Hi there bloggers,
damn is so cold here. But I am at home and making earrings for these gorgeous Christmas days. :) If you want to order earrings you can contact me via mail or you can visit my FB page. I would be happy if you like my page and share on your FB page, at the moment I have only 22 likers. :) These days I had order for 2 crochet scarfs, and I forgot to take pics. Hope the new owner will take for me. :)
About my earrings, I made them whit my son. He was my inspiration, so hope you will like them, I love them. The money from the purchase goes into my son's piggy bank. :) So hope I will sell them soon. :)
Have a fab rest of your day and be save and sound.
Hugs, Moni
Prikaz objav z oznako earrings. Pokaži vse objave
Prikaz objav z oznako earrings. Pokaži vse objave
ponedeljek, 10. december 2012
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