Prikaz objav z oznako shoes. Pokaži vse objave
Prikaz objav z oznako shoes. Pokaži vse objave

nedelja, 6. september 2015

NOTD: Louboutin

Ne padam na znamke. V bistvu imam raje cenejše znamke, ker zapravljam z manj slabe vesti (o seštevkih na koncu pa raje ne bi :P). Razen, ko vidim karkoli, kar naredi Louboutin! Tole so bili prvi čevlji s petami, v katere sem se totalno zaljubila, ko sem gledala eno od oddaj Tima Gunna: 
I'm not that much into brands. I actually prefer cheaper ones, I can spend money without feeling guilty that way (and no, don't remind me, I know I probably spend more money that way :P). One of the exceptions is Louboutin though! These were the first shoes I ever fell in love with while watching one of Tim Gunn's shows: 

Source: Polyvore

Ljubezen na prvi pogled! 
In ko so lani izdali še lake za nohte, ki so prišli v Selfridges malo pred mojim obiskom Londona, sem bila prepričana, da bo Rouge Louboutin moj. Če si ne morem in ne dovolim privoščit čevljev, si lahko vsaj predrag klasičen, super prekriven rdeč lak za nohte (njegova steklenička je pa 2-v-1 hkrati še primerno orožje za samoobrambo!). Seveda je bil razprodan. 
Love at first sight! 
And then they came out with nail polishes last year. They came to Selfridges right before my trip to London, so I was sure Rouge Louboutin will be mine. If I can't and won't allow myself to buy the shoes, I can buy a too expensive, classic, opaque red nail polish (and the bottle is also self-defence weapon, so 2-in-1 folks!). Of course it was sold out.

Ah ja, v tolažbo sem kakšen mesec nazaj raje poustvarila Louboutin nohte z navadnimi laki. Podobno manikuro sem zasledila že nekaj časa nazaj nekje na spletu - KLIK - in sem jo želela narediti že nekaj časa, pa moji nohti nikoli niso bili dovolj dolgi. Za inspiracijo so prišli prav tile lepotci: 
Oh well, a month ago I made the Louboutin nails with the regular polishes. I saw something similar quite a while ago - CLICK - and I wanted to do it but my nails were never long enough. These beauties were my inspiration:

sobota, 18. oktober 2014

Instagrammin' #1

Na Instagramu sva! No, ena od naju, ampak glede na to, kako me je zasvojilo, je ena čisto dovolj. :P Lahko nama sledite na @mustvarjata in pustite svoje ime v komentarju, da nisva slučajno koga zgrešili! :) 
We're on Instagram! Well, one of us is and if I think about how it got me addicted, one of us is more than enough. :P You're more than welcome to follow us @mustvarjata and feel free to leave your username in the comments to make sure I didn't miss you there! :) 

Kaj sem objavila do zdaj?
What have I posted by now?

Hrano, seveda! 
Rumove kroglice, ki sem jih kradla mami. - Noro dobra ajdova skutna pita z - Tu pa tam sem zdrava in si privoščim kak smuti. - Tale čokoladica je iz čokoladnice Dobnik in je odlična! - (Brezalkoholni) koktejl iz Opera bara. - Moja rojstnodnevna torta po receptu Nothing Fancy Really. - Včasih tudi sama kaj skuham. - Najboljša stran Lendave je to, da je takoj za mejo v Murskem Središču picerija Vuri. - Tole je bila pa enkrat večerja. 
Food, of course! 
Rum balls I was stealing from my mom. - Awesomely good buckwheat pie from - I'm actually healthy here and there and I drink a smoothie. - This is the awesomest chocolate ever! - (Alcohol-free) cocktail from Opera bar. - My birthday cake made by recipe from Nothing Fancy Really. - I even cook sometimes. - The best thing about occasionally living in Lendava is the fact that right by the border with Croatia there's an awesome pizza place Vuri. - And this was a dinner one evening.

Mat lip glossi, o katerih lahko objavo preberete TU. - Moj rojstnodnevni makeup. - Najljubša Sleek Garden of Eden.
Matte lip glosses, you can read more about them HERE. - My birthday makeup. - Favourite Sleek Garden of Eden.

sreda, 21. avgust 2013

SunSmiles sandali // SunSmiles sandals

Kaj je boljšega za punco, kot če dobi nove čevlje? Skoraj nič, tako je! In si lahko predstavljate, da sem skočila do stropa, ko sta me kontaktirala prijazna Marjan in Gabrijela s SunSmiles Slovenija in mi ponudila, da me obujeta. Ko so me doma pričakali sandalčki, sem skočila pa še višje! Zakaj? Krasni so! Ampak to ni vse. 
There's nothing better for a girl than to get brand new shoes! And you can imagine how happy I was when Marjan and Gabrijela from SunSmiles Slovenija contacted me and offered me sandals. When I got home and saw them for the first time - love at first sight. But they're not just pretty, oh no. 

Sun on SunSmiles! ;)

četrtek, 15. avgust 2013

Blebetanje/Babbling #11

Nazaaaaj sem! Ne morem verjet, da je bilo tako dolgo in sem zanemarjala blog. Ampak zelo sem bila zaposlena - služba, izpiti ... Okej, priznam. Lena sem bila. Najprej sem gledala vse epizode Modern Family ...
I'm baaack! Can't believe it's been so long. I've been neglecting this blog. I'm sorry. But I've been busy, you see, work, exams ... Oh okay! The real reason was I was really lazy. And I watched all of the episodes of Modern Family first ... 

Potem sem naletela na Downton Abbey. Ojoj. Naglas in drama in mamo in ata bom zdaj klicala "mama" in "papa"! Komaj sem se zadrževala, da nisem non stop guglala, kaj se bo zgodila. Samo za gospoda Batesa sem se pregrešila, ampak moje srce ne bi vzdržalo. In zadnji del!!!
And then I found Downton Abbey. Oh my. The accent! The drama! I'm gonna start calling my parents "mama" and "papa"! I barely kept myself from googling what happens. I admit, I googled what happens to Mr. Bates. My poor heart just couldn't handle it! And the season finale! Oh no they didn't!!! 

torek, 22. januar 2013

Blebetanje // Babbling #3


Moj ati je najboljši! Bila sva v Mullerju, videla sem znižane Essence stvari in mi je kupil tale dva lepotca.
My dad is the best! We were in Muller, I saw Essence stuff discounted and he bought me these two beauties! 
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