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Showing posts with label panorama. Show all posts
Showing posts with label panorama. Show all posts

Saturday, 5 January 2013


I keep losing my city. Either I am getting old and not easily adapt to the way my city changes as I did before. Or the city gets more brutal and people-unfriendly, I do not know the real reasons of my unwillingness to take camera and to photograph Moscow.

Meanwhile here are two winter panaramas of 2011. Lovely pink-grey of the lower sky is smog, pollution.
Posted by Irina.

Saturday, 22 September 2012

Petrovsky Palace

The Palace was built between 1776-1780. It was planned to be a residence of regal persons, place where they could relax on their long trip from St.Petersberg to Moscow. Almost 3 centuries later the palace is located in the central part of the city, only 7 km (4,5 miles) from the Kremlin (bigest circle in the map shows the cities' border right now).
Click photo for the details

At present the official name of the Palace is the Guest House of the Mayor’s Office with elements of hotel facilities.
Here is the Tripadvisor about palace: in case you would like to step into Ekaterina II's, Russian poet Lermontov's or Napoleon's shoes)

Posted by Irina

Friday, 14 October 2011


125 years ago V.Tatlin, the founder of Russian Constructivist art was born. Exhibition in Tretiakov gallery at Krimsky val shows 60 of his works of 2 decades in the beginning of 20th century.
(here you see the costume and playbill of the V.Khlebnikov's "Zangezi", directed, set designed and played by Tatlin, Tatlin's head sculpture and entrance poster with one of his paintings on it). 

Bonus photo shows the view from the gallery window.

Wiki about Tatlin (Eng).

Posted by Irina.

Thursday, 29 September 2011

Restaurant View

The breathtaking view from the top floor of "Sputnik" hotel. Indian restaurant is located there and, if you like Indian cuisine like I do, welcome to the place, to enjoy food, hospitality and the view.

The site of the restaurant. The place was full and many visitors were native Indians, which I always considered to be good sign for national cuisines in Moscow.

Sorry for the quality of the photo (my hands and air conditioned in the right corner), I was too mesmerized by the view to notice these "details"..

Posted by Irina.

Friday, 6 May 2011

Trubnaya Square

View from Trubnaya square.
The red brick building on the left and all three onions belong to convent, founded in 1380, one of the oldest convents in Moscow. The building on the right are modern ones, decorated in 19th century's style. In front of these buildings, on the other side of the boulevard, there is a newly born glass-and-concrete monster. I will not show it to you, do not want to frighten you on Friday evening).

About convent - link in Russian here.

Orthodox church -  site in English.

Google map.

Posted by Irina.

Tuesday, 30 November 2010

Smolenskaya Square

I like the feeling of space you can get early in the morning on a sunny Sunday in big city.

It is Sadovoe koltso, Garden ring (unfortunately the road won over the gardens during the years),  which goes around the city center.
The protective bank (rampart?) made of soil  surrounded Moscow from enemies since the beginning of 17th century. Later it was reconstructed in wood and was about 5m(16') high. By the end of the 17th century it became the customs border around the city. And in the beginning of 19th the wall was in no use and partly destroyed, the city spreading. So authorities decided to construct the wide road around the city.
200 years later the Garden ring shows the bounds of the city center, when the whole city grew and its bounds changed so dramatically.

Wiki (ENG).

Google map.

Posted by Irina.

Wednesday, 18 August 2010

City Panorama

The view of Moskva-river in the city center today. They say the hottest summer in 1000 years (I do not know who did statistics 900 years ago :-))) will be over tomorrow. We'll see.

Google map.

Saturday, 26 June 2010


Friday evening. This road, Prospekt Vernadskogo, is heading straight to the centre of the city, to the church of Christ the Saviour, seen in the distance. Main traffic is on the left side of the road, as everybody (the ones, who did not do it earlier) going out of the city. Weather forecast promised high temperatures for this week-end, and was true.
This road is the bridge over Moskva-river. And the lower part of the bridge is underground (metro) station. So I promise to spot the bridge in full glory next time. For this post I want to show the panoramic view from above the bridge.

Google map, Mr.Gomez!

For a change, let's do some training in foreign language:
SevOdnya v gOrode Ochen jArka. It is very hot in the city today. (Almost common phrase for Northern hemisphere, I think:-))))

Posted by Irina

Thursday, 20 May 2010

Across the Bridge

I have climbed up the bridge across the Moscow-River, hoping to make interesting photos of city's panorama. On the way back I photographed a passing stranger, and, after returning home, I realized that this picture is more interesting for me than the Moskva-River
I also enclose the river, please choose which subject is more interesting for you.
And the bridge. If someone had told me six month ago that I would turn into curious photo-hunter climbing the bridges, I would consider him a great joker. It is all Moscow photoblog's fault!... 

Posted by Irina.

I've almost forgot:
Google map

Tuesday, 6 April 2010


Moscow is very quickly changing mix of different styles of architecture. I post the proof image. Here we get, from left to right. The trade centre (mix of Greek Ionic columns with classic building), further to the right is a Georgian restaurant (Gothic-Japanese-Russian village-Georgian fortess mix), Soviet concrete of 70th of 20th century, 19th century classic, S.Stolpnik church, renovation in progress on the right.
Here is a link to Moscow panoramic views to see this street from the point near the church. You can scroll to the left and right, look at the sky, zoom in or out, and (what I liked most) see my city in the summer. The site offers different panoramas of the city, in good quality. I have just found it via Google image.

Posted by Irina.

Saturday, 20 June 2009

Yesterday I went to the top floor of our new office and took this panorama photo. What a view!

Saturday, 6 December 2008

You didn't think I could leave you without Kremlin panoramic view, did you? Well, here is it: a sight of Kremlin from the top of my business center. One more interesting thing about this view: you can see buildings within Kremlin wall that are unreachable for one's eyes from the ground level.

Friday, 7 September 2007

Kremlin, panorama

This is a final photo in the series made on the riverside by Kremlin wall. I'm sure now you're able to recognize all the buildings in this pictures.

We are going to have a cold and rainy weekend over here so enjoy a nice weather in your city on my behalf as well.

Tuesday, 26 June 2007

Vorob'evy Hills

Major territory of Moscow University is located on the high bank of Moscow river. There is a view point across the Main Building, which provides a gorgeous prospect of the city below. This panorama was taken from there, you may spot in this picture most part of famous Moscow objects.


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