Showing posts with label craft. Show all posts
Showing posts with label craft. Show all posts

Friday, February 07, 2014

Make a Wish

Hello dear readers, sweet followers and lovely guests! Here in Moscow we have no sun, some snow and -6 dgr C, not very cold (past week -20 dgr C), but still no spring's signs. What about your part? I wish I could grow some plants this year :0) And your plans for the coming Spring?
I've realised some of my plans for the February :0) and feel so proud of myself :0) Some makes for my son and for my daughter's friend to share with you:

Close-up of the Flower Purse by Natalia Glazacheva

Handmade Card and Flower Purse by Natalia Glazacheva

Flower Purse by Natalia Glazacheva

Handmade Card by Natalia Glazacheva

Craft stuff by Natalia Glazacheva

Close-up of the decorative element for the wrapping by Natalia Glazacheva


Thank you SO MUCH for reading, leaving your kind messages to me and for following me as well. I'm SO GLAD you are here! All your comments to me are very important and they really make my day! THANK YOU!!! Sorry for being such a bad blogger, I don't have enough time to visit your lovely blogs and comment on your wonderful and interesting posts. Every time I'm trying to leave a comment I hear something like: "Mum!" or "A-a-a!". So please, don't think I don't want to talk to you anymore or I forget about your message :0) Ok? I remember all of you and really glad that you still remember me and came again here to my small part of blogland. Thank you again for all your kind words! YOU ARE THE BEST!!!

Wishing you all the best for the coming weekend
Natasha & Fam

Thursday, January 23, 2014

It was a Christmas Day

Hello, dears
Hope you all are well and had a lovely Christmas with your Family and friends. We've spend here a couple of joyful and magical weeks enjoying our preparations to the Christmas Day. All presents were wrapped and all yummy dishes were made. The most joyful thing for me about Christmas? The happy faces of my kids :0)
Here are some Christmas' pictures for you:

Table centrepiece made by my eldest daughter Maria!

Our cat looking for his presents checked the labels :0)

Christmas Morning!


Homemade biscuits by kids :0)


Handmade snowflake by me.

Homemade biscuits again :0)


I've painted the new figures for the Nativity scene this year.


Biscuits made by kids :0)






More Christmas Tree decorations baked by kids :0)



Welcoming wreath made by my little 7 y.o. son!




My son made this paper ornament with lovely Danish lady Oda Wiedrecht.







All our best and warmest wishes for the coming weekend to you all and many thanks from our Family for your kind and nice wishes, congratulations and comments :0)
With lot of love from cold and snowy Moscow
Natalia & Fam.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Moscow Festival of Russian Traditional Arts "Lad'ya. Winter tales. 2013"

Hello, lovelies
Hope you all have a lovely day or evening, and that all your Christmas preparations are going in the right way. We all are doing well and having a very busy time here. All presents, cards, surprises must be ready in time :0) and all Christmas decorations and yummy dishes as well. I do love this lovely smell all over the home and these smiling kid's faces :0)
This weekend we've spend enjoying the Moscow Festival of Russian Traditional Arts"Lad'ya. Winter tales. 2013". It was a really great time. Most of the items are handmade. My kids had fun and I owned some lovely things :0) Some pictures (and links) for you as well:
Matrioshka Doll by Tatiana Dubinich click to see the web

by Olga Naumkina click to see the web

by Olga Naumkina click to see the web

by Olga Naumkina click to see the web

Tableware from the Asian part of Russia

Tableware from the Asian part of Russia

Tableware from the Asian part of Russia

Honey from the Altai Region




Old-fashioned boots by Ukranian Fashion Designers (click to see the web) 
 Don't you think these capets from Uzbekistan look very similar to William Morris design?
Capet from Uzbekistan
Capet from Uzbekistan

Fabric horse and pigs by Tatiana Dubinich click to see the web

Matrioshka Doll by Tatiana Dubinich click to see the web

Tilda rabbits by Tatiana Dubinich click to see the web

Wood rabbits by Tatiana Dubinich click to see the web

Toy display and toys by Tatiana Dubinich click to see the web

Tilda rabbits in Russian costumes by Tatiana Dubinich click to see the web

in my collection :)

Thank you all for visiting me here, for commenting and for reading my small blog. I'm so appreciated you are here. And I'm really sorry for not answering to all my lovely commentators, but I will answer as soon as possible. I remember every and single one message from you, and it's the most lovely thing in the blogging to be in touch with you :0)
Wishing you all the best for this week
Lot of love from snowy Moscow
Natasha & kids