Prikaz objav z oznako Four Elements Challenge. Pokaži vse objave
Prikaz objav z oznako Four Elements Challenge. Pokaži vse objave

sobota, 3. november 2012

Four Elements Challenge

Four Elements Challenge

Pa poglejmo še enkrat vse štiri naloge izziva. :)
Lets look at all four tasks from the challenge. :)

1. Fire

Fire nails

Fire eye make up

2. Water

Water nails

Water eye make up

3. Air

Air nails

Air eye make up

4. Earth

Earth nails

Earth eye make up

Kaj vam je najbolj všeč?
What do you like the most?

petek, 2. november 2012

Four Elements Challenge (Day 4) Earth

Four Elements Challenge

Končno! Slaba blogerka! Več kot teden dni sem prepozna z zadnjo nalogo Tayinega izziva. Ampak tu je, zemlja! 
Finally! Bad blogger! I'm more than a week late with the last task for Taya's Four Elements Challenge. But here it is now, earth! 

petek, 19. oktober 2012

Four Elements Challenge (Day 3) Air

Four Elements Challenge
Smo že skoraj na koncu Tayinega izziva! Tokrat sem sicer najprej pomislila na modro barvo, ampak se nisem želela ponavljati, zato sem pomislila malo drugače. Zrak me spomni na veter in pomislila sem na raznašanje jesenskega listja, zato sem manikuro ustvarila tako:
We're almost at the end of Taya's challenge! This time I thought about blue again, but I didn't want to repeat myself so I thought a bit differently then. Air reminds me of wind and I came up with winter throwing around autumn leaves. So I created my mani like that: 

petek, 12. oktober 2012

Four Elements Challenge (Day 2) Water

Four Elements Challenge

Pa nadaljujmo s Tayinim izzivom, tokrat je na vrsti voda in zame to pomeni modro barvo! Pred kratkim sem zmagala v Tayinem giveawayu, zato sem tokrat prvič preizkusila lakce, ki sem jih dobila. 
Lets continue with Taya's challenge, water is on this time and for me that means blue! I won some cute polishes in Taya's giveaway and it was time to try them. 

sobota, 6. oktober 2012

Four Elements Challenge (Day 1) Fire

Four Elements Challenge

Najin izziv se je končal, pa sem se pridružila Tayinemu! Pripravila je izziv štirih elementov in s prvo nalogo začenjam malo prepozno, ampak ta teden sem bila bolj malo doma. Moji nohti so bili že v groznem stanju, potem pa sem si končno vzela čas zanje in ustvarila manikuro za prvo nalogo - ogenj. 
Our challenge ended so I joined Taya's! She created a four elements challenge and I'm a bit late with the first task, but I wasn't at home much this week. My nails were looking horribly so they were happy I took a little time for them and created this - fire. 

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