We had an awesome experience visiting Produce Green Foundation last weekend. The place is beautiful, full of wild flowers, fresh produce, gorgeous butterflies everywhere, and did you notice that goat in the background?
First, we learnt how to plant lettuce. Missy taught us this awesome "Miss Hong Kong" pose, the most optimum pose to work the field. It was hilarious...
And here's the cutest farmer ever...
Clearly, following instructions isn't his thang :D
Voted most vain farmer ever...
...of course it's SC.
After that, we learnt how to make recycled paper.
Our paper has holes here and there, but SC did it. It's pretty easy and cool. I'll make something out of the paper he made.
We brought our own lunch. We all brought different things and shared the food.
Most popular item, fastest to finish... those yellow fish siu mais.
Nothing tasted yummier after farming.
Some of our colleagues are really hard core.
They brought camping gas stove and made instant noodles, fried eggs... amazing!
After lunch, we learnt how to make organic whole wheat bread.
Baby M did a good job stirring the empty bowl. Heheeheh
SC posing with someone else' bread ^_^'
The most vain pretend bread maker ever...
While waiting for our bread to be baked, we had a tour around the place.
Beautiful swiss chard...
Gorgeous tomatoes.
We had no idea broccoli looks like this...
And those slimey green veggie that we hate has such lovely purple flowers...
Or how beautiful radicchio is...
And I wouldn't mind being given a bouquet of fennel on Valentine's day... how pretty!
We also learnt about natural fertilizers and methods to drive away nasty pests.
And finally, our bread's ready to be devoured. Yum yum. Unexpectedly decent!
We had lots of fun!
Some tips:
- They don't sell food/drink, so bring your own - bring lots of drinks
- You can't spray mosquito repellent there. Spray prior to entering the place, or use stickers
- Wear light colored long sleeve tees and long pants and comfy shoes
- Wear hat and sunglasses on sunny days
- Other than that, enjoy!
For more info and how to go there, visit Produce Green Foundation's website.