Dunno where to go on weekends in Hong Kong? Bored of the city? Try going to Nam Sang Wai. It is the place where so many beautiful photographs of Hong Kong countryside have been taken... and we pretty much failed to take any. EPIC FAIL.
But, we had a fun time anyway... so here goes..
First stop, 敬輝農場(King Fai farm)
There are fruits and veggies to buy...
The place is so out-of-this-world cute.
Homemade chilli sauce for food shopaholics. We didn't buy any... my "luggage" was already so heavy with camera & baby M's stuff.
Yummiest, sweetest, most perfectly cooked sweet potato I've ever had!
And soft beancurd pudding. We love!
Lots of fun stuff to explore too!
You can go fish-feeding...
Check out fluffy cute bunnies...
...and the most impressive of all, our most memorable moment of the day...
...was an encounter with this cutie pie. Baby M was sooo happy to meet him.
The back of the farm is this huge pond. I bet it's beautiful during lotus season, but at this moment it could use a bit of cleaning...
We walked a bit more to explore the place, but it's hard carrying a naughty toddlers with lots of cars and bikes passing by. Next time, we'd take a taxi to the biggest attraction and call a taxi back ^_^ (lazy family).
Another highlight of the day...
I got a shot of this gorgeous fly (two words I'd never thought I'd use together).
How to go:
Take the West Rail MTR to Yuen Long Station & take a taxi to Nam Sang Wai.
For more details, alternative transport, other points of attraction, and examples of beautiful pictures others have taken there, click here.
The site is in Chinese, but google translate helps.
Now... Monday blues T_T