Ah, a veš tisti super občutek, ko te v nabiralniku čaka pošta iz Born Pretty Store? Božanski, ane? Prejela sem štiri izdelke, danes pa se bom posvetila tem čudovitim, pisanim kamenčkom. Ah, you knowthatgreat feelingwhen geta package fromBornPrettyStore?Divine,right?I have receivedfourproducts, but today I will focus onthisbeautiful, colorfulrhinestones.
Uf, dobro mi uspevajo tele tedenske bitke! Evo novo, pike proti črtam! Pike vedno zmagajo, ampak sem vseeno želela vključiti tudi črte.
Great, I actually manage to publish one battle a week, go me! Here's a new one, dots vs. stripes. Dots always win for me, but I wanted to include stripes too.
Ojla! :P Pa nadaljujmo z izzivom, tokrat na točen datum. Pri rožicah in črtah sem se odločila uporabiti modro in vijolično barvo. Začela sem s Konad lakcem, za katerega nisem več prepričana, da je res v odtenku Pastel Lavender, morda je Pastel Blue. Nalepka je izgubljena, lak je na naravni svetlobi moder, na umetni in v temnejših prostorih pa dobi pridih vijolične (ki se noče spraviti na fotke!) - pa saj je vseeno, lep je!
Hello! :P Let's continue with the challenge, no delays now. For flowers and stripes I've decided to use blue and purple. I started with Konad nail polish and I'm not so sure any more it's really Pastel Lavender - it might be Pastel Blue. The shade name is lost, the polish is blue on natural light and a bit violet (which is impossible to capture on picture!) on artificial light and in darker rooms. Well, it doesn't matter, it looks nice.
Pa nadaljujmo z izzivom. Za drugi dan ustvarjamo z belo po črni. Kot črno bazo sem uporabila Barry M Black: Let's continue with the challenge. Second day is about white on black. First, I've applied Barry M Black:
Moji nohti niso velikokrat modri, ampak tale lak je pa krasen! ;) Catrice Blues Brother Vol. II, Konad ploščica M 75 in Konad kamenček. My nails aren't blue often but this nail polish is just gorgeous! ;) Catrice Blues Brother Vol. II, Konad M 75 and Konad rhinestone.