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Showing posts with label indoors. Show all posts
Showing posts with label indoors. Show all posts

Monday, 3 October 2011


The tiny cafe at Nikitsky boulvard. 6 small tables, coffee smell, shop in the basement, and the blackboards, full of notes, sketches, thoughts, announcements, full of moments of life.

Link to cafe's website.
Google map.

Posted by Irina.

Tuesday, 28 September 2010

In Artist Studio

Today we have photos inside the artist studio. You know that I take art class, and this is exactly like my art class looks.

First time I was there, I thought "what a mess, urgent order and cleaning are highly recommended...", now I understand that creativity lives only inside the freedom of the mess.

Posted by Irina

Monday, 22 February 2010

Moscow House of Music

Well, these days we have  such a weather... If you have any depressing thoughts, your depression will grow large like a flower. I see so many flowers like that at the macro photos of my friends living in more  fortunate weather conditions :-))
That is why I refuse to post my city photos deep in frost and snow. We have cultural life, yes we do. If we succeed to reach cultural places through the snow barricades.
Joe Bonamassa visited the city and played rock and blues during this weekend. That was good. Professional and strong. Joe, thank you very much.
He performed in Moscow House of Music (official website for Moscow located readers), the building constructed in 2002 and is great place to be in touch with classical, jazz, rock, world music. There is one of the best organs in Moscow behind this removable curtain.

The only thing I do not understand is why there is no place for standing audience. When I hear the first sounds of rock music, I need to get up and dance, move, swallow beer, well you know.
I am afraid that now Joe thinks of us as if Muscovites is polite, calm and cold audience. No, we are not at all :-)))

Friday, 11 December 2009


I was waiting for khinkali take out and experimenting with my camera, when this shot was made. I think it is interesting. It is a lamp in Georgian cafe with small piece of NewYear decoration.
Do you know what "khinkali" is? It is the name of Georgian ravioli, but 10 times larger, meat+herbs+pepper filling. The cafe is popular place among Moscow Georgians and always full, it is cheap, very modestly designed but food is delicious.
This post may be useful for Moscow located visitors of Moscow Daily Photo blog. If you are interested, I can provide the address info.

Wednesday, 1 July 2009

Theme Day: Empty

Today is the 1st and that means a Theme Day! I've missed the June one so for July one I'll post two photos! In fact, several days old picture of my new office suits the best, but I've posted it already. So here is one more photograph from the same location showing another section of the office.

Click here to view thumbnails for all participants

Friday, 19 June 2009

On the move

As I told you yesterday, my company is changing its office and IT department was the first to move. The new office is empty and quiet yet but in a short while it will come to life, get crowded with busy people and filled with thousands of daily noises.

Sunday, 3 May 2009


And for a change .... a photo of myself!
In fact, I'm just boasting of my new dancing dress, but one has right to enjoy one's hobby, doesn't [s]he? :)

Wednesday, 29 April 2009


This is a staircase in one of the multi-stored appartment buildings. This house is 5 stores high, and for that reason there is no elevator. The picture is rather typical for 30-40 years old buildings.

P.S. Another version on my extension site.

Sunday, 29 March 2009

Cinema: view behind

That miracle of cinema 'backstage', if it can be called so, always fascinated me. Yesterday I sat near enough to the last row to catch an opportunity of taking photo there.

As you might know, Earth Hour took place yesterday. Moscow city participated this year, and I meant to take part in turning off lights myself (which I actually did by going out last night :)).

And today Russia switched to summer-saving time which means we had 1 hour less to sleep :) But, as a reward, we'll get later sunsets and, consequently, later nightfall, which mean longer days. Not bad, I should say.

Wednesday, 11 March 2009

In the supermarket

I guess, supermarkets are rather the same all over the world, though some minor details might be peculiar. I really don't know what can attract your attention but I'd like to learn about anything you find strange in this picture.

Wednesday, 11 February 2009

I've been reading a lot of Maugham lately, taking exquisite pleasure in his novels and stories. And, you know, I realised that all books by that writer bear, in fact, the same idea: let you be yourself. Being one's self requires one's suprime courage, doesn't it? But fearless will be rewarded with great happiness and richness of the lives.
This is one more photo from the children's art-studio. I believe, it provides little people with amazing opportunities to discover their talents and inclinations - poetically speaking, to explore their souls.

Tuesday, 10 February 2009


Twice a week I take dance classes, and the room rent for that is located in the children's library. The same library also hosts a learning center which includes a studio for little artists. I love coming there and look at their picture. Those children draw much better that I'll ever be able to! And I like the atmosphere of the place.


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