Ne padam na znamke. V bistvu imam raje cenejše znamke, ker zapravljam z manj slabe vesti (o seštevkih na koncu pa raje ne bi :P). Razen, ko vidim karkoli, kar naredi Louboutin! Tole so bili prvi čevlji s petami, v katere sem se totalno zaljubila, ko sem gledala eno od oddaj Tima Gunna:
I'm not that much into brands. I actually prefer cheaper ones, I can spend money without feeling guilty that way (and no, don't remind me, I know I probably spend more money that way :P). One of the exceptions is Louboutin though! These were the first shoes I ever fell in love with while watching one of Tim Gunn's shows:
Ljubezen na prvi pogled!
In ko so lani izdali še lake za nohte, ki so prišli v Selfridges malo pred mojim obiskom Londona, sem bila prepričana, da bo Rouge Louboutin moj. Če si ne morem in ne dovolim privoščit čevljev, si lahko vsaj predrag klasičen, super prekriven rdeč lak za nohte (njegova steklenička je pa 2-v-1 hkrati še primerno orožje za samoobrambo!). Seveda je bil razprodan.
Love at first sight!
And then they came out with nail polishes last year. They came to Selfridges right before my trip to London, so I was sure Rouge Louboutin will be mine. If I can't and won't allow myself to buy the shoes, I can buy a too expensive, classic, opaque red nail polish (and the bottle is also self-defence weapon, so 2-in-1 folks!). Of course it was sold out.
Ah ja, v tolažbo sem kakšen mesec nazaj raje poustvarila Louboutin nohte z navadnimi laki. Podobno manikuro sem zasledila že nekaj časa nazaj nekje na spletu - KLIK - in sem jo želela narediti že nekaj časa, pa moji nohti nikoli niso bili dovolj dolgi. Za inspiracijo so prišli prav tile lepotci:
Oh well, a month ago I made the Louboutin nails with the regular polishes. I saw something similar quite a while ago - CLICK - and I wanted to do it but my nails were never long enough. These beauties were my inspiration: