First of all, credit where credit is due. I have completely stolen the idea for this ATC from
Jo. When I saw that the theme at
wednesday stamper was telephones. I thought "nah! not for me this week, I have nothing telephone themed" Then I saw Jo's piece where she had used part of a telephone directory in her background. This reminded me that I had once been sent some pages from a foreign directory. But what inspired me most of all were her birds, straight away I thought "birds on a telephone wire" and that's how this piece came about. I used the 3 crows stamp from Inka, and real wire.
I am also entering this for
Saturday workout, as I have antiqued the directory page with distress inks, water and walnut ink, then heated it with a heat gun to make it feel old; and
Theme thursday, where the theme is birds
EDIT ooo I've just realised I can call it blog inspiration, rather than copycatting and enter it for the
artygirlz challenge!! BONUS!