Showing posts with label stitching. Show all posts
Showing posts with label stitching. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Stitched - Egyptian Garden Update

Progress as of September 6th

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Baby Biscornu

My first finish of the year! A tiny biscornu, pattern is a freebie by Indigo Rose, thread is "70" by Minnamurra, fabric is "Southern Sky" by Country Stitch, and tiny, tiny glass button by yours truly. The second pic is the button against my hand, just to show how tiny the button truly is.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Christmas 2010

This is the first year that I haven't participated in the TWBB (and other BB's) ornament exchange. I think I'd participated in it for 7 years, sending off 2 or 3 or 4 ornaments a year, some with a TW theme, some Christmas, some winter.

This year, the mood didn`t strike me, and, as you can see, the tree is pretty full of stitched stuff. I love the fact that I can look back, and remember opening all of those envelopes stuffed with ornaments (and sometimes other goodies!) each year.

For those of you reading, I hope the holiday season has been filled with family, friends and laughter, and I truly hope you have the best year in 2011!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Egyptian Garden Update....

Seems like slow progress, but I think I'm getting somewhere....

Saturday, November 27, 2010

More stitched!

I seem to be on an ornament roll lately, and here is the latest. It's from Cherished Stitches in the JCS 2006 Ornament Issue. I replaced the recommended fibres with Kreink Braid, left off the border and added the crystals.

I've also got more bumpy beads - after all, practice makes perfect!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Finally - Stitched!

It's been a year where I just haven't felt like stitching much. I'm not really sure why there's been a lack of inspiration, but the other night, I got the urge to finally stitch. I picked one of my favorite ornaments, a great colour and some lovely beads, and set to work!

This is from the JCS 2008 issue, and it's from the Cat's Whisker's Studio. Stitched entirely from Vicky Clayton's Deep Ocean, with Delica beads. This is the second time I've stitched this ornament - the first can be seen here. To complete either version, stitch everything except the small dot symbol in the same colour thread, and replace the small dot with Delica beads.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Sunday, January 17, 2010

St. Petersburg Progress

Here's White Nights in St. Petersburg by Chatelaine. I'm about 2/3 the way through part 4, and hope to have that complete by the end of the month.

Sunday, January 10, 2010


I promised updates, so without further ado, here's a WIP of Cirque de Carreaux, and some new lampwork I am working on.

Monday, December 07, 2009

Christmas Ornaments

I just got word that two of my ornaments were received, and I received one today. I made the entirely beaded one, and the bell-pull style, and received the "PEACE" ornament. For those of you who read the Wagon, the entirely beaded ornament was the one I wrote a post about a few months back, asking if people wanted/would appreciate a beaded ornament. I described the ornament as a hot-pink tie-fighter, and don't think the description is that far off.

Sunday, October 25, 2009


When I started Blogtoberfest, I had no idea how I was going to fill 31 posts. I haven't been the most active blogger this year, and some days I feel like I have absolutely nothing to post about. But here I am, a week short of the end, having posted on all except one day. With progress on at least 3 of my WIP's, and some new beads to boot. I have more progress to share this week on St. Petes and Cirque de Carreaux, and will have new beads to share tomorrow.

Sunday, October 18, 2009


Updates on "Cirque de Carreaux" and "White Nights in St. Petersburg"

Sunday, October 11, 2009


Updated Egyptian Garden and the start of Cirque de Carreaux, stitched with Dinky Dyes "Cowrie Shell". The instructions for Cirque tell you to pick a nice colour, and I'm glad I did, because even after 5 hours, I'm tired of purple and yellow.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Egyptian Garden Update and "Helper"

First of all, Happy Victoria Day to all in Canada - it's so nice to have a long weekend, even though it's grey and dreary here.

I finished the centre blue cross of "Egyptian Garden", and have all but 2 birds done of the next border. It's coming along quickly, although not as quickly as I might like.

I did some laundry this week, and as I was putting it away, I had a helper who came along to check the softness of my towels. It must have been soft enough for her, as she settled right in to the linen closet.

Sunday, April 05, 2009

An anniversary of sorts....

Today (April 5th) marks the 15th anniversary of Kurt Cobain's death. I was never much of a Nirvana fan, and I never really thought much of the band. I do remember the event distinctly because it was the first time that I'd found about the "news" on the internet, instead of a more traditional news medium. While that might not seem like such an event in 2009, 1994 was an era when the most current news was on TV, and perhaps the newspapers. Internet connections were rare, and most of the content was published by "enthusiasts" rather than corporations. Who would have thought that 15 years later I would be writing this blog, and publishing my own content out there.

Some updates:

The second sock is now 3/4 finished:

Egyptian Garden gained one and a half arms of the blue "cross":

And St. Petersburg gained a small building and a set of tiles:

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Snow Day & a Happy Dance

We ended up with a lot of snow today - about 15cm (6 inches) so I took full advantage of the snow and stitched most of the day. With so much stitching time, I managed to finish Alhambra Garden!!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

It's been too long

I can't believe it's been this long since my last post - and I have things to share, I just can't get pictures up. My laptop crashed in February, and although I was able to recover everything, I can't get back on to the internet with the laptop, and of course the only computer that connects to my camera is the laptop. It's terribly frustrating, but I'm hoping to get a new laptop and consolidate the laptop and desktop on to one computer.

I took a "freeform" beading class a few weeks ago, and finished a bracelet that I'm rather pleased with. I think it looks like undersea coral - lots of little branches of purples and blues, with some lampwork glass and crystals. Of course, that's my opinion now that I'm done with it, as there were plenty of moments that I *hated* the thing on the way to getting it finished. After I finished, I decided I was back to liking it, and liked it so much that I started a second bracelet, which will be white/cream with lots of vintage buttons and some spring green accents. I'm in the middle of the bracelet at the moment, which means I alternate between loving and hating it. I'm sure everything will work out, but there sure are tons of moments of self-doubt in the middle of a free form project.

In addition to that, I'm *almost* done beading Alhambra. It's now very sparkly, and the small packets of beads that I've had for far too long are getting smaller and smaller, which is encouraging. I hope to be done with Alhambra sometime this week, but again, no pictures until I can get the computer thing sorted out.

Monday, January 19, 2009

More Watergarden....

I'm glad I picked up Watergarden again - I'm really enjoying it, and it may actually be achievable to finish it in 2009!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Watergarden Progress

Here's my long neglected Watergarden - I finally made some progress on it this week.