I am thinking that my craft blog is turning into a cat blog, but does that matter?
Well I guess if you are visiting to read about my crafty endeavours then it probably does.

The only thing I feel compelled to write about is Stevie, so that's what I'm going to do.
After spending the last 5 days at the vet on a drip, having daily blood tests, the vet has told us that they just don't know why Stevie is so ill. They are still talking about acute renal failure and the possible explanation they can give is that it could be a result of the pain killing drugs they had given her when she broke her pelvis. I find this piece of news totally devastating, although I don't blame the vet, they didn't know she would react badly to a painkiller.
Today the vet referred our little Stevie to the
Royal Veterinary College Hospital and at lunch time we picked Stevie up from the vet, and took her on a 45 minute journey to the hospital.
We were at the hospital for an hour until Stevie was admitted. In one way this was nice because we got to see her, and she was so pleased to see us - she was perky and bright eyed, purring and butting our hands so we would stroke her, but she was also quite stressed and jumpy, and I felt so bad to have to leave her in yet another unfamiliar place.
RVC is the best place for her to get the best treatment - they will ultrasound her, take a biopsy of her kidneys, and if necessary give her a blood transfusion (in an attempt normalise her blood). None of these things are without risk, and I am honestly fearful of the outcome of all these tests.
I feel so strange. I'm feel sick to my stomach, tired beyond belief and so many things seem very trivial to me at the moment - especially my day job, where I have to try to act normally. Today I had to run a 2 hour training session and I found it so hard, because it just didn't mean anything to me.
We're still just hoping and praying that we will get some kind of positive news from the
We told Stevie when we left her at the hospital how much we loved her and how she had to be brave and strong. This pic is of our baby just a couple of weeks ago - she was hiding behind the garden fence

Thanks once again for all the lovely supportive comments, especially from those people who have never commented on here before. The people I meet in
blogland are truly caring and thoughtful and I'm very appreciative of the kind words and well wishes.