Spet sem malce ustvarjala. Zelo težko imam namreč samo enobarven lak na nohtu, vedno morem še kaj dodati. :-)
I did some nail art again. Usually I can`t have just one colour on my nails, I always want to add something more. :-)
Prikaz objav z oznako Fleur de Sante. Pokaži vse objave
Prikaz objav z oznako Fleur de Sante. Pokaži vse objave
četrtek, 12. september 2013
sreda, 6. marec 2013
Fleur de Sante šampon za mastne lase
S Fleur de Sante sva dobili v test tudi šampon za mastne lase.
We also got shampoo for greasy hair from Fleur de Sante.
Sama sem se tega izdelka najbolj razveselila, saj imam kar probleme s svojimi lasmi. Poskusila sem verjetno že vse šampone na tržišču (za mastne lase). Vendar nekako je pri vseh enako in si moram lase umivati na dva dneva, kar pa vsekakor ni preveč dobro zanje.
I was really excited about that product because I have some problems with my hair. I probably tried almost all the shampoos on the market (for greasy hair). But the result is always the same - I have to wash my hair every two days and that's not good for them.
Essential Hair Care Fleur de Sante shampoo |
Šampon mi je zelo všeč. Po uporabi lasje zelo lepo dišijo. Na začetku sem imela nekaj težav, saj sem verjetno uporabila preveč oz. premalo šampona in sem imela potem precej trde lase in bi potrebovala še balzam za lase.
I really like this shampoo. Your hair smells really nice after using it. At the beginning I had some problems with it because I used to much or. to less of shampoo and I had very stiff hair and should use some conditioner.
torek, 26. februar 2013
Once Upon a Time Challenge 3 in 1
Malce zamujam z izzivom. Ampak evo objavo s tremi manikurami!
I'm a bit behind with the challenge. But here I am back on track with a post with three manis!
Najprej: najljubši ženski lik. Rdeča kapica/Ruby, seveda!
First: favourite female character. Red Riding Hood/Ruby of course!
I'm a bit behind with the challenge. But here I am back on track with a post with three manis!
Once Upon a Time Challenge |
Najprej: najljubši ženski lik. Rdeča kapica/Ruby, seveda!
First: favourite female character. Red Riding Hood/Ruby of course!
ponedeljek, 25. februar 2013
Fleur de Sante paletka
Ah, tole paletko sem želela pokazati že pred časom, ampak sem želela pokazati še en look z njo. No, fotoaparat ni sodeloval! Kar je škoda, ker je makeup lepo uspel. Ah ja, upam, da bodo vsaj tele fotke zadosti. ;)
Oh I really wanted to show this palette a while ago, but I wanted to add a look. Well, the camera didn't work with me! Which is too bad, makeup was nice. Oh well, I hope these photos will be enought. ;)
S Fleur de Sante so nama torej poslali Lightning Strike paletko. Barve so krasne in idealne za vsak dan - nekaj rozastih in nekaj rjavih, vse se da odlično skombinirati. Senčke so nekatere dobro pigmentirane, svetle pa malo manj, ampak vseeno dovolj vidne. Edina pomankljivost bi lahko bila, da se precej osipajo. So pa obstojne in na meni barve niso hitro zbledele.
We got the palette from Fleur de Sante - Lightning Strike. The colours are really lovely and ideal for every day - some pinks and some browns, all go really well together. Shades are well pigmented, the lighter ones a little bit less, but still enough. The only minus would be the fall-out. But the shadows are long lasting and don't fade out fast.
Fleur de Sante eyeshadow palette |
torek, 12. februar 2013
Fleur de Santé šminka Peach Perfection
Od Fleur de Santé sva dobili tudi krasno šminko! Barva je čisto "moja", idealna za vsak dan.
We also got a lovely lipstick from Fleur de Santé! It's a totally "my" colour, ideal for every day.
Fleur de Santé Peach Perfection |
Fleur de Santé Peach Perfection |
ponedeljek, 4. februar 2013
Essence Hugs and Kisses Part 2
Ups, še me je premamilo Essence Hugs & Kisses stojalo! Naredila sem si zalogo lip scruba, ker je res super, uspelo mi je dobiti še en rdeč lak s srčki, ujela pa sem še tale dva:
Oops, I was in front of Essence Hugs & Kisses display again! I bought lip scrub again (it's awesome!), I caught another nail polish with red hearts and I got these two beauties:
Essence Hugs and Kisses |
Essence Hugs and Kisses Sugar Baby Love lip tint je dooosti bolj roza v resnici.
The Essence Hugs and Kisses Sugar Baby Love lip tint is waaay more pink in reality.
petek, 1. februar 2013
Fleur de Santé Pearly Purple
V prejšnji objavi sva napovedali, da pričakujte nekaj Fleur de Santé objav. Pa začnimo! Mimogrede, a je tole prvi beauty box v Sloveniji?
We told you in the previous post to expect some Fleur de Santé photos in the future! Well lets start!
Fleur de Santé |
Saj me poznate in veste, da sem morala najprej preizkusiti lak! Ampak šminka in senčke bodo kmalu na vrsti. Mateja K. bo testirala šampon in poročala o rezultatih čez dva tedna ali tri. Mimogrede, skočite pregledat ponudbo Fleur de Santé!
You know I had to try the nail polish first, right? But expect lipstick and eye shadow palette swatches soon. Mateja K. will be testing the shampoo and write her review in two or three weeks. By the way, check if your country has Fleur de Santé too at the bottom of THIS page.
Dobili sva amaze (to me vedno spomni na Tino Maze!) lak za nohte v odtenku Pearly Purple. Je lušten temno roza odtenek, vsebuje pa veliko drobnega vijoličnega šimra.
We got amaze nail polish in Pearly Purple. It's a lovely dark pink shade with lots of tiny purple shimmer. Beautiful!
sreda, 30. januar 2013
Blebetanje // Babbling #4
Sloveniji je šlo prejšnji teden res super v športu. Robert Kranjec in Tina Maze sta zmagala, rokometaši so bili četrti. Zgubili smo proti Hrvaški za 3. mesto, mogoče zato, ker sem jedla hrvaško čokolado, medtem ko sem gledala tekmo (in vpila. Preveč se derem med gledanjem, ampak sem to res pogrešala, ker ko sem bila na faksu, nisem kaj dosti spremljala rokometa, v stanovanju ni bilo TV-ja, med kratkimi vikendi pa tudi nisem hodila na tekme.)
Slovenia was awesome at sports in the past week! Robert Kranjec won at ski jumping, Tina Maze at skiing and our handball team was fourth at the world championship. We lost against Croatia, we played for 3rd place. Maybe it was because I was eating Croatian chocolate while watching (and screaming. I really get too loud when I watch handball, oh I missed that - wasn't watching it much when I was at uni and didn't have a TV at my flat there & I wasn't home enough to go to the matches.).
Yummy Dorina |
Vsi imamo radi Zoey Deschanel, ane? Seveda. Ker je super in ker na rdeči preprogi ne pozabi na nohte! (In vse, ki gledate New Girl, a ste tako navdušene nad zadnjo epizodo kot jaz? :D)
We all love Zooey Deschanel, right? Of course we do. Because she's awesome and because she always remembers to do her nails for the red carpet! (And all of you that watch New Girl - are you as crazy about the last episode as I am?! :D)
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