Showing posts with label trip. Show all posts
Showing posts with label trip. Show all posts

Friday, May 4, 2012

Life lately...

Oh, the past week was beautiful here. It was almost like summer and we really enjoyed it. We made short trip to one beautiful town here near (Cividale) and it was wonderful. Here are some photos I made...

 I wish this was my garden where we could sit, speak, eat and enjoy the beauty of nature...


While having a lunch at the restaurant ...

Wishing you a happy weekend! :-)

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Trip to Venice...

Yesterday we had a very nice trip to Venice. We live 2 hours drive from this wonderful town and in my opinion spring is the best time to visit it. I love Venice. I love its quietness (if you know right streets, and my husband knows - he lived in Venice for 5 years), without cars, surrounded with water... it brings such peace... Well, but yesterday we had quite little of peace as Alex had to explore everything. Almost whole day we saw only his back, like this...
It is good there are no cars and we could let him run, BUT there is water everywhere and we had to take care that he doesn't finish in it...
He was also choosing which church we should visit.
And when we got in every time I heard "wow"... :-) I think he is little art admirer...
At the end we were very tired and happy to come back home...

I wish wonderful week to everyone!

Here are some more photos from our trip.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Paris... Paris...

Robert Doisneau - Le Baiser de l'Hotel de Ville

My husband just came back from Paris. He had 2 days long business trip. Although for him it was coming back home, as he was born and grow up in Paris.
I love Paris... it is so special place that nothing else can compare with it... when I watch this photo I feel like I am just sitting there, having café with croissant and watching people passing by...

Sunday, October 11, 2009

In Tuscany...

"Tuscany is a world, Italy is a universe" wrote Frances Mayes in her book "In Tuscany". I love this book. When I read it I have feeling that someone just wrote about my own feelings, emotions, thoughts.
This summer we had another wonderful trip to explore more and more our favorite region of Italy. We visited many, many places, I made more than 1000 photos. I am watching them again and again to return there at least in my thoughts.
It is been long time I wanted to post some photos here, but since that trip many things happened I didn't really have time to do it... But so, here they are... at least some...

A few days we spent on the beach in Viareggio... half of a day we were enjoying sea and sun, second half - we were traveling around.

This horse we saw in Pisa... isn't it cute?!

Palazzo Pfanner... in this garden were filmed some scenes of the movie "Portrait of a Lady" with Nicole Kidman.

Arezzo... well, in this town was filmed the most famous Roberto Benigni movie "La Vita e Bella" ("Life is beautiful").

Cortona... just after a storm...

Sant' Anna in Camprena. In this monastery we stayed for 6 nights. I love this place... it is second time we are coming here and it is like coming home... Actually also here was filmed one very famous movie - "English Patient"!

In a restaurant...

I love these landscapes...

I am crazy about shoes... I am crocheting them all the time... :-) I buy them too often than it is necessary... I need more space to keep them... and I love these ones... :-)

Pienza ... Via dell'Amore... the street of love...

Another wonderful villa... also here was filmed famous movie - some scenes
of "Gladiator"

Bagno Vignoni.... here you can have thermal baths...

And my favorite photo of this trip... me with my son... :-)

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Our trip to Cividale...

Yesterday we had a wonderful trip...

Last week was very busy for my husband (he is a musician - principal viola in Trieste's Opera). They performed ballet - Coppelia, and there is difficult and very important solo for viola. After having 7 performances in 5 days he felt quite exhausted and we decided to go somewhere to have some "fresh air"! The closest nice place to Trieste is Udine and Cividale. We love Cividale, it is very small, but absolutely wonderful town. In this area they produce the most famous and the best Italian white wine. As true French man my husband can't live without good wine...
Here are some pics I made during this trip! Enjoy!

Cividale... it is close to mountains!

Udine... another beautiful twon!
Almond trees...
My little boy was very happy about this trip! So many new things, new people...