Showing posts with label udon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label udon. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Udon Goreng Siram Telor - Fried Udon with Meat & Egg Topping

Udon Goreng Siram Telor - Fried Udon with Meat & Egg Topping
I miss kwetiaw goreng siram telor (fried hor fun/flat rice noodles with meat & egg topping), and there's no place in Hong Kong that serves this Chinese-Indonesian dish.

As luck would have it, the day I wanted to try making my own version of this dish...I couldn't find rice noodles anywhere near me.
Bah! As if that would stop my craving.
No rice noodles, udon it is :D

It worked well and I love the extra chewiness that udon has.

(serves 3)
- 3 packs of udon
- seasoning for udon: dark soy sauce, light soy sauce, a touch of oyster sauce
- 1/2 lbs sliced meat for stir frying (normally, it's beef. I used pork, and you can replace with chicken or seafood)
- 2 eggs, beaten
- 4 cloves of garlic, minced
- fish sauce, salt, a touch of sugar, white pepper, corn flour diluted in water, vegetable oil for stir frying

Marinate meat in fish sauce, white pepper, a bit of sugar, and corn flour, set aside. Prepare about 3 tsp of corn flour dilluted in a small bowl of water and beat the eggs, season with a bit of salt. Saute garlic in hot oil, add meat, stir fry until cooked and season well. Add diluted corn flour, add egg mixture, stir well, set aside.

I "separated" my udon in a big bowl of hot water for a couple of minutes, drain and discard the water. Heat up a bit of vegetable oil in a frying pan, add udon, season with light soy, dark soy and a touch of oyster sauce.

Pour the meat and egg mixture on the fried udon, serve hot.

Ideally, add a bit of vegetables (kai lan or choy sum or others) into the egg and meat mixture, and you'll get yourself a well balance one dish meal.

Enjoy! :)