Prikaz objav z oznako nail art. Pokaži vse objave
Prikaz objav z oznako nail art. Pokaži vse objave
četrtek, 31. marec 2016
Lady queen products: part 1
S spletne trgovine Lady Queen sem prejela v testiranje tri izdelke:
From a website Lady Queen I got this products to test:
sobota, 25. julij 2015
NOTD: Hearts (step by step)
Po dveh tednih geliš laka, sem se ga že malce naveličala, zato sem se odločila, da je danes čas za ustvarjanje. Tole je moja današnja manikura:
After two weeks with gelish nails, I got a little bored, so I decided that today is the time to create. This is my today's manicure:
After two weeks with gelish nails, I got a little bored, so I decided that today is the time to create. This is my today's manicure:
ponedeljek, 29. junij 2015
NOTD: Green & Silver
Se še spomnite zlatih in srebrnih kamenčkov, ki sem jih prejela s spletne strani Lady Queen?
Do you remember the gold and silver studs that I have received from the website Lady Queen?
Do you remember the gold and silver studs that I have received from the website Lady Queen?
Metal studs |
torek, 23. junij 2015
NOTD: New Born Pretty Store plates!
Pred časom so naju presenetili z Born Pretty Store in nama poslali super zbirko 10 novih šablon za vzorčke!
A while ago Born Pretty Store totally surprised us and sent us this awesome collection of 10 of their new stamping plates!
Najprej - poglejte lepo embalažo! Čisto preprost karton, ampak je tako lepo oblikovan in krasno shrani šablone.
First of all - look at the pretty packaging! It's a simple paper pocket, but so beautifully designed and stores the plates perfectly.
nedelja, 21. junij 2015
NOTD: Golden butterfly
Danes mi je uspelo preizkusiti še drugi izdelek, ki sem ga prejela s spletne strani Lady Queen.
Today I tried the second product that I got from the web page Lady Queen.
Today I tried the second product that I got from the web page Lady Queen.
Lady Queen |
nedelja, 14. junij 2015
NOTD: Metal studs
V četrtek sem po pošti prejela paketek iz spletne strani Lady Queen. Bila sem res vesela, saj novi izdelki pomenijo novo ustvarjanje. :-)
On Thursday I received a package from the website Lady Queen. I was really happy because the new products represent a new creation. :-)
On Thursday I received a package from the website Lady Queen. I was really happy because the new products represent a new creation. :-)
Metal studs |
ponedeljek, 25. maj 2015
NOTD: Shiny flower
sobota, 2. maj 2015
NOTD: Mermaids
Drug dodatek za nohte, ki sem ga prejela iz spletne strani Born Pretty Store so te luškane, zlate morske deklice.
Another add-on nails that I received from web page Born Pretty Store were these cute, golden mermaids.
Ob pogledu nanje sem se takoj spomnila na moje potepanje po Danski, skoraj tri leta nazaj. Aaaaah, super spomini!
At the sight of it, I immediately remembered my trip to Denmark, almost three years ago. Aaaah, great memories!
Another add-on nails that I received from web page Born Pretty Store were these cute, golden mermaids.
Ob pogledu nanje sem se takoj spomnila na moje potepanje po Danski, skoraj tri leta nazaj. Aaaaah, super spomini!
At the sight of it, I immediately remembered my trip to Denmark, almost three years ago. Aaaah, great memories!
ponedeljek, 20. april 2015
NOTD: It`s all about purple
Ah, a veš tisti super občutek, ko te v nabiralniku čaka pošta iz Born Pretty Store? Božanski, ane? Prejela sem štiri izdelke, danes pa se bom posvetila tem čudovitim, pisanim kamenčkom.
Ah, you know that great feeling when get a package from Born Pretty Store? Divine, right? I have received four products, but today I will focus on this beautiful, colorful rhinestones.
Ah, you know that great feeling when get a package from Born Pretty Store? Divine, right? I have received four products, but today I will focus on this beautiful, colorful rhinestones.
ponedeljek, 13. april 2015
sobota, 4. april 2015
NOTD: French kiss
torek, 31. marec 2015
NOTD: Be Berry Now
sobota, 7. marec 2015
Nohti nohti nohti // Nails nails nails
Juhuuu, spet so prispele dobrote z Born Pretty Store!
Yaaay, I reaceived a cute package from Born Pretty Store!
Čisto prvi so mi padli v oči tile srčki in preizkusila sem jih že v prvih nekaj dneh. Najdete jih TUKAJ (#16760) in so na voljo v različnih barvah, ampak beli so super praktični! Srčki so plastični, ampak dokaj na ozko odrezani, tako da niso moteči - niso pa upogljivi. Brez problema jih lahko uporabljate tudi kot okrasek za telefon ali kaj podobnega.
The first thing that caught my eye were these little hearts and I tried them as soon as I could. You can find them HERE (#16760) and you get them in different colours, but the white ones are super practical! The hearts are made of plastic, you can't really bend them but they're still comfortable. You can also use them to decorate the phone, by the way.
četrtek, 22. januar 2015
NOTD: Purple rain
Sicer tale fotografija ni bila posneta danes, ampak ker vam nisem še pokazala moje najnovejše geliš manikure ....
This photo was not taken today, but since I did`t even show you my latest Gelis manicure ....
Bolje pozno kot nikoli ane? :-)
Better late than never right? :-)
This photo was not taken today, but since I did`t even show you my latest Gelis manicure ....
Bolje pozno kot nikoli ane? :-)
Better late than never right? :-)
četrtek, 27. november 2014
NOTD: Lady in Red
četrtek, 23. oktober 2014
Gelish nohti // Gelish nails
sobota, 18. oktober 2014
Instagrammin' #1
Na Instagramu sva! No, ena od naju, ampak glede na to, kako me je zasvojilo, je ena čisto dovolj. :P Lahko nama sledite na @mustvarjata in pustite svoje ime v komentarju, da nisva slučajno koga zgrešili! :)
We're on Instagram! Well, one of us is and if I think about how it got me addicted, one of us is more than enough. :P You're more than welcome to follow us @mustvarjata and feel free to leave your username in the comments to make sure I didn't miss you there! :)
Kaj sem objavila do zdaj?
What have I posted by now?
Hrano, seveda!
Rumove kroglice, ki sem jih kradla mami. - Noro dobra ajdova skutna pita z - Tu pa tam sem zdrava in si privoščim kak smuti. - Tale čokoladica je iz čokoladnice Dobnik in je odlična! - (Brezalkoholni) koktejl iz Opera bara. - Moja rojstnodnevna torta po receptu Nothing Fancy Really. - Včasih tudi sama kaj skuham. - Najboljša stran Lendave je to, da je takoj za mejo v Murskem Središču picerija Vuri. - Tole je bila pa enkrat večerja.
Food, of course!
Rum balls I was stealing from my mom. - Awesomely good buckwheat pie from - I'm actually healthy here and there and I drink a smoothie. - This is the awesomest chocolate ever! - (Alcohol-free) cocktail from Opera bar. - My birthday cake made by recipe from Nothing Fancy Really. - I even cook sometimes. - The best thing about occasionally living in Lendava is the fact that right by the border with Croatia there's an awesome pizza place Vuri. - And this was a dinner one evening.
Mat lip glossi, o katerih lahko objavo preberete TU. - Moj rojstnodnevni makeup. - Najljubša Sleek Garden of Eden.
Matte lip glosses, you can read more about them HERE. - My birthday makeup. - Favourite Sleek Garden of Eden.
Harry Potter,
nail art,
nail polish,
new in,
Sigma Beauty,
skin care,
Yankee Candle
torek, 30. september 2014
NOTD: Cupcakes
Kako je lahko dan vedno par uric prekratek? :) In potem traja cel teden, da spacam polovico objave … Zato danes na hitro en NOTD. Čisto cupcake nohti s cupcake water decals z Born Pretty Store in Cupcake Kiko lakom, ki je odličen! Celo na mojih nohtih zdrži 4 dni, kar je pri meni rekord. ;)
How can there always be too little hours in a day? :) And then it lasts a week for me to write half a post … So there's a quick NOTD here today. Cupcake nails with cupcake water decals from Born Pretty Store and Cupcake Kiko nail polish that is great! It lasts 4 days on my nails, and that's my record. ;)
nedelja, 14. september 2014
NOTD: Yes Love
Tokrat vam predstavljam še drugi Yes Love lakec, ki sem ga dobila za roj. dan od Mateje D.
This time I would like to show you my second Yes Love nail polish, that I got for my birthday from Mateja D.
Tale je luštne vijola barve.
It`s really lovely purple colour.
Prav tako je potreben nanos dveh plasti laka.
You need to put on two layers of nail polish.
Barva je res čudovita in primerna, da poživi te turobne in deževne dni. :-)
It`s really lovely colour for this dreadfull and rainy days. :-)
This time I would like to show you my second Yes Love nail polish, that I got for my birthday from Mateja D.
Yes Love |
It`s really lovely purple colour.
Yes Love |
You need to put on two layers of nail polish.
Yes Love |
It`s really lovely colour for this dreadfull and rainy days. :-)
Yes Love |
sreda, 10. september 2014
NOTD: Makeup Revolution: Wanted & Key largo
Se še spomnite, kako so me iz strani presenetili s super paketkom? Vseboval je tudi tale 2 čudovita lakca Makeup Revolution.
Do you still remember the package that I got from They send me also those two amazing nail polishes from Makeup Revolution.
Do you still remember the package that I got from They send me also those two amazing nail polishes from Makeup Revolution.
Wanted & Key Largo |
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