Showing posts with label April Fool's Day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label April Fool's Day. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

April Fools Dessert: Kitty Litter Cake

It is time to revisit the KITTY LITTER CAKE....
PERFECT for April Fool's Day!
Pretty icky, Right?  Let's get started.

Step 1: Assemble Ingredients
Baking pans from the dollar store (same size as the litter pan)
Nerds (for fancy green specs found in cat litter)
Tootsie Rolls (for, well, the Poop)
 Step 2: Prepare the pan
Cat litter Pan (this is just a regular old tupperware container)
Found at the dollar store!
I baked two cakes in total, enough to fill up the litter box :)
 TIP: Please oh PLEASE.....
Run the "cat litter pan" through your dish washer!  
Maybe even do this step a couple of times just to be safe.

Step 3: Layer the cake in the pan. 
(I cut up one layer and stacked it along the edge so there were no random open spaces along the edge)

Step 4: Cover with Frosting
 Step 5:  Make the cat litter
Grind up about 20 sandwich cookies.
I found that the tuxedo cookies worked great for the coloring!

Step 6: Cover cake with cat litter!
 Step 7: Add green odor specs
aka... Nerds candy
 Step 8:   Prepare the Tootsie Rolls :)
Heat in the microwave for 5 seconds and unwrap
Step 9:  Get Creative ... make poop!
(KidMo LOVED helping on this step!)

I shaped two Tootsie Rolls in the shape of a "40"
for my Brother's Birthday :)

And now you can make your very own Cat Litter Cake!
 Oh... and don't forget to pick up a pooper scooper while you are at the Dollar Store! 
It makes a perfect accent to the cake :)

OK - Let the comments ROLL in!
What do you REALLY think of this cake?

Let's hear it! :)
 My family had a blast with the cake.

Family Friendly Food at Serenity Now

Thursday, March 31, 2011

April Fool's Day: Eggs and Bacon

Yummmm.... Eggs and Bacon!

April Fools! :)

This is what KidMo is waking up to tomorrow morning.
I can't wait to see his reaction.

The idea comes from THIS website. 
Great ideas all over the blogosphere for April Fool's Day.

For the eggs, I placed a piece of wax paper in the microwave and two small piles of white chocolate chips (about 8-10 in each pile).
Then, I microwaved just until they started to melt. 
Smashed them around into an "egg" shape and placed 1 yellow M&M in the middle.

Bacon: Two Tootsie Rolls
Heat these SLOW.
Do not heat them for 30 seconds. Just a warning, not that I happen to know they will bubble up and nearly explode in your Microwave.
5 seconds should do the trick.
Then, use your fingers to stretch out into a small peice of bacon. I used the handle side of a butter knife to make the indents.


What April Fool's day traditions does your family have?