Today, as promised a tour of my co-worker and friend Keith's wonderful garden including his
new pea gravel patio.
His house is a sweet little tudor in one of OKC's Historic neighborhoods.
He freely admits that he neglects his front yard because for him it's so much more fun to make
the backyard beautiful.
He has intention to do something more to the front but it has not been a priority.
His front flower bed is full of cactus...which is very low care.
That's a banana tree to the side of the front patio.
Keith says he ignores his front yard but the front porch includes this amazing planter.
I think it all looks very nice...perhaps not as fully realized as the back...but still beautiful.
this planter full of a nice variety of plants
Now, we step out his back door and one of the first pots is planted in hostas.
I am so doing this! I have not had much luck with hostas in the ground but a potted one...
I bet I can handle.
There are many planters here and there around the backyard.
This photo came out blurry but it was a nice composition so I included.
His yard includes a large variety of types of planters and many kinds of plants.
In the center of the yard is the new round pea gravel patio.
A flagstone path beyond leads to the furthest part of the yard.
Bits of glass art dot the landscape.
This gravel patio was created by spraying the yard with round up and then putting
down black landscape cloth. Then a few inches of pea gravel are shoveled on top.
The view to the back of the house.
The pergola was added onto the house by Keith.
The back corner of the yard is watched over by this Buddha.
A happy fellow.
This rusty rooster is big. He stands about four feet tall.
Here we have a few succulents in a planter.
This is a giant panda. Keith found it at a Restaurant supply place.
He came from an old Chinese restaurant. He's big - like 5 feet tall.
He hides among the smoke bush.
more of the pea gravel patio
This yard his so full of plants! This is the far corner of the back of the house.
A bubbly fountain sits right outside the dining room window.
I hope you enjoyed the tour of Keith's yard.
I'm kind of amazed by all the plants in it. He just keeps adding and adding to it.
Very inspiring.