Showing posts with label sale. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sale. Show all posts

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Happy News!

I'm excited to let you all know that today my wonderful boyfriend proposed to me!  It is the one year anniversary of our first date and he took me to the same restaurant and even the same booth where we had that date, then he gave me this gorgeous ring!

I am so overflowing with happiness I wanted to share it all with you!  So for the next week, you can get 60% off in the MayzyArt shop!  Just use the discount code TRUELOVE.


(And please don't forget to leave a review while you are there!)

Friday, May 9, 2014

Not so fun times for Mayzy

Hey All!

Sorry for the lack of updates again.  Unfortunately I've been pretty under the weather and, in fact, I'm going to have to have my gallbladder removed here soon.

I'll be honest with you, I'm a little scared.

Also, I'm concerned about the cost of it all.  I have insurance but if you live in the United States then you know that the cost of a medical procedure can be insane, even if you have insurance.

So, if you've been thinking about getting yourself a Mayzy Stamp, this is definitely the time to do it.  And in order to sweeten the deal, I'm throwing a sale!  25% off all items in the shop with the coupon code SALETIME!

And for even more fun, I've added a couple fun new stamps to the shop!

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Sale and Reviews!

Hello Everyone!

Summer is on its way!  Unless you're here in Phoenix where it's nearly 100 degrees and seems to be fully summer already.  Either way, I've put some of my favorite summery stamps up for 20% off to welcome the warm weather.  Check it out while the sale lasts!

Also!  I've added Reviews to the website!  You can now comment on your favorite stamps.  In order to build up a nice review-base, I'm offering one free stamp if you leave three stamp reviews!  I can only offer one coupon per customer, but please feel free to review as many stamps as you'd like.  Be sure to include your email address so I can send your coupon and please allow up to 48 hours to receive your coupon.

Happy reviewing!

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Discontinuation Sale!

Hey Everyone!

Big announcement time!  The Crazy Mayzy line of stamps are being discontinued to make room for new merchandise! (wait, what?)

As such, all four stamp packs are currently on SALE!

Get five fun, silly stamps, now for only $3 per pack!

But you had better hurry, because when February is over, all four of these packs will be gone forever!

Check out the sale HERE!

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Four New Stamps in the Shop!

Happy Halloween Guys and Ghouls!

First an apology for anyone who tried to use the Halloween discount code today!  I thought it was set up THROUGH the 31st, but apparently it thought it was set up UNTIL the 31st!  The good news is that I've extended the sale ANOTHER WEEK!

Remember those discount codes:

TRICK - 15% off your purchase
TREAT - 30% off purchases of $20 or more

And to make the most of those discounts, check out the new additions to the shop...

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

New Stamps in the Shop!

Hey Everyone,

After a long hiatus, we have two new stamps in the shop!  Look for more in the coming days as I wrestle with my computer and make it obey. o_o

Rah Rah Sis Boom Bah!  It's Pom Pom Penny!

Everyone is a bit of a princess deep down, right?  Particularly Blanca.

And remember, you still have time to take advantage of the Halloween sale!

Take your pick of one of two discount codes!

TRICK - 15% off your order!
TREAT - 30% off any order over $20!

Friday, October 25, 2013

Halloween Sale!

Hey Guys and Ghouls!

Halloween is coming up and in honor of my favorite goblin-infested holiday, we're having a sale!

Take your pick of one of two discount codes!

TRICK - 15% off your order!
TREAT - 30% off any order over $20!

Discounts are valid through the end of October.

Happy Halloween!!

Saturday, July 6, 2013


You guys are all so awesomely supportive I've decided to have a sale to thank you!

Now through 3/10, use the code THIRTY for 30% off your purchase at!

Friday, May 10, 2013

Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day!

Take 25% off everything in the store through the weekend!

Discount code: MOTHER

Be sure to stop by tomorrow for BIG FUN!

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Beautiful Clouds

Here is another fabulous tutorial from a member of the MayzyArt Design Team!

Thanks Lisa!!


Surprise Sale Extension!

If you didn't have a chance to take advantage of the 50% OFF sale over at, you still have a chance!  The sale has been extended through today, but after that it will be gone!

The discount code is MAYZYMAY

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Launching Mayzy May!

Hey Folks,

It's May!

The month of May holds a special place in our hearts, here at MayzyArt.  I can't imagine why.  But to celebrate, we're going to be doing fun things ALL month long!  Expect lots of new stamps, challenges, a special blog hop in the middle of the month, and all sorts of chances to win free MayzyArt stamps!

Let's start this party right with a HUGE MayzyArt sale!  Use the coupon code MAYZYMAY to get a whopping 50% off all orders now through Saturday!

Holy cow, Mayzy's going crazy!

Speaking of which, we've uploaded FOUR brand-new stamp packs to the shop!  Introducing a new line of cartoon stamps called Crazy Mayzy!

Monday, April 1, 2013

No Foolin'!

Happy April Fool's Day!

It's no joke, use the promotional code FOOL in the shop in the next 24 hours and get 25% off!!  And while you're at it, check out the two new stamps!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Four BIG Things!

Hey Everyone,

Sorry I wasn't able to post yesterday.  Something unexpectedly came up at the last minute.  :(

Four big things right now and the new challenge will be up shortly...

Happy St. Patrick's Day!
To celebrate we're having a FIFTY PERCENT OFF sale at today and tomorrow only!  Just use the discount code STPATS!

(Remember, when using a discount code, it will require you to go through the PayPal steps first and then allow you to enter the code.  You will still get the full discount!)

Winner of MayzyArt Challenge #011
(FINALLY, oh my gosh guys, I'm so sorry about this.  I'm a complete idiot and... I honestly thought I'd already posted this!!)

First Place:

Congrats, Debbie!  You won three stamps!!

Grand Prize:

Congrats Carla!  You've won five stamps!!

The winners from MayzyArt Challenge #012!  It's a big winnin' sort of day!!

First Prize

Congrats Louise M!  You also won three stamps!

Grand Prize:

Congrats Sandra!  You also won five stamps!!

Winners- you will be contacted by email shortly!!

A big new addition to the collection!  Three new stamps and a new special offer which, from now until Easter, is being offered at a special discounted price!

From now until Easter, this collection is being offered for a dollar off!!

Monday, March 4, 2013

March Madness

I can't believe it's already March!  This year has been crazy so far!

To celebrate, we're having a March Madness sale at MayzyArt!

Use the coupon code MARCH for a big 40% off your whole order!!

Sale ends Wednesday, so take advantage while you have the chance!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

A Couple Announcements

Hey Everyone,

In case you missed it on the Facebook group, I'm afraid I'm under the weather and ordered to bed rest for the time being.  As such, I'm not able to be very active on MayzyArt right now.  I apologize and promise that regular posting will resume when I'm fully functioning.

In the meantime, because I'm weird like that, I'm celebrating my illness (and hopefully making up for the lack of new stuff) by offering a discount of 20% off all purchases of $15 or more in the MayzyArt shop!  Just use the discount code FEVER.  

I do have one new offering for you today

Finally, I am afraid that I'm going to have to disable anonymous comments on the blog.  I'm just getting inundated with spam comments and I don't see enough actual anonymous comments that it seems worthwhile.  I apologize for the inconvenience!

Saturday, November 17, 2012

It's a Blog Party!

Hello Everyone!

I'm sorry that this post is coming up late.  I am in Montana visiting my grandmother and I'm only able to get online by running down to the coffee shop.  Everyone say hello to Grandma Nella!

And now, as promised, we're going to have a blog party!  The basic concept is simple.  I've included links to the blogs of each member of the MayzyArt Design Team! By clicking on them, you'll get to feast your eyes on some fabulous new creations using MayzyArt Stamps.  In addition, each member of the team will be picking one person to win 2 free MayzyArt stamps!  That means you've got 6 different chances to win!  Requirements to win will differ for each DT member and will be listed on their blog posts for today.  Don't delay because winners will be announced on Monday!

Why are we doing this?  Why to celebrate the opening of and say a fond farewell to MayzyArt on Etsy.  If you haven't taken advantage of the screaming 50% off at, do so now!  It will only last until the stamps are sold out and they're almost gone.  Also, be sure to swing by and check out the new shop layout.  Got suggestions to improve the store?  Just click on that 'Suggestions Box' tab at the top of this blog.  :o)

Let the Blog Party Begin!!!

What's that?  Oh, well ok then.  I will also award two stamps to one person who comments on this post.  Be sure to include your email address and the comment that Grandma Nella likes best will win!!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

The BIG Announcement!!

Hello Everyone,

I live!  I want to thank everyone for being so patient with me over the last few months.  I can't tell you how crazy things have been and your notes of encouragement and kindness helped me through it all more than I can tell you.  Things are still not 100% back to normal and I'm afraid that the MayzyArt Challenge is going to currently stay on hold until January 2013, but I do have some big news as far as the shop goes...

Firstly, the events that took place during my absence have, unfortunately, left me with some bills that are sort of scary to think about.  As such, I'm having a big, big, super-big sale at!  In fact, EVERY STAMP in the shop is currently marked at FIFTY PERCENT OFF!  That's right, you can get single stamps for just a buck!  Stamp packs are starting at just $2.50!

Please share this news with all of your crafty friends.  I hate to sound beggery after you guys have been so awesome, but any income I can generate right now will be a huge relief.

But one thing you need to be aware of regarding this sale.  I have reduced the stock on all stamps to only 10 left and when they're gone... they're gone.


That's right, will be closing its doors for good.

But don't worry!  This is all building up to the opening of my NEW shop.... MAYZYART.COM! will offer a few changes and should be open to everyone, if all goes according to plans, by the end of the day today!  (I can't tell you how excited I am for this)

- Price increase: I'm sorry, y'all.  I didn't want to do it, but a girl's got to get by in the world.  The price increase is minor and MayzyArt stamps are still offered significantly cheaper than many online stamp providers.  I hope that you all understand!

- No more monthy freebies: Well, that's not entirely true.  Freebies now won't be sent with your purchase.  Instead, freebies will be posted to my freebie page  So you can benefit from the Mayzy freebies without even being obligated to a purchase.  That's actually a plus, right?

- Immediate shipping: That's right!  The reason freebies will no longer be packaged with orders is that orders will now be automatically sent to your email address!

- More payment options: Don't like PayPal?  I now accept credit cards!  (But don't fret PayPal lovers, it will still be just as acceptable)

- Much prettier and more convenient browsing: I love Etsy, don't get me wrong, but is gonna rock your socks.

So now, run to and take this chance to get all those MayzyArt stamps you've been eyeing and then please, please spread the word about this announcement!

Love you all,

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


Hey Kiddos,

Mayzy is on vacation and she's feeling great about it!  What's that mean for you?  Why another Crazy Mayzy sale, of course!!

From now until Tuesday if you enter CRAZYMAYZY into the coupon code area when ordering stamps from the shop you will get a big 20 % OFF!!!

Never used a coupon code? Check my handy-dandy diagram below for instructions!


Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Sale through Friday!

Hey Kiddos,

Sorry for the disappearing act of late.  I was hit by a nasty flu bug and it totally threw me for a loop.  Unfortunately, it made for not a lot of computer time.

But the good news is that I'm getting better and will be posting new stamps soon- I promise!  I also have a whole inbox full of great creations by y'all to share.  Just give me a few days, because I can't spend too much time on a computer right now without getting all dizzy and woozy.  Not fun!

BUT in order to perk up the spirits, I've decided to throw the first ever CRAZY MAYZY sale!  What is a CRAZY MAYZY sale?  Why just 20% off everything in the store!  Now's your chance to get that extra stamp or two you've been eye-balling.  Just use the coupon code CRAZYMAYZY on checkout!  (Be sure to use the code before you pay, because I cannot apply the discount without it!)

The sale will end Friday at midnight MST, so take advantage now!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Monday Already?

Boo for Monday, right?  Well let's liven things up a bit, shall we?  Use the coupon code MAYZYMONDAY to get 15% off your purchase!  Through Monday only, take advantage while you can!!