I can't believe this is mid autumn in Hong Kong! It feels more like a pressure cooker here. It's balmy, it's super hot, it gets me all soft, although no meat nor fat fell off my bones. Dammit!
Mid Autumn Festival. Yeah. Right. I ain't gonna show you some cute pictures of those adorable mooncakes. I knew you want 'em. Well, ain't gonna give it to ya! (Blame all this bitchiness on the heat & "you're fat" comments, baby!) Hehe.
Instead, it is my pleasure, to introduce these bitchin' nuts. Look at them! Aren't they jusssttt the meanest lookin' nuts ever?
They are called Ram Horn Nuts (Ling Kok). They're black, they look pure evil, and their shell...hard as rock. To enjoy them, simply boil them in salted water for about 15 minutes. By the way, the shell's a pain in the arse to crack open...and once you opened them...you are in for some weird tasting treat. Normally, they are consumed alongside taro roots, which are just boiled, peeled, and dipped in sugar.
I've been living in Hong Kong for more than 6 years, and this is my first mid autumn festival without some egg yolk laden mooncakes! The city went nuts. The mooncakes were almost all sold out! I'll probably have to rob some mooncakes off some people on my way to Victoria Park later.
Now I must prepare my trip to light some candles at the park tonight. Cute lanterns, check. Cute outfit, check. Candles, check. Sous chef with evil lookin' nuts...check and check!
Remember to protect your mooncakes when you see me ^_*