Carlz is giving candy away, all you need is to answer her questions, it ends on 23.3.!
Josianne is giving gorgeous candy away, so you have time till 15.3.!
Carol is giving wonderful candy away so pop over and see it for your self, it ends on 28.2.!
Jude is giving some gorgeous candy away, and you have time till 25.3.!
Maria from Imagine, Create and Inspire is giving again gorgeous candy, and it ends on 27.3.!
Zoe is giving gorgeous candy, she will celebrate her 9th birthday, so check her blog, it end on 8.3.!
KC242 is giving gorgeous candy away, it ends on 9.3.!
Justine is giving huge candy and it ends on 6.3.!
Steph is giving gorgeous set of promarkers away, you have time till 6.3.!
Scotspanda is giving gorgeous candy away it ends on 9.3.!
Summer is giving gorgeous candy away, it end on 4.3.!
Georgia is giving such a lovely candy away, pop over, it end on 12.3.!
Viv is giving gorgeous candy away, it ends on 14.3.!
petek, 27. februar 2009
četrtek, 26. februar 2009
I-C-S Sketch #5 & Blog Eye Candy
This is first time for me that I made card for I-C-S Sketch #5!
This week is skech by talented Dawn, and there is gorgeous Eye Candy!
My card:
I hope you like the colors and the image, this image and black ribbon I got from my dear blog friend Emma! Thank you hun, you are great! She makes gorgeous cards, you can pop over her blog and see for your self!
This week is skech by talented Dawn, and there is gorgeous Eye Candy!
My card:
torek, 24. februar 2009
Še ena čestitka za rojstni dan
Do sestrinega rojstnega dne je še cel mesec in pol časa, ampak jaz sem jo vseeno naredila prej, ker zadnji moment ne bi bila taka kot sem si jo zamislila. Odtis za to čestitko sem dobila od Nicole, hvala ti!
Kombinirala sem pa modro-rjavo kombinacijo, ker mi je všeč! Osnova je svetlo moder šeleshamer, dodan rjav kolaž papir. Na kolaž papir sem dala papir iz Stampin up!, ki sem ga dobila od Cindy! Čestitki sem dodala pobarvano podobico, pobarvala sem jo z barvicami, za dekoracijo so dodane še tri bele rožice iz filca in na koncu še svetlo moder trak, in čestitka je nastala! Meni je zelo všeč, upam pa, da bo tudi moji sestri.
ponedeljek, 23. februar 2009
Chris is giving gorgeous candy away, it ends on 23.2.!
Clare is giving fantastic candy away, and you have time till 28.2.!
Candy from Kath is gorgeous, would like to win, it end on 10.3.!
Jill is giving away some gorgeous candy, it end on 8.3.!
I ahve one more candy for you, this time from Jessica, it ends in 1.3.!
Marlene is giving huge candy, it ends on 28.2.!
Gorgeous candy is giving away Kathryn, and it ends on 14.3.!
Gorgeous candy is giving away Heather, you have time till Saturday!
Clare is giving fantastic candy away, and you have time till 28.2.!
Candy from Kath is gorgeous, would like to win, it end on 10.3.!
Jill is giving away some gorgeous candy, it end on 8.3.!
I ahve one more candy for you, this time from Jessica, it ends in 1.3.!
Marlene is giving huge candy, it ends on 28.2.!
Gorgeous candy is giving away Kathryn, and it ends on 14.3.!
Gorgeous candy is giving away Heather, you have time till Saturday!
nedelja, 22. februar 2009
Blog nagrada/blog award
Tole čudovito nagrado sem dobila od čudovite blogerke Nataše in Anje, hvala obema sta mi polepšali dan! Ta nagrada je za komentiranje, sem oseba, ki si rada pogleda razlčne bloge in tudi komentira vedno kaj lepega! Tole nagradico bi pa jaz podelila blogercam, ki vedno kaj lepega komentirajo na mojem blogu, in nagradica gre :
This gorgeous award I got from my lovely blog friends Nataša and Anja! This award is for comments on blogs! I am person that love to comments and love to see my fav blogs! I am passing this award to bloggers that always comments sth nice on my blog, so award goes to:
Josefa Laura
This gorgeous award I got from my lovely blog friends Nataša and Anja! This award is for comments on blogs! I am person that love to comments and love to see my fav blogs! I am passing this award to bloggers that always comments sth nice on my blog, so award goes to:
Josefa Laura
Čestitka za rojstni dan
Naslednja prejemnica čestitke je moja mami, ki bo imela rojstni dan šele čez 1 mesec! Naredila sem jo prej, ker imam še čestitk za delati, vmes ima še moj oči rojstni dan.
Ko sem slikala je bila zelo slaba svetloba, se bom drugič potrudila bolje. Osnova je bež šeleshamer, nato sem dodala oranžen kolaž papir, ter zelen darilni papir, ki sem ga dobila kot bombonček od Cindy, papir je od stampn up!, tudi zgornji oranžni papir je iz tam. Pentlja zgleda kot da je temno modra je pa temno zelena! Ker so to mamine barve, je tale čestitka zanjo, upam, da ji bo všeč!
Ko sem slikala je bila zelo slaba svetloba, se bom drugič potrudila bolje. Osnova je bež šeleshamer, nato sem dodala oranžen kolaž papir, ter zelen darilni papir, ki sem ga dobila kot bombonček od Cindy, papir je od stampn up!, tudi zgornji oranžni papir je iz tam. Pentlja zgleda kot da je temno modra je pa temno zelena! Ker so to mamine barve, je tale čestitka zanjo, upam, da ji bo všeč!
petek, 20. februar 2009
Malo slikic
sreda, 18. februar 2009
More candies
Bev is giving away gorgeous candy and it ends on 24.2., Happy birthday!
Jacqi is giving gorgeous candy away and it end on 24.2.!
Cheri is giving gorgeous candy, and it end on 2.3.!
Gayle is giving one gorgeous candy and it ends on 1.3.!
Carol is giving gorgeous candy, it ends on 23.2.!
Alex is giving gorgeous candy away, it ends on 21.2.!
Donna is giving great candy away, and it ends on 27.2.!
Jacqi is giving gorgeous candy away and it end on 24.2.!
Cheri is giving gorgeous candy, and it end on 2.3.!
Gayle is giving one gorgeous candy and it ends on 1.3.!
Carol is giving gorgeous candy, it ends on 23.2.!
Alex is giving gorgeous candy away, it ends on 21.2.!
Donna is giving great candy away, and it ends on 27.2.!
sobota, 14. februar 2009
Čestitka in nakit
Že nekaj časa nisem pokazala kaj sem ustvarila, sem bila malo lena, da bi vse poslikala. No pa sem končno, s tem da sem par nakita že oddala in ga nisem slikala, tako da ni veliko kar bom pokazala.
Čestitko sem naredila danes. Najprej naj povem, da sva z možem danes šla s Kristianovim botrom - Jovčetom, na kosilo. Imel je rojstni dan že prejšnji mesec, samo sem bila zelo bolana, da nisem mogla iti, zato naju je danes peljal na kosilo in to v Mongolsko restavracijo. Kosilo je bilo super, družba pa še bolj.
Ker je danes Valentinovo sem dobila od mojega moža diamantni prstan, hvala srček! Moja uslišana želja! :) Jaz sem mu pa dala čestitko, ki sem jo naredila že dolgo nazaj, par postov dol, seveda bil jo je zelo vesel.
No pa še slikice.

Lepo Valentinčkanje vsem blogerkam in blogerjem.
Happy Valentines Day to all! Have gorgeous evening and weekend!
Čestitko sem naredila danes. Najprej naj povem, da sva z možem danes šla s Kristianovim botrom - Jovčetom, na kosilo. Imel je rojstni dan že prejšnji mesec, samo sem bila zelo bolana, da nisem mogla iti, zato naju je danes peljal na kosilo in to v Mongolsko restavracijo. Kosilo je bilo super, družba pa še bolj.
Ker je danes Valentinovo sem dobila od mojega moža diamantni prstan, hvala srček! Moja uslišana želja! :) Jaz sem mu pa dala čestitko, ki sem jo naredila že dolgo nazaj, par postov dol, seveda bil jo je zelo vesel.
No pa še slikice.
Lepo Valentinčkanje vsem blogerkam in blogerjem.
Happy Valentines Day to all! Have gorgeous evening and weekend!
petek, 13. februar 2009
Hannah is giving gorgeous candy away, it ends on 16.2.!
Jessica is giving super great candy away it is set of stamps from stampavie! It ends in 19.2.! What are you waiting for!
Janet has gorgeous candy to give away!
I have on gorgeous candy for you from Lydia, it end on 15.2.!
Steph is giving some gorgeous candy away, it end on 22.2.!
Heidi is giving one huge candy away, it end on 2.3.!
Some gorgeous candy is giving away Heather, it ends on 17.2.!
Rach is giving gorgeous candy away, it end on 22.2.!
Nikki is giving away awesome candy, it end on 24.2.!
Lacy is giving gorgeous candy, and it ends on 22.2.!
Lim is giving gorgeous candy, she will pick 3 winners, it ends on 6.3.!
Jessica is giving super great candy away it is set of stamps from stampavie! It ends in 19.2.! What are you waiting for!
Janet has gorgeous candy to give away!
I have on gorgeous candy for you from Lydia, it end on 15.2.!
Steph is giving some gorgeous candy away, it end on 22.2.!
Heidi is giving one huge candy away, it end on 2.3.!
Some gorgeous candy is giving away Heather, it ends on 17.2.!
Rach is giving gorgeous candy away, it end on 22.2.!
Nikki is giving away awesome candy, it end on 24.2.!
Lacy is giving gorgeous candy, and it ends on 22.2.!
Lim is giving gorgeous candy, she will pick 3 winners, it ends on 6.3.!
Blog friends award
This gorgeous award I got from lovely blog friend Joanne! Thank you hun, it is nice of you to think of me!
This award states that:
These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbon of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers.I would like to pass this onto the following people for their friendship and Inspiration.
I would like to pass this award to...
Vanja - she is so great, and her creations are gorgeous
Bev - she is my inspiration, and she is very nice blog friend
Nicole - she is absolutely gorgeous, she also inspire me
Terrie - she always give me nice comment, and her creations are adorable
This was my choise, you all are great, so if you want to give someone this award, please take it! Thanks again Joanne!
Have gorgeous Valentine weekend!
torek, 10. februar 2009
Blog candy game
Heather has a wonderful game going on, so i am in it! Rules: first 5 people who leave a comment on my blog entry will receive a gift handmade by me! So what do you think?
This offer does have some restrictions and limitations:
1- I make no guarantees that you will like what I make!
2- What I create will be just for you.
3- It'll be done this year. (I will want to get it done ASAP so it should be within a month or so!)
4- You have no clue what it's going to be. I have tons of ideas, but who knows what it will be? Not you, that's for sure!
5-The catch? Oh, the catch is that you must repost this on your blog and offer the same to the first 5 people who do the same on your blog!
I will sent to 5 people something handmade, I am not telling what, let say it is supprise! And remember to send me a photo what you give away! I will show anything I win!
Punce nova igrica, jaz sem že zadela, gre pa tako, prvih 5, ki komentira na moj blog, jih obdarim, z nečem, kar bom naredila, kaj pa bo je pa skrivnost!
1. Kar naredim ni nujno, da vam bo všeč!
2. Kar naredim bo samo zate!
3. Narejeno bo letos ( v roku enega meseca)
4. Ne veste kaj bo, imam pa veliko idej!
5. V čem je fora? Fora je v tem, da moraš povedati na blogu in ponuditi tudi sama prvim 5, ki komentirajo!
Kaj pravite, ste za?
I will sent to 5 people something handmade, I am not telling what, let say it is supprise! And remember to send me a photo what you give away! I will show anything I win!
Punce nova igrica, jaz sem že zadela, gre pa tako, prvih 5, ki komentira na moj blog, jih obdarim, z nečem, kar bom naredila, kaj pa bo je pa skrivnost!
1. Kar naredim ni nujno, da vam bo všeč!
2. Kar naredim bo samo zate!
3. Narejeno bo letos ( v roku enega meseca)
4. Ne veste kaj bo, imam pa veliko idej!
5. V čem je fora? Fora je v tem, da moraš povedati na blogu in ponuditi tudi sama prvim 5, ki komentirajo!
Kaj pravite, ste za?
Another blog award
This beautiful award i recived from my blog friend Emma, thanks hun for thinking of me!
The rules state I have to pass onto 3 people who I think have beautiful blogs and work. This is very hard, because i think all of you have gorgeous blogs, so i am passing to:
Vanja - Her creations are gorgeous and great blog she has!
Bev - She inspire me with gorgeous ideas, love her work, great blog!
Debbie - Gorgeous creations, great blog!
P.S.: We had a great time over the birthday party, thanks to all for nice words for birthay of my niece! Love you all!
The rules state I have to pass onto 3 people who I think have beautiful blogs and work. This is very hard, because i think all of you have gorgeous blogs, so i am passing to:
Vanja - Her creations are gorgeous and great blog she has!
Bev - She inspire me with gorgeous ideas, love her work, great blog!
Debbie - Gorgeous creations, great blog!
P.S.: We had a great time over the birthday party, thanks to all for nice words for birthay of my niece! Love you all!
Kristine B is giving gorgeous candy away for her birthday, pop in and see it for your self. You have time till 12.2.!
Melissa is giving gorgeous candy away, you have time till 19.2.!
Michelle has great candy for grabs, so what are you waiting for, you have time till 17.2.!
Monica has awesome candy to give away, and you have time till 14.2.!
Cindy has great giveaway, do not miss, you have time till 13.2.!
Some more candies, this time from Bec, she is giving a lot, so what are you waiting for, you have time till 26.2.!
If you want more just pop over at Toni blog for some candy! You have time till 14.2.!
Christina is giving such a gorgeous candy away, it end on 13.2.!
Melissa is giving gorgeous candy away, you have time till 19.2.!
Michelle has great candy for grabs, so what are you waiting for, you have time till 17.2.!
Monica has awesome candy to give away, and you have time till 14.2.!
Cindy has great giveaway, do not miss, you have time till 13.2.!
Some more candies, this time from Bec, she is giving a lot, so what are you waiting for, you have time till 26.2.!
If you want more just pop over at Toni blog for some candy! You have time till 14.2.!
Christina is giving such a gorgeous candy away, it end on 13.2.!
ponedeljek, 9. februar 2009
New Whiff of Joy release on Feburary 14th
Katharina and her week starts with the announcement of a new Whiff of Joy release on Feburary 14th!!
They have a fabulous and fun Medieval Collection designed by Alison Acton with the characters "Charlotte & Charlie" coming and the WoJ Design Team and she will show you previews the whole week long :) There is also the chance to win a whole set of the new release!You can see her blog and comment!
They have a fabulous and fun Medieval Collection designed by Alison Acton with the characters "Charlotte & Charlie" coming and the WoJ Design Team and she will show you previews the whole week long :) There is also the chance to win a whole set of the new release!You can see her blog and comment!
Še ena nagrada
Tole čudovito nagrado sem pa dobila od zelo prijazne blogerke, ki jo sevedno vsak dan obiščem, ime ji je Nataša! Nataša hvala za tole nagradico, je zelo lepa in pa polepšala si mi dan! Glede pravil ni nikjer nič napisano, in ker imajo že vse slovenske blogerke tole nagradico, jo ne bom nobenemu podelila, seveda če pa katera jo nima, jo pa lahko vzame kot darilce od mene!
I have been tagged and a Lovely award
I have been tagged by bloggin friend Vanja! Here are the rules:
Go to where you store your photos on your computer. Go to the SIXTH folder and pick the SIXTH photo. Post that photo on your blog along with a SHORT story about it. Tag SIX people and leave a comment on their blog or email them letting them know you chose them.
Ok now the picture! Here we were prepering for the christmas, and my Kristian was helping me!
I need to tag 6 bloggers and they are:

This gorgeous award I recived from Vanja! Thank you Vanja, you make my day happy!
This amazing award was created by Mary and she asked permition to use this picture to
There is no rule for passing this award, but I would like to pass onto:
This bloggers are my inspiration, if you have not visited theire blogs, please do that!
Go to where you store your photos on your computer. Go to the SIXTH folder and pick the SIXTH photo. Post that photo on your blog along with a SHORT story about it. Tag SIX people and leave a comment on their blog or email them letting them know you chose them.
Ok now the picture! Here we were prepering for the christmas, and my Kristian was helping me!
This gorgeous award I recived from Vanja! Thank you Vanja, you make my day happy!
This amazing award was created by Mary and she asked permition to use this picture to
There is no rule for passing this award, but I would like to pass onto:
This bloggers are my inspiration, if you have not visited theire blogs, please do that!
četrtek, 5. februar 2009
More candies
Janette is giving one gorgeous candy away, it ends on 9.2.!
Michelle is giving gorgeous candy away, but need to tell her what is your fav candy, my is chocolate with peanuts! It ends on 11.2.!
Clare is giving fab candy, it ends on 14.3.!
Kristen is giving gorgeous candy, it ends on Valentines day!
Mel and her gorgeous candy that is she given, it ends on 15.2.!
Sharon is giving two gorgeous stamps, and time you have is till 14.2.!
Joanne is giving gorgeous candy, but you need to tell her what is your second hobby!
Dawny is giving gorgeous candy away, it ends on 14.2.!
Michelle is giving gorgeous candy away, but need to tell her what is your fav candy, my is chocolate with peanuts! It ends on 11.2.!
Clare is giving fab candy, it ends on 14.3.!
Kristen is giving gorgeous candy, it ends on Valentines day!
Mel and her gorgeous candy that is she given, it ends on 15.2.!
Sharon is giving two gorgeous stamps, and time you have is till 14.2.!
Joanne is giving gorgeous candy, but you need to tell her what is your second hobby!
Dawny is giving gorgeous candy away, it ends on 14.2.!
Vse najboljše moja mala princeska
sreda, 4. februar 2009
Še ena čestitka
Včeraj zvečer sem jo pobarvala, danes pa sestavila. Ker nimam prima rožic, sem pa kar sama naredila, ja je treba improvizirati.
Osnova je svotlo moder šeleshamer, dodala sem še darilni papir od POT-a (imajo čudovite papirje), rožice sem sama naredila, naštempljan papir sem pa dobila od moje prijateljice blogerke Vanje -Thank you again! To isto štampiljko sem zadela tudi jaz, vendar žal se je zgubila med potjo sem, bila sem žalostna, vendar kaj naj. Pobarvala sem jo s flomastri in ob robu dodala kotno štampiljko, punčka je malo na stran, vendar to je bil moj namen. Dodala sem še bel trakec, za malo popestritev.
ponedeljek, 2. februar 2009
Čestitka za rojstni dan
Pa sem po dolgem času spet naredila čestitko za rojstni dan, ta je tudi za nečakinjo, dala ji jo bo pa moja mama! Včeraj, ko je Kristi zaspal sem pobarvala motiv, ki mi ga je poslala Debbie ( thank you), pobarvan je z barvicami, in mi ni preveč všeč. Ker gre za punčko, mojo nečakinjo, sem jo seveda naredila v roza barvi! Uporabila sem roza šeleshamer, kotno štampiljko, ter rožico sem naštempljala in zalepila. Dodala sem še papir iz POT-a, ter naredila še mali tagec, na katerem piše vse najboljše, žal se slabše vidi! Pa še čestitka!
nedelja, 1. februar 2009
An Award
Girls frst of all I would like to Thank you of thinking of me. Two great blog girlfriend gave me this gorgeous award, they are Emma and Joanne!
Gorgeous award! I need to state 10 honest things about myself, and then need to pass onto 7 blogers!
Some things about me:
1. I am proud that I am mother of 2 year old boy
2. I love coffee
3. Love to make jewellery
4. Love to read criminal stories, I wach SCI
5. I love to eat
6. I hate housework
7. I hate snow and rain ( I am to depressive)
8. I love music, love to dance
9. I am an adventurer
10. When I was younger I wrote little story for children, it was never published
That is it. I am not passing to anyone, everybody are welcomed to take it! You all deserve it!
Some things about me:
1. I am proud that I am mother of 2 year old boy
2. I love coffee
3. Love to make jewellery
4. Love to read criminal stories, I wach SCI
5. I love to eat
6. I hate housework
7. I hate snow and rain ( I am to depressive)
8. I love music, love to dance
9. I am an adventurer
10. When I was younger I wrote little story for children, it was never published
That is it. I am not passing to anyone, everybody are welcomed to take it! You all deserve it!
Emma you are first, love your blog, and great candy! I hope you will pick me! :)
Enfys is giving gorgeous candy, it ends on 4.2.!
Melissa is giving gorgeous candy, do not miss!
Kath and her candy give away no.6, it ends on 9.2.!
Kristine is giving gorgeous candy away, it ends on 7.2.!
Carol is giving great candy, waw just love to have it, it ends on 8.2.!
Imagine, Create, Inspire is giving gorgeous february candy, time you have is till 28.2.!
Irina is giving gorgeous candy, ends on 9.2.!
Steph is giving lovely candy away, it ends on 3.2.!
Heather is givnig gorgeous candy, it ends on 4.2.!
Brandin is giving gorgeous paper collection, she will select 3 winners by the end of the week!
Southernscrap is giving great candy away, it ends on 11.2.!
Camilla is giving gorgeous candy away, it ends on 8.2.
Enfys is giving gorgeous candy, it ends on 4.2.!
Melissa is giving gorgeous candy, do not miss!
Kath and her candy give away no.6, it ends on 9.2.!
Kristine is giving gorgeous candy away, it ends on 7.2.!
Carol is giving great candy, waw just love to have it, it ends on 8.2.!
Imagine, Create, Inspire is giving gorgeous february candy, time you have is till 28.2.!
Irina is giving gorgeous candy, ends on 9.2.!
Steph is giving lovely candy away, it ends on 3.2.!
Heather is givnig gorgeous candy, it ends on 4.2.!
Brandin is giving gorgeous paper collection, she will select 3 winners by the end of the week!
Southernscrap is giving great candy away, it ends on 11.2.!
Camilla is giving gorgeous candy away, it ends on 8.2.
Bolha podarja bombonček
Blogerka Bolha, ki jo vedno z veseljem berem, podarja bombonček za svoj rojstni dan. Ponuja pa res čudovite stvari, o kaj bi bilo lepo, da bi ga dobila. Vsi, ki ne poznate njen blog, ga kar obiščite, vam ne bo žal, meni ni nikoli. Čas pa imate do 16.2.! Veliko sreče vsem.
Naročite se na:
Objave (Atom)