Crikey - almost a month since I last blogged. This was an unintentional but probably a necessary break. It's quite scary how you can lose a month isn't it. Lots has happened of course over the last month, some of which I will blog in due course.
I suppose for the purpose of my own recollection at a later date, I should start with the thing that is most immediately memorable, and that was my excursion to hospital on Tuesday this week for a little operation.
I blogged about having PCOS a while back. The side effects of this are getting a bit out of control so I had exploratory surgery on Tuesday to find out what is going on with me and how it can be controlled. I won't have all the results for another couple of months though, so all I know for the moment is that I feel a bit sore, I am quite bruised and that I am happy that this surgery took place whilst I was asleep.
I don't mind admitting that I was really quite scared about having this operation - probably because I'm a control freak, I like to be in control, it feels comfortable. You really are not in control when you have a general anaesthetic however. You put your life into the hands of a person you have never met and probably never will again, and you sign away your life on a form that says something like 'we could accidentally injure you or kill you, are you ok with that?'
Bodies are incredible and amazing things though, and I really think we take this for granted.
When I got home from hospital on Tuesday evening I stupidly tried to take the dressing off my stomach to have a look at what had been done, and I almost passed out. Mr Monda was with me saying - 'are you ok, you've gone transparent', at which point I couldn't really hear him, but just the hissing in my ears, which I guess was the blood rushing around my body trying to protect my vital organs. It's funny how the body knows how to do these things instinctively isn't it.
I am also amazed how much you need to use your stomach in normal every day life. I've found it hard to sit, lie (and sleep), pull up my pyjamas and underwear(!), stretch, bend, cough, sneeze (ouch) - you get the picture. All being well, I'll be back to normal in another few days.
Swifty onto a different topic: Before going off to hospital, I did manage to make one of my long (long) awaited PIF's to send to

a recycled paper stitched collage (with the odd bit of fabric thrown in), and a brooch made with bits and bobs from my scrap bag and recycled button stash.
Only 2 more PIF's to go. I feel really bad that I didn't get around to my PIF's within the stipulated year - I'm usually very organised. Lucy and Sally-Ann, I haven't forgotten about you. Your PIF's are the next thing on my creative agenda.