Showing posts with label photography. Show all posts
Showing posts with label photography. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 30, 2013


Hi everyone, this day has really gotten away from me so I just have a couple of minutes to post, but I wanted to tell you about this inspiring blog called "We Go to and Fro".  Dennis Bovee is a homeschooling Mom and an amazing photographer who lives with her husband (who is also an extremely talented photographer) and girls' in Southern, California.  As part of their homeschool experience they go on daily adventures to the coolest places!  I love reading her blog and following her on Instagram.  They live such a simple yet beautiful life!!  I wish I had more time right now because I could go on and on, but since you have the above links now, you can take a look and follow them along on their travels yourself!  xx

Thursday, December 13, 2012


Sigh .... I'm in a dreamy state just looking at these beautiful romantic images by photographers Sanchez and Mongiello taken for The New York Times Style Magazine in 2010.  Even though these aren't things I'd normally wear, wouldn't it be fun to dress up for a day in one of these and even be transported into one of these gorgeous snow scenes?

Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Oh wow, I couldn't resist posting this soft pastel retro images from Lula Magazine. Model, Monika Sawicka, looks great in any style or clothing era and photographer, Sophia Sanchez, creates the perfect muted tones and retro styling for these photos.

Beautiful images have a way of brightening my day.  Hope these do that for you, too!  xx

Monday, November 12, 2012


Good morning! I found the most beautiful blog about color that I wanted to share with you this morning. It's called Criottes Palette Culinaire and I'm floored by the BEAUTY and COLOR I discovered there. I will definitely be adding this blog to my blog roll.  I believe it's written in French, so unless you speak/read French, you might not understand the words, but the photos speak for themselves.  I spent most of my time in my high school French class goofing off and not paying attention.  Too bad ... I could have had an enchanting time reading this lovely blog.  ;)

Have a look and let me know what you think!  xo

Friday, November 9, 2012


Hi there!  I don't have much time to blog today, but thought I'd leave you with a couple of links so you can start your weekend out on a beautiful note.  :)

Anne He is a 17 year old fashion photographer with an amazing style all her own!  To learn more about Anne and to view more of her stunning work you can visit her website or browse her Flickr photostream.

Have a great weekend everyone!!  xo


Thursday, November 1, 2012


Some days I'm just in the mood to see some Polaroid images ... how about you?  These soft vintage images were taken by photographer, Courtney Patch.  Aren't they stunning?  To purchase her photos you can visit her Etsy shop , to view more of her professional work visit her website, or if you have a few free moments you might enjoy visiting Courtney's blog right HERE .  

Wednesday, October 24, 2012


Good morning!  I've been meaning to post this for a couple of weeks, but there's been so much going on and I've been having a hard time squeezing in some blogging time.  Darn!  I keep making a commitment to be more consistent and I just can't seem to stick with it.  ;)

Anyways, several of my photos and my story are in the Autumn 2012 issue of Somerset Life ... such an honor!!

Monday, October 15, 2012


Good Monday morning!  I hope it's been just that (good) for you so far.  You know how Monday's can go.  ;)

I love to start out the week with some color inspiration and these muted tones calm the nerves, don't you think?  Not to mention, the scene itself is calming and peaceful.

What colors and images calm you when you're feeling anxious?

Tuesday, October 9, 2012


Photo via Kauffman Mercantile

Good morning!  So sorry for my absence the last few weeks.  I've really missed blogging but had some big life events that came up along with a computer that was infected by a virus.  It's all fixed now and things are getting back to normal, so I hope you'll continue to drop by.  :)

This photo makes me want to fill a backpack with granola bars and trail mix and take off for the mountains.  Isn't it beautiful?

O.k., once again I need a reminder on how I can go about finding the photographer who took this image?  Any ideas?  I seriously have the memory of a snail.

Monday, September 10, 2012


Good morning.  :)  Sorry for being MIA last week, but we had a lot of transitions going on around here!  My son moved back in with us for three weeks before he leaves for 6 months on a mission trip (similar to The Peace Corps) plus I had several medical tests lined up.  Having my son here is GREAT ... having medical tests, though, not so fun. 

Over a week ago my husband and I took a day trip to Sequim, Washington to watch the Hot Air Balloon Festival.  Unfortunately, they had to cancel it due to high winds, but we still had a great time at the beach (The Dungeness Spit) and you can't beat the Sequim countryside!

Other than that, I've been taking lessons on a sweet Palomino horse named Skittles (I'll take pictures soon!) and am busy planning a stay-cation for our family later this week.  We're planning on staying here at our condo in Kirkland, WA. and visiting various sites around Seattle ... including the new ferris wheel.  Can't wait!

What have you been up to lately?  Any news from your neck of the woods?

Friday, August 24, 2012


So glad it's Friday!  How about you?  We're having some "Fall-ish" weather here in the Seattle area and I'm looking forward to spending a lot of time outside.  Hope you have fun plans or even just plans to relax and lay low this weekend. 

On Sunday my husband and I visited a small island about an hour north of us called Jetty Island.  We took a little boat across the water to get there.  The boat ride literally took about 2 minutes.  The island was really beautiful but we vowed to bring an umbrella, volleyball, and sunscreen with us next time!  I took the above photos there. 

Also, my brother came up on Tuesday and we went out for a Mexican dinner and enjoyed catching up.  He's the nicest guy ... very easygoing .... and it had been over a month since I'd seen him.

Some other GREAT news I learned this week is that I'll be leasing a beautiful Palomino half Arabian half Quarterhorse Mare (she looks a lot like THIS) starting next Monday!!  It's just a partial lease (no way could I afford the full lease) which includes a weekly lesson and another day just to come hang out with her, groom her, etc.  I'll have to earn my keep by cleaning stalls and tack, weeding around the fences, etc.  Way worth the work in my opinion!

Other than that, I changed up my blog a bit (again) and edited a couple new photos.  :)

Did you have a good week?  What's new?

Friday, August 17, 2012


These two photos are new in my Society 6 shop.   You can find them HERE and HERE.  :) 

Have a great weekend, everyone!  Hope it's cooled down where you live.  We're skipping town and going to one of our favorite waterfront towns.  We hope to be able to move there someday when the market is looking up.  I'm looking forward to lots of fresh air, browsing through the quaint little shops (I need a leather or chunky silver bracelet ... I really do), eating a seafood dinner, and taking lots of photos!

Thursday, August 9, 2012


Hello, happy Friday!  I bet you're looking forward to the weekend.  Hope it's a great one for you.  :)

Lately I've been up to a little bit of this and a little bit of that.  I have a new art publisher and these are the photos they put together as mock-ups.  In other words, they'll work on them a little bit more to make sure the colors and images go together, and then they'll meet with buyers from various retailers and see if anybody wants them!  Crossing my fingers that they'll be well-received.

I've also been doing some decorating (which I love).  Here's a photo of our mantel (first photo on the top left) ... I'll probably end up moving things around some more, but for now this will have to do.

This weekend my husband and I will be seeing "Chaps" at the lovely Taproot Theater in Seattle.  They have such a good mix of comedy and drama and their free coffee is pretty great, too!

Other than the above, I'm still on the lookout for a horse to lease and some lessons to go with it, and I have several upcoming doctor appointments ... not my favorite thing, but a necessary evil these days.

Have a great weekend, friends!  I treasure your comments and would love to hear from you.  :)  xo

Thursday, August 2, 2012


Good morning!  Thanks for bearing with me as I neglected my blogging duties yesterday and took off for a country drive.  It ended up not being one of the most relaxing drives because I got lost, stuck in a major traffic jam, and was so focused on finding my way home that I didn't get any photos worth posting.  It was a "Murphy's Law" kind of day.  ;)

Today I want to introduce you to the lovely work of Phoebe Reid!  Phoebe is a former student of mine from my creativity e-course, Raining Umbrellas.  Although I'd love to take credit for her amazing talent, I have nothing to do with it.  She was creating these beautiful images before she even started the class!  Phoebe uses a special photography method called "Tilt Shift" to get that lovely blurry effect with her photos.  That's something I'd love to try with my photos in the future.  :)

To quote one of Phoebe's friends ... "Phoebe has a way of transporting a viewer into these magical worlds. Her images seem to be snapped not in our world but one where fairy tales and magic exist."

To view more of Phoebe's work, you can visit her Etsy Shop , her blog, or her captivating art blog!