed that I changed the numbers a bit. I think doing 4 crafts will be an even "awesomer" challenge.
Now it's up to you. Please comment if you'd like to be one of the lucky 4 people who will receive a handmade gift from me. I'm excited nervous having a panic attack so excited to see who I'll be sending my creations to.
SO Here's the deal..........
"I promise to send something handmade
to the first 4 people who leave a comment here.
To be eligible, you must also post this on your blog,
offering the same thing to 4 other people.
The rules: That it must be handmade by you (me) and it
must be sent to your 4 people (you!) sometime in 2011."
Are any of you up for a Challenge? ? ? ?
Next post I'll share some valentines from around the Stone House, and tell you why I posted the bonnet picture.
I'd like to Welcome all new followers to the Stone House. :-) AND, Thanks to each and everyone who comes visit me ! I enjoy your visits!
Blessings from the Stone House