We haven't had much sun around here
of late but I managed to take a few
photos of Valentines decor around the house the
other day while the sun was out.
I don't know how I did it but I forgot
to take a photo of the fireplace as a whole
with it's decor. I just took photos of bits and pieces.
I'll try to take one later in the week.
Decked out the chandi with heart ornaments.
I shared on instagram this heart wreath I made last week.
It's just tissue paper flowers on a wire form.
I painted that cabinet back in the fall and am really loving
the color. Now it flows with everything
else in the room...except I had left the existing top color.
I thought maybe I could live with it.
But I do not like it. It's almost black and too shiny.
So it's going to have to be painted.
I love the piece except for the top....so I've got to change it.
I am going to paint it to look like wood.
I really love this room in the sunshine...well any time.
Still looking for the perfect table to go behind the sofa.
That little white one was a temporary fix.
And now it's been in that spot over 10 years.
Problem is anything that goes there has to be
no higher than 30 inches and 14 deep and about 40 wide.
I have not looked very seriously until I'd say the last 6 months.
One day I'll find the perfect thing.
And oh...what I need to concentrate on is painting all
the woodwork in this room.
I started trying to take the paint off because it was flaking off
and it turned into the biggest mess.
A big thing for me to tackle this year.
I shared this on instagram a few weeks ago.
The basket of flowers on my front door all set
for Valentines.
I do love Valentine decor. But soon it will be time for Easter stuff.