A few more things to share. I'm currently stitching on Russian Nights by Bestitched - I've got all of the cross-stitching done, and am working on the back stitching. There's a few more speciality stitches to go in before the whole thing is finished, and then it will be done! It's a pretty easy stitch, but I haven't picked it up in a while and it's been sadly neglected.
I also have a picture of the latest jewellery project - this is a ring I finished for the class I'm taking. The class is through the extended studies department of the local art college, but you can take the class for credit as well. so they assign marks for the class. Apparently I got an A- for the term, which isn't bad - I've been told they don't give "A"'s to first year students.
I also took a picture of all of the ornaments that went on the tree this year. After participating in the TWBB ornament exchanges, Needle and Thread BB ornament exchanges and now the SBEBB ornament exchanges, I've managed to get a good collection for the tree.