Showing posts with label eggs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label eggs. Show all posts

Friday, March 16, 2012

Pickled Jalapeno & Cheddar Omelette with Grilled Sausages - Low Carb Breakfast

Pickled Jalapeno & Cheddar Omelette w/ Sausages Breakfast - Low Carb
One of my recent low carb brekkie.
Very tasty & satisfying, I love how the pickled jalapeno added a bit of heat & tang into the rich mix.
Btw, can I consider pickled jalapeno as "vegetables"? ^_^'

Pickled Jalapeno & Cheddar Omelette w/ Sausages Breakfast - Low Carb
(serves one and only me!)
- 1 egg, beaten
- 1 tbsp of pickled jalapeno, drained, chopped
- cheddar cheese chunks
- olive oil
Pour beaten egg to lightly oiled hot non-stick pan, add pickled jalapeno and cheese, fold or flip (I folded mine into a triangle), remove from heat and serve with grilled sausage of your choice (or bacon?). Do not overcook the egg.

This is good with some sweet and creamy coffee.
Happy Friday!

PS. Do you have more omelette ideas for me?

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Spicy "Indonesian" "Omelette"

Spicy Omelette
What makes it "Indonesian"?
Well, it's made by and eaten by an Indonesian citizen. Heheheh.
Not funny.
I know :D

And what's with the quotation marks on the "Omelette"?
Well, because I am not sure if this is an omelette. It kinda looks more like Korean pancakes.
Back home in Indonesia, we don't normally eat "omelette" (we actually call it "telur dadar", by which we know that the yolk and the white has been mixed and the egg is fried to form some kind of a pancake shape) just for breakfast, and we naturally eat it with...rice (of course!). The telur dadar could have some meat/corned beef, and it is generally cooked until it's well done or crispy.

I learnt how to spice up a humble telur dadar from my helper. Her version resulted in crispy exterior, moist interior with gorgeous flavors from garlic, shallot, scallion, chilli and ground corriander.

- 3 eggs, beaten
- 1 tsp corn starch (this makes the "omelette" wonderfully crispy)
- 1 small clove of garlic, minced
- 1 shallot, thinly sliced
- 1 red chilli
- 1 sprig of scallion, sliced
- salt, pepper, a touch of sugar, ground coriander, oil for frying

Mix everything together, heat quite a bit of vegetable oil for frying, pour batter into hot oil, cook both sides until the exterior is golden brown. Serve with sambal (or any chilli sauce), consume with a bowl of steamy rice, eat with your hands for maximum yumminess.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Bacon, Tomato & Cheddar Steamed Eggs

Bacon, Tomato, Cheese Steamed Eggs
Ugly delicious?

I didn't mean to cook an ugly dish, in my mind, when I was planning this dish, it was supposed to be gorgeous...almost chawanmushi-esque...all silky, satiny smooth, glossy goodness. However, thanks to my addiction to chit chatting online...I overcooked it, and it turned this ugly.

I know, I know...overcooked eggs are never sexy, but I was surprised by how forgiving this dish is...despite the appalling appearance, it's still all light, fluffy, creamy, tasty and refreshing at the same time. I will surely try again soon...and next time, I won't be chatting/youtubing/facebooking/twittering, I promise :)

But, you see, never trust an addict ;)

Now, how crazy easy was the dish?
I thought of including the word "easy" in the title of the post, but that'd be ridiculous, as most of you know that I can only make beyond-beginner-almost-idiotic easy dishes.

- 4 eggs, beaten (I measured, it's about 200ml)
- equal amount of milk, thus 200ml

- a few slices of bacon, chopped
- 1 tomato, diced
- cheddar cheese, cut into about 1x1x1cm cubes
- salt, pepper, dry mixed herbs, paprika, worcestershire sauce

Feel free to add and substract the ingredients as you wish...replace tomatoes with mushrooms, replace bacon with turkey/ham/sausages...replace herbs with scallion, etc...the sky is your limit!

After chopping and dicing the ingredients, scatter them around a plate and season them, like this...
Bacon, Tomato, Cheese Steamed Eggs

Mix beaten eggs and milk then pour...
Bacon, Tomato, Cheese Steamed Eggs

Steam on medium heat for about 10-12 minutes, keep checking...I think I overdid it (chatting online etc) and steamed it for almost 20 minutes huehuehue...
Bacon, Tomato, Cheese Steamed Eggs

...and done!
Bacon, Tomato, Cheese Steamed Eggs
Fluffy milky eggs, creamy bits of melted cheddar, refreshing bites of tomatoes, smoky and savory know it's gotta be good!

Eat it as is for breakfast, slap in between bread/toasts/English muffins/croissant, or consume it the weird Asian way (I am the weird Asian)...for lunch/dinner...with steamed rice and ABC Indonesian Chilli Sauce ^_^'

Nevertheless. Yum!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Shitake Mushroom Scrambled Eggs

Shitake Mushrooms Scrambled Eggs
I needed quite a hearty second dish...and I only had two ingredients on hands...shitake mushrooms and eggs.
What the heck, let's make the max out of the min ;)

- 3 eggs, beaten
- a cup of fresh shitake mushrooms, thinly sliced (you can use other kinds of mushrooms)
- olive oil, oyster sauce, fish sauce, white pepper

Saute mushrooms in hot olive oil until softened and browned, add oyster sauce, add beaten eggs, drizzle a bit of fish sauce and white pepper, mix a bit and serve hot. Don't overcook the eggs ;) I love my eggs when there are still runny bits here and there as well as browned bits. I know I'm weird :p

Earthy, rich flavored mushrooms with soft, smooth, runny eggs and some smoky, crispy browned egg bits...easily yummy.

Adding freshly chopped coriander, shallot and red chillies would bring this dish to another level, but I kept it pretty mininum and it was still tasty ;)