Showing posts with label Outlawz. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Outlawz. Show all posts

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Featured Blog: Lotta's Blog!


Today I'm featuring Lotta over at Lotta's Blog.  Lotta has a toooon of cards using MayzyArt stamps.  I had a really hard time picking out my favorites to show here!  Check this one out- I adore that she paired up Trixi and Texting Teen.  I may have squealed a little in glee.  <3

She does some awesome work combining stamps.  Please take some time to check out all her other fab cards!

Want your blog featured?  Me too!  Send me an email with a link to a blog post with a project created using a MayzyArt stamp.  You must have at least one project using a MayzyArt stamp in order to be featured. - Please use the subject line "Blog to be featured"

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Featured Blog: Carla's Stamping Spot!


I love citrus.  Love the look.  Love the smell.  Love the taste.  Love the color.  Lemons, limes, oranges...  I'm a citrus junkie.   So how can I not adore this beauty by Carla from Carla's Stamping Spot?  It makes me pucker up and feel refreshed just looking at it!

I hope you'll take a minute today to check out some of her awesome cards!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Featured Blog: LJT Graphic Designs!

Hey Kiddos,

Check it out, a tutorial!  I'm going to let you all in on a little secret (yeah right- secret).  I draw.  Heck, I go a little crazy if I'm NOT drawing, but I am horrible at coloring and making cards is just... rocket science to me.  Seriously, when Lisa explained 'paper piecing', my mind was blown.  

So I love a tutorial!  Check out the rest of this one over at LJT Graphic Designs.  And then take a peek at her other stuff.  Her blog's a bit new and needs some love.  :o)

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

More Marvelous Creations

I am always so impressed by the amazing things that you guys create using MayzyArt Stamps!  You come up with things that I would have never thought of as I drew the images.  Let's take a look at some examples, eh?

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

School time!

Hey Lords and Ladies of Craftalot!

...I'm feeling a little silly tonight.  It was a long day at work but I got quite a bit done, so life is good!  Only one stamp to post tonight but it's one of my favorites.  You may remember Hailey from the tire swing.  Here she is all dressed up for school.

On to the cards!  I've got a great selection today.  I'm always so impressed by your creations!!

Monday, March 26, 2012

Whew, we got a lot to cover

Hey folks!

As the successful Mayzy Monday sale winds to an end, I'm happy to finally post some new stamps.  Just some fair warning, posting may be a little slow this week as I am also putting a lot of time into some side projects.  No spoilers but you'll appreciate these in the long run.  ;-)

Today I'm unveiling the Expecting Mothers set, with three individual stamps or a discounted three-pack.  We have Mama Leah, Mama Mina and Mama Yoga.

I'm also pleased to share a whole load of new customer projects with you!  Hold on to your hats...

As I've said before, I loooooove getting your examples!  Please keep them coming!!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Loads of Pretty Pink

Hello all!

I just have two quick cards to share with you right now and then I'm going to take a nap.  Not sure why I'm so bushed!!

The first was created by Connie over at Grammy's Attic.  But wait, you say, I can't find this stamp in the MayzyArt Etsy shop!  that's because it is ONLY available on the Outlawz webpage.  Go join now- it's free!

The second was also posted by a member of the Outlawz and uses the Easter Bunny stamp which, I might add, is on sale at 25% off until Easter!!