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Showing posts with label Kremlin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kremlin. Show all posts

Friday, 2 May 2014

The Kremlin Domes

View from Bolotnaya Square.

I do not have plans to revive this blog and start posting on daily basis. The idea to post  came to me yesterday, while walking the evening streets. I realized that there are still places in the city which remind me Moscow I knew and loved. If I keep finding these places I will be glad to share with you.

I turn off the comments, as it is unfair to get your kindness and attention and not to pay back (as I narrowed the total of my web browsing time to 2 hours a day).

All the best to you guys out there!

Posted by Irina.

Wednesday, 18 December 2013


Posted by Irina.

Saturday, 30 March 2013

St. Basil's

It was well lit by the winter sun, so I could not resist to make a photo.
Though it is not easy these days, when city is a big construction site.

Posted by Irina.

Saturday, 9 March 2013

Moscow Yards

The yard in 5 minutes walk  from the Kremlin.

Posted by Irina.

Thursday, 26 January 2012

Kremlin Domes, Framed

The view of Kremlin domes through the window in Tretiakov's art Gallery Engineer Building. On the left there is a reflection of the chandelier inside the spiral staircase:

Thursday, 12 January 2012


I was browzing through my grey winter photos and decided to decorate the blog with a bit of red.
But I did not want you to be confused, so here I enclosed the original version, too.

Monday, 26 December 2011


Winter in Kremlin, one more view from Alexandrovsky garden. 

Saturday, 24 December 2011


Snow arrived at last. And though it was late by almost 2 months, it showed us that it planned to stay for long. Feels good - fresh, clean and a little chilly.

The photo from Alexandrovsky garden near Kremlin.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
My warmest congratulation to you and yours!

Sunday, 6 November 2011

Sunny Day in November

Yesterday it was amazing sunny autumn day.

I want to ask my readers to pardon me for the absence and occasional posts.

I do not manage to post on daily basis and that is why I will be glad if someone of my Moscow located readers will be interested to join this photoblog and to post Moscow photos together with me. If you want to be in, please leave your comment here and I will contact you or please send me a message. 

Posted by Irina

Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Theme Day: My favorite part of town

Red Square is definitely my favorite part of Moscow. You see, I'm an American girl living here teaching English. To me, it's really special, as it was the first major landmark in Moscow I saw. I still remember walking through the gates and seeing the beautiful onion domes of Saint Basil's Cathedral  for the first time. I love coming here and just wandering around, staring at centuries of history. Needless to say, almost 1.5 years later, the novelty still hasn't worn off!
Now, for a little tour - on the right side, you can see part of the Kremlin wall and the Spasskaya Tower with it's iconic clock. At the end, there's the beautiful Saint Basil's Cathedral. On the left side, not very visible in this picture, there's the big shopping mall GUM, all lit up at night. Currently, there's also an ice skating rink which I absolutely love skating on! At the other end, there's the State History Museum in the center, and more of the Kremlin off to the left. The right side shows more of the ice skating rink.
Hope you enjoyed the tour!

posted by Ashira

Monday, 14 February 2011

Guard of Honor

These boys are the guards of honor near the tomb of unknown soldier of Second World War near Kremlin wall.
It is frosty now, I wonder how they manage to stand still for an hour when it goes down to -20C (-4F)
Look how they make the replacement,

Posted by Irina.

Sunday, 2 January 2011

Inside the Moscow Kremlin

Cathedral Square (p.4 at the map below)

Moscow Kremlin, major fortified central complex of the foundation of the city, started, according to chronicles, in 1156  (link to Kremlin site in Eng), UNESCO world heritage site.
Window of Big Kremlin palace (p.7 at the map below) 
The main entrance, KutAfya Tower (p.12 at the map below)
The little carriages to the left and right of the tower are ticket offices, entrance fee to the site is about 10 Euro, if you want to go inside the churches, about 15 Euro.
I did photo from p.5 of the map below 

It is the building of military school, constructed in 1932-34 on the place of demolished in 1926 two monasteries.
They provide map when you buy the ticket
Last time I was here when I was 10, with my parents. Then the trees were greener and the buildings higher. And the beautiful park inside the Kremlin wall was open to public (not now!).

We have 10 days New Year holidays here (31/12-10/01). Great challenge for figure and mind. And opportunity to make photos of something special.

Wiki about Moscow Kremlin.
Google map.

Posted by Irina.

Monday, 14 December 2009

Yellow Submarine?

Today we had sun (at last!). But. Why there is always "but"? But the temperature at a moment is -20C (-4F) and I do not feel strong enough to go out to make photos.

That is why I am posting my yesterday photo. My favorite ingridients collected all together: river, bridge, boat and the city.

Friday, 11 December 2009

Amusement Palace

This is the Amusement Palace, located in the Kremlin. Funny name for a church, don't you think?
I love the colors - they're even more vibrant in the sun, and the golden domes just glow!
I have more pictures from the Kremlin to post, as my friends and I spent a few hours there this past weekend.
I'll try to post on here more regularly once I have internet in my apartment :)

Tuesday, 24 November 2009

Snipets of the Kremlin

This is my first post here, so I thought I would share one of the pictures I took on my first day out and about in Moscow. I arrived late Wednesday evening, and didn't have any time to explore the city until Sunday! It was a great day though, the sun decided to visit! I spent a few hours enjoying the blue sky and just wandering around the city. This is taken from the opposite side of the Moscow River. I just love the way St. Basil's Cathedral (far right) is peeking through the trees!

Friday, 12 June 2009

Russia Day

Today Russia celebrates Independence Day. This provided us with another long week-end which is very useful in summer-time. I intend to enjoy my best and wish you the same!

Saturday, 9 May 2009

Victory Day

Today Russia celebrates 64th anniversary of the great Victory over Nazism. This is the day when we thank everyone who made today's peace possible and we remember the price paid for that.
But it seems that human memory is too short. Look at nationalistic parties turning legal! Look at former SS-men greated as national heros only because they fought Soviet Union! It tortures me to see mankind forgetting its mistakes and losses.

Please respect the lessons of human history.

P.S. More photos on my extenstion site.

Thursday, 7 May 2009

Final rehearsal

This morning those who live or work in Moscow downtown could watch the final rehearsal of the military parade. The parade is dedicated to Victory Day and to be held on May, 9th. Today I went out of office just in time to catch some photos of participating airforce. It was rather chilly and rainy this morning but nevertheless streets were full of curious idlers - and notwithstanding extremely limited access to the downtown! Really, people would go a great lenght for a rare show!

More photos on my extension site.

Monday, 27 April 2009

Red Square

Just another photo of Red Square taken on a fine spring day.


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