I'm in love with this little corner of this kitchen.
My faves from last time's Mod Mix Monday are...
Pam of Everyday Living made these lemon rosemary short breads.
She included the recipe and I'm dying to try them!
A walk through the garden at Priscilla's. That's Ronnie her dog waiting for you at the end of the path.
Penny of Penny's Treasures shared her creative container gardening.
I adore this chandelier in a flower pot.
Vickie of Ranger 911 has been busy painting.
Isn't this a cute display?
Love this summer display at Priscilla's.
Sorry posting has been few and far between.
I'm doing the best I can these days.
Join me in this week's Mod Mix Monday!
Remember anything old made over to be new...anything new changed up to look old.
New and old together...
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