Sunday, June 21, 2015

Digital Nomad

This editorial piece is to accompany an article about 'digital nomads' and was the final assignment for Lilla Rogers 2015 bootcamp.
The piece had to feature a person, but that was really the only stipulation.
It was a fun assignment and a great bootcamp.
I have about another 6 weeks of work left before I officially go on maternity leave - providing the baby hangs in there as long as he is supposed to. The countdown is on!

Friday, June 19, 2015

The Great British Seaside

I slightly modified my seaside design from my previous post by adding more sandcastles and entered it into the recent spoonflower contest for a sandcastle themed fabric design and it was placed 5th!
I love how it looks on fabric. It's now available to buy via spoonflower here

In other news, life things are happening around here. Our second baby is due to arrive in early August and we will also be moving house around the same time too (yeah, we like a challenge!), so if I'm absent here for a while, this is most likely the reason why.

Thursday, April 30, 2015


I turned some of the imagery from my recent poster design (see last post) into a pattern.
I'm thinking it would work well on summer dresses, shorts, and swim wear for kids.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

April Bootcamp

Phew - it's been a busy few months. Lots happening in my world - work wise and personally. I am a bit more regular at posting on instagram and facebook these days so hop over and follow me there if you want to keep up with my doings.

Bootcamp took a break in March, so we fast forward to April, and the assignment was to create a poster for the forthcoming Global Art Gathering hosted by Lilla Rogers Studio School. It is a live brief too so I guess there was more of a competition element to it this month than there is regularly.
The event is being held at the Brighton Dome, so I chose a seaside theme for my poster design, combined with a selection of drawing and painting tools:
There was a limited colour palette for this brief too. You can take a look at the 300 (ish) other entries here - there's so much talent on display and lots of variation too.

Friday, February 20, 2015

February Bootcamp

Here the piece I submitted for this months bootcamp. The original design was hand drawn, then digitally coloured. I just didn't feel confident enough with paint, or have enough of it to hand - although I did collage, paint and sand my wooden plaque before scanning and applying my design. I have plans for paint though - I've prepped a couple of backgrounds so watch this space!

Some of my prelim sketches feature on my ig feed, if you fancy a gander.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Back in Bootcamp

Unless you follow me on instagram, you'd be forgiven for thinking I'd dropped off the face of the earth since Christmas. I didn't, I just had a few other things on my plate. But it's January, and that means I'm back in Bootcamp - well Lilla Rogers Bootcamp anyway. This months assignment was to design a journal cover with the theme of Edwardian brooches.
I turned by brooch sketches into a butterfly and a dragonfly for my piece, and created a coordinating print to go with it.
Bootcamp, it's good to be back!

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Illustrated Advent #24

Woohoo! Finished in the nick of time. Here is #24. Merry Christmas one and all!

Illustrated Advent #23

Here's #23. Almost there!

Illustrated Advent #22

I'm still playing catch up. My little monkey was an angel in her Christmas play at nursery on Monday, so here she is at #22:

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Monday, December 22, 2014

Illustrated Advent #20

I'm a few days late - another busy weekend delivering presents and shopping.
Definitely a few too many of these being consumed at the moment I think. Here is #20:

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Tuesday, December 16, 2014