Hello, lovelies
Hope you all have a lovely day or evening, and that all your Christmas preparations are going in the right way. We all are doing well and having a very busy time here. All presents, cards, surprises must be ready in time :0) and all Christmas decorations and yummy dishes as well. I do love this lovely smell all over the home and these smiling kid's faces :0)
This weekend we've spend enjoying the
Moscow Festival of Russian Traditional Arts"Lad'ya. Winter tales. 2013". It was a really great time. Most of the items are handmade. My kids had fun and I owned some lovely things :0) Some pictures (and links) for you as well:
Tableware from the Asian part of Russia |
Tableware from the Asian part of Russia |
Tableware from the Asian part of Russia |
Honey from the Altai Region |
Zhostovo |
Zhostovo |
Zhostovo |
Don't you think these capets from Uzbekistan look very similar to William Morris design?
Capet from Uzbekistan |
Capet from Uzbekistan |
in my collection :) |
Thank you all for visiting me here, for commenting and for reading my small blog. I'm so appreciated you are here. And I'm really sorry for not answering to all my lovely commentators, but I will answer as soon as possible. I remember every and single one message from you, and it's the most lovely thing in the blogging to be in touch with you :0)
Wishing you all the best for this week
Lot of love from snowy Moscow
Natasha & kids