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Showing posts with label patio. Show all posts
Showing posts with label patio. Show all posts

Friday, April 22, 2016


Pea Gravel
 I'm more than a little obsessed with pea gravel patios.
I've wanted to do one for quite awhile to the side of my deck along the back of the house.
 They sound super easy to accomplish although the work may be back breaking.
 I've been thinking about doing one for the last couple of years.
 A couple of weeks ago, one of the other designers at work created one
in his backyard and he said it was super cheap and not that hard.
 Yes, it did involve much shoveling and back and forth with a wheel barrow.
But in two weekends he had a new pea gravel patio.
I've seen a photo but next week he's having a garden party so everyone 
can see how well it turned out. 
I'll be sure to take photos to share!

All these photos are from my folder called Pea Gravel on Pinterest.

Friday, February 13, 2015

Vote for Me!

Isn't that exciting! 
I'm one of 21 finalists.
Just click above and vote for me.
The winning blog gets to pick a charity of their choice.
That charity will receive $1,000!

Thank you to whoever it was that nominated me.
 You can vote up till 11:59pm on Friday night.
Winner will be announced Saturday, February 14.

Let's see...what is up with me?
Well, Violet is not well. She had a seizure about a week and a half ago.
The vet said to watch her and see how she is.
She has been very good since then.
But she had another tonight.
She is 14 now.
(very very scary and makes me so upset)
Her sister Daisy died three weeks ago. All of her illness started with a seizure back last summer.
Blood tests showed she was in kidney failure.
But tests on Violet came back saying she is in good health.

So that leads the vet to think it's neurological. 
He said if she has one more seizure, we'll put her on meds for it.

I'm just wondering...have any of your dogs developed seizures later in life?

On to better news...
Last Sunday I went on a Craigslist run after work and snagged this wicker settee for the front porch.
This is it just plopped down as is.
It needs a paint job but is in good shape other than that.

I've been wanting a wicker loveseat for the front porch for a long time but new
weather proof ones were out of my price range. Cause I'm like trying to spend no money.
I should be spending no money.

They were asking $45 for it and I got it for $35...which makes me very happy.
(I really should not have been even spending $35)
I already have a cushion for it and pillows.
I just need to paint it. 
My porch is totally covered so it not being weather proof is ok. 
No rain or snow gets in here.
The guy that sold it to me was super nice and met me half way between his place and mine.
Hi! David!
(he said he'd start reading my blog)
It was a great Craigslist experience.
Remember that scary one I had?
So until I can paint this thing I went ahead and put the cushion on it and pillows.
I won't show until I've painted and got plants out for spring.
Now I keep driving by my house and admiring how welcoming it looks with this wicker
loveseat on it. I had an iron one before and I really liked it but it wasn't nearly as inviting.
 See? That is my iron one. I had way too much iron going on.
I don't know what I was thinking when I kept buying all these matching things!
The iron settee will show up somewhere else in the yard this spring.
 I'm so ready for spring...aren't you?
I searched through my Pinterest files looking for wicker ideas.
I'm trying to decide what color to paint it.
I've loved that photo above with that old wicker for a long time.
I may just give it another coat of black paint.
 Or I might go the same color as the trim on my house only a couple of shades darker.
 My cushion is similar to that color above.
 I have to say dark dark brown looks pretty perfect and that is what I'm leaning toward.
I love those huge urns...tonight I saw a similar one for a really great price.
Too bad I'm too poor to buy anything...especially with Violet being ill.
So it most likely will not come home with me.
 I love that porch above.

All of these photos came from my Pinterest board... Patio Wicker.

Don't forget to go by and vote for me!

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Indian Summer

 Sorry, Mod Mix Monday didn't happen this week. I'll just do it next week.
Too much going on with starting the new job. 
Which is going really well. 
I'm spending this week just getting to know all the lines of furniture.
Last night when I came home I came around to the back deck and the geraniums, though it is October 22, looked the best they've looked all year.
I couldn't resist taking a few photos.
 Silly Sally running around the deck. 
My deck needs to be cleaned and refinished so badly.
That's a project for next year!
I've been saying that for several years.
 Coleuses went nuts. I think you are suppose to keep them from blooming 
but the bees love the blooms so I just let them bloom.
 Harvey and Sally
 My wall fountain looked better earlier in the season. 
But it's still blooming like crazy.
 I was going to replace these geraniums with pansies the other day but I just couldn't bring myself to do it. 
They are super healthy. So I'll wait till after it's really cold to put out some pansies.

 Sweet potato vine shows no signs of slowing down. 
One day I'll come out and it will be all dark and withered when it gets cold.
 I tried to get some good photos of Franklin but he was busy hunting squirrels.
 Here you can see how long his fur has gotten. 
He's got a very beautiful coat and it's very very soft.
That's a show worthy stance.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Evening in the Back Yard

 Currently, this is my favorite spot at my little cottage.
My back deck. I call it my secret garden.
I shot a few quick photos at twilight last evening.
I added a string of twinkle lights to the inside of my chiminea.
I know it's suppose to have wood burning in it but I'm too scared of fire.
With lights in it...I can enjoy it EVERY night and I HAVE!
Puppies got into the action. 
They are blurry though because of the speed I took these
pictures in the evening light.
This is my view as I come in the back gate each day.
Oh...how I will miss all this when the cold hits.
More of that silly Franklin. 
 One more...little Harvey there in the corner. 

I'll take some photos during the day when the light is better and share
but I wanted you to see my glowing chiminea.

And....guess what?
Mom helped me get the giant cement pot out of the back of my SUV
and we bought stuff to fill it.

I'll plant it and share soon.

I'm very glad it's out. I feared I'd have a wreck with it in there and be killed 
by a giant pot riding around in my car.

Good to know I won't be killed by a giant pot.
That would be a terrible way to go.

Don't forget to enter my pillow give away!
click below to enter


sharing at

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Perfect Patios

First of all let me say...I'm sorry Mod Mix Monday didn't happen this week.
I'll just pick my favorites and do it next Monday instead.
I've been trying to get my outside spaces together.
I'm so behind on everything since I'm working all the time.

But yesterday and today I spent shopping for pots for the collection of flowers and plants
I've brought home over the last month or so.

On Monday night...I hit Garden Ridge, yesterday I drove out to Statuary World
and today I went to Greenhouse at Norman, Oklahoma.

Pots are so expensive! I wanted a big turquoise one to plant my jade plant in.
I found one and at 39.99 and I thought that was pricey but 
further investigation showed me that it was actually a bargain compared to other places
where similar pots were twice as much.

Back to these patio photos....
Isn't that top one just the ultimate?
These first three I especially like because the houses are similar in color to mine.
truly love that crunchy pea gravel
much more elegant than my space
here I love the grass between the slabs and that big concrete ball!
I saw some of those today....oh my....I won't have one any time soon. 
 this stone patio is a hidden gem
 All of these would be perfect on the backside of my house. 

One day....one day.... 

Friday, May 16, 2014

Flea Market Outdoors

The Eclectic Vintage Garden Space
 Have you seen this new magazine?
It's full of delightful ideas for outdoor spaces all using flea market finds.
 A brightly accessorized dining space under ivy covered rafters.
 brightly painted furniture
I love this rusted bed nestled in the garden complete with candelabra. 
 more pastel brights on the front porch
 greens bring the outdoors into this covered area
I want one of those beds
 More brights. Just a throw and a pillow spark up this corner.
 Oh these climbing roses on a rusted iron gazebo! So in love with this.
A simple potting bench mounted to the outside wall. 

There are lots more ideas in this issue. 
I've found it very inspiring!

and at work....
I just discovered we have this potting bench available.

Nice...isn't it?
And you know how obsessed I am about potting benches.

click here to go to the website Bob Mills Furniture.

It's perfect but it's pricey!

Thanks to everyone that encouraged me about my Mod Mix Monday Party.
I'm going to do my best to keep it going.

I know it's a small party but I really enjoy it and these days it's the only way
I can get to see what others are doing.