Showing posts with label farm. Show all posts
Showing posts with label farm. Show all posts

Monday, March 25, 2013

Cutest Farmer Ever at Produce Green Foundation Hong Kong

Produce Green Foundation - Hong Kong
We had an awesome experience visiting Produce Green Foundation last weekend. The place is beautiful, full of wild flowers, fresh produce, gorgeous butterflies everywhere, and did you notice that goat in the background?

Produce Green Foundation - Hong Kong
First, we learnt how to plant lettuce. Missy taught us this awesome "Miss Hong Kong" pose, the most optimum pose to work the field. It was hilarious...

And here's the cutest farmer ever...
Produce Green Foundation - Hong Kong
Clearly, following instructions isn't his thang :D

Voted most vain farmer ever...
Produce Green Foundation - Hong Kong
...of course it's SC.

After that, we learnt how to make recycled paper.
Produce Green Foundation - Hong Kong
Our paper has holes here and there, but SC did it. It's pretty easy and cool. I'll make something out of the paper he made.

We brought our own lunch. We all brought different things and shared the food.
Produce Green Foundation - Hong Kong
Most popular item, fastest to finish... those yellow fish siu mais.
Nothing tasted yummier after farming.

Some of our colleagues are really hard core.
Produce Green Foundation - Hong Kong
They brought camping gas stove and made instant noodles, fried eggs... amazing!

After lunch, we learnt how to make organic whole wheat bread.
Produce Green Foundation - Hong Kong
Baby M did a good job stirring the empty bowl. Heheeheh

Produce Green Foundation - Hong Kong
SC posing with someone else' bread ^_^'
The most vain pretend bread maker ever...

While waiting for our bread to be baked, we had a tour around the place.
Produce Green Foundation - Hong Kong
Beautiful swiss chard...

Gorgeous tomatoes.
Produce Green Foundation - Hong Kong

We had no idea broccoli looks like this...
Produce Green Foundation - Hong Kong

And those slimey green veggie that we hate has such lovely purple flowers...
Produce Green Foundation - Hong Kong

Or how beautiful radicchio is...
Produce Green Foundation - Hong Kong

And I wouldn't mind being given a bouquet of fennel on Valentine's day... how pretty!
Produce Green Foundation - Hong Kong

We also learnt about natural fertilizers and methods to drive away nasty pests.
Produce Green Foundation - Hong Kong

And finally, our bread's ready to be devoured. Yum yum. Unexpectedly decent!
Produce Green Foundation - Hong Kong

We had lots of fun!
Produce Green Foundation - Hong Kong
Some tips:
- They don't sell food/drink, so bring your own - bring lots of drinks
- You can't spray mosquito repellent there. Spray prior to entering the place, or use stickers
- Wear light colored long sleeve tees and long pants and comfy shoes
- Wear hat and sunglasses on sunny days
- Other than that, enjoy!

For more info and how to go there, visit Produce Green Foundation's website.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Weekend Fun - Strawberry Picking, Kam Tin Country Park Hong Kong

Need something fun to do this weekend? Try strawberry picking! We went a couple of weeks ago and it's awesome! 

Tip #1: Go early, or all the huge red ones would have been picked up by the early birds.
French strawberries cost HK$60 per lb, Korean ones HK$90/lb. Most people picked Korean ones, including us. I don't know why... for me, well because I am a K-pop fan. Heheheh. I know, I know, irrelevant.

Tip #2: Whatever you do, DO NOT do this!!!
For each strawberry you ate on the field, you'll be fined HK$100. I repeat, HK$100 per piece of strawberry eaten. Marcus just could not hold himself... he grabbed one big red juicy one and put it straight into his mouth... without washing T_T

Tip #3: Strawberry picking is only available until late March. Better check with them before going.

Pretty strawberries in colors I've never seen on a strawberries before....
Very pretty!

And cute strawberry flowers...

Here's our loot...

Exactly 1 pound of juicy & fragrant strawberries.

You can also buy fresh local organic produce there.

You can go for a BBQ or have lunch there. We noticed that many people brought their own lunch, which is clever. Marcus scored a few skewers of pineapple and sausages from fellow strawberry-pickers at our table.
And of course, he ate his sausages in style.

There are lots of activites for kids there, like cookie baking (HK$80).

We just did cookie decorating (HK$30)
Sweet KODAK moment... what did they make?


There are also some balloon type of playground which Marcus loves very very much (HK$20/10 minutes).

He loved it so much, he refused to leave and cried like heck when we dragged him out of it.

We took this fun ride for HK$40 per round. Oh yeah, everything costs money.

And after a bunch of activities, fishballs, fish siumai & Vita chrysanthemum tea never tasted so good...

There are many more activities which we didn't get to try. 
Check out their website for more info (it is in Chinese, but you can use google translate & see the pictures).
How to get there?
Take MTR West Rail to Kam Sheung Rd Station, and take a short taxi ride to Kam Tin Country Park 錦田鄉村俱樂部
Opening hours: 10am - 6pm
Tel: +852 2442 0909


Monday, January 28, 2013

Kadoorie Farm & Botanic Garden - Where To Go On Weekends in Hong Kong?

Kadoorie Farm Hong Kong Where to Go on Weekends?
Want a breath of fresh air? Get out of the malls (I know it's hard because of all the mega mega SALE going on...) and explore Hong Kong's new territories! We absolutely fell in love with Kadoorie park! So easy to go to.. and I don't have to say much. Enjoy the photos, the place is heaven!

Beautiful flowers everywhere!
Kadoorie Farm Hong Kong Where to Go on Weekends?

A treat for nature photographers, with all the cherry blossoms blooming everywhere.
Kadoorie Farm Hong Kong Where to Go on Weekends?

Dewy foliage everywhere we look...
Kadoorie Farm Hong Kong Where to Go on Weekends?

Simply stunning!
Kadoorie Farm Hong Kong Where to Go on Weekends?

Beautiful rose garden...
Kadoorie Farm Hong Kong Where to Go on Weekends?
... there's an orchid garden and butterfly garden too! Get your zoom and macro lenses clean up and haul them here.

Hello bee...sorry to interrupt your snacking time...
Kadoorie Farm Hong Kong Where to Go on Weekends?

Kadoorie Farm Hong Kong Where to Go on Weekends?
SC & baby M's cactus encounter. It's a great place for kids to explore. Baby M was so happy there despite having to walk a lot. You can bring a stroller too if your kid would sit on it (M won't)

Kadoorie Farm Hong Kong Where to Go on Weekends?
Baby M's favorite character, the owl.

Kadoorie Farm Hong Kong Where to Go on Weekends?
There's a wild boar, and reindeer too... upon seeing the reindeer, baby M broke into a song. Can you guess which song?

There are sections where they grow organic vegetables, fruits, etc...
Kadoorie Farm Hong Kong Where to Go on Weekends?

... and you can buy some produce too!
Kadoorie Farm Hong Kong Where to Go on Weekends?

There's a beautiful beautiful place for you to chill out and eat...
Heavenly place! #hongkong #kadoorie #farm #park #cafe serves vegetarian only though. If you can't live without bacon, BYOB then :)

We ordered pumpkin soup (yum), Hong Kong style samosas (yum)...
Kadoorie Farm Hong Kong Where to Go on Weekends?
Omelette with mushrooms and sweetcorn (yum, the sweetcorn so sweet but you gotta season it yourself), and my favorite was this mushrooms and cheese toasties. Yum.

I was intrigued by their orange pancake, so I ordered it... but too bad the pancake's not nice at all T_T
Kadoorie Farm Hong Kong Where to Go on Weekends?
SC had orange juice which was freshly squeezed then and there, and I had a cup of mocha, but I didn't like it.

We had an amazing day, and we'll definitely be back!
Kadoorie Farm Hong Kong Where to Go on Weekends?
Kadoorie Farm & Botanic Garden
- How to go? Take the MTR West Rail to Kam Sheung Rd Station, and then take the 64K bus (it is quite frequent, and the ride takes about 15 minutes), stop right in front of Kadoorie Farm. So easy!
- The ticket costs HK$20 for adult, free for kids below 3 years old
- Don't go too late, the place is enormous!
- Book the shuttle bus going to the upper side
- If you go with kids or babies that need carrying, after exploring a bit of the lower side, take the shuttle bus to the upper side, but I'd recommend not getting off at the first few stops or the peak. You might have to wait for a long time to get catch the shuttle bus down. We chose to drop off at the owl's sanctuary and it was the perfect distance for us.
- Bring plenty of water and some snacks, we even saw some people bringing in pizza! Hello, picnic!

For more details, check out their website here.