Some things about me:
1. I am proud that I am mother of 2 year old boy
2. I love coffee
3. Love to make jewellery
4. Love to read criminal stories, I wach SCI
5. I love to eat
6. I hate housework
7. I hate snow and rain ( I am to depressive)
8. I love music, love to dance
9. I am an adventurer
10. When I was younger I wrote little story for children, it was never published
That is it. I am not passing to anyone, everybody are welcomed to take it! You all deserve it!
5 komentarjev:
Well Done with your Award Moni..Great to read a little about you...
With you on most things there!!!
Hope you had a lovely weekend:)~X~
Moni, if the card and stuff doesn't arrive by the middle of the week, let me know and I will send another
hugs Bev x
Moni, i am so happy when i see your comments, you are so cute and funny whit you comment in your blog, curiusly, i am depresive and i see all the csi programs too,you are greate!!
ampak Moni, poglej kakšen LEP sneg je danes.
Nobenih sivih pločnikov, vse svetlo, nič hudega če otroke pripeljšep prepozno v šolo (smo pač kidali...)
Priznaj, da današnji sneg, ti pa je malček všeč.
Congrats on your award...great to know a little about you. Lol at hate housework...I do too!!! YUCK!!!
Emma x
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