The new challenge at
Stampotique is "an altered poison bottle". This challenge really had me stumped, I just don't really do altering and I pondered and pondered and pondered until I ran out of time. I looked at bottles, but just drew a complete blank. In the end I decided to make a tag for a beer bottle, as that's my husband's favourite "poison". I also decided to go masculine, and also attempted "witty".

I used the quote "escape the ordinary...daydream" but changed it to "escape the ordinary...drink".
I thought that this little guy had an air of inebriation about him.
So all in all, I feel that I cheated on this challenge, but I think I might just get away with it.
And for those who remember and loved him, the little bowtie is an homage to Keith Floyd.
All stamps are from Stampotique