Showing posts with label breakfast. Show all posts
Showing posts with label breakfast. Show all posts

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Healthy Tomato Breakfast Smoothie

I copied this from a Korean show called "King Of Food". I used to eat tomatoes sprinkled with sugar when I was young, and was interested to try this sweet & slightly savory idea.

Recipe (adapted from the show)
- 1 large tomato, cut into chunks
- 1 cup skim milk
- 1 tbsp honey
(They added 1 tbsp olive oil too but I omitted it because.... I don't have any when I made this. Ooops!)
Put all ingredients in a blender & pulse until smooth.

The verdict?
I like the flavors but the smoothie doesn't get smooth, there are many bits of tomatoes that makes drinking not too smooth. I feel that running the smoothie through a sieve would be such a waste. Have you guys experienced this? Any solution?

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Sponsored Post: K-Food & CN Blue Video Plus My Kimchi Ramyun Omelette

Are you a fan of Korean food? Do you remember your first Korean food experience? Mine sent me back years ago when I was studying in Sydney. I lived with Korean flatmates, and one of them is an amazing cook. She introduced me to homemade Korean food. I remember the flat always smelling of kimchi as my flatmates made a huge batch and we always had our fridges full of them. Interestingly, I was not in love with Korean food in the beginning, I was probably not as adventurous an eater as I am now. The thing that really got me hooked was… Shin Ramyun instant noodles (well, of course – isn’t it the official international student food?). We always had boxes of ramyun to survive on a student budget, and I still eat them often - up until now :)

I love Korean food a lot more now – thanks to my obsession with Kpop & Kdramas. Anyone with me on this? Tell me I am not the only mad and obsessed ahjumma here. Whenever I see my idols slurping a bowl of ramyun… (I don’t wanna finish this sentence, can you finish it for me?)

Here’s a video of one of my favorite Kpop groups, CN Blue – promoting Korean food. My bias is Jung YongHwa – liked him since You Are Beautiful (I love rooting for the underdogs), and he looks so charming in this video – especially on 00:47 mark where he’s promoting Citron tea. Cuteee! Are you a CN Blue fan? Who’s your bias?

Apart from enjoying my ramyun as per the cooking instructions with a lot of sinful toppings, I also love turning it into an omelette.
Kimchi Ramyun with Spam Omelette

Very easy and tasty. Perfect for breakfasts or cut into smaller portion as a snack. I added kimchi, spam, and cheese too. My favorite combo!
Kimchi Ramyun Omelette Ingredients

Kimchi Ramyun with Spam Omelette
The perfect snack for watching more Kshows and Kdramas 
A cup of citron tea would be lovely too.

“This post has been sponsored by Korean Department for Agriculture and Trade, but all thoughts are my own"

Monday, July 15, 2013

Sweet Summer - How To Make Cherry Clafoutis

Easy Cherry Clafoutis Recipe
Saw the recipe on Gary's blog and I just had to make it! It's my favorite kind of recipe. Minimal, simple ingredients and the dish sounds and looks absolutely divine. I went to buy fresh cherries right away and got it done. If only I'd stop procrastinating things other than food...

Easy Cherry Clafoutis Recipe
Very easy to make!
Recipe (literally taken from Gary's blog. I followed every step!)
(serves 4-6)

  • 1/2 pounds of red cherries, stem removed, pitted (alternatively you can add blueberries, strawberries or even apricots or pears)
  • 0.5 cup of flour
  • 0.5 cup caster sugar
  • 3 large eggs
  • 1 cup of milk
  • pinch of salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla extract
  • powdered sugar

1. Preheat oven to 180C, lightly butter baking pan. Set aside.

2. Warm the milk in a saucepan over medium heat. Bring to simmer (do not boil) and set aside.

3. Combine eggs, flour, sugar, vanilla extract and salt in a mixing bowl. Whisk by hand or by food processor until smooth. Gradually add in warm milk. Continue to whisk until thoroughly combined. The batter will be a little watery - even more watery than whipping cream - but that's how it's supposed to be, so don't worry! 

4. Pour the batter into baking pan. Bake in oven for 8-10 minutes until slightly set. Remove pan from oven - do not turn it off!

5. Put cherries into the batter in single layer. Put baking pan back into the oven and continue to bake for an additional 40-45 minutes. Surface should be brown and batter set. 

6. Take the pan out of the oven. Let cool slightly, and run a knife along the sides of the pan to loosen up the clafoutis.

7. You can serve it immediately or let cool to lukewarm/room temperature. Before serving, dust with powdered sugar, cut into wedges or squares, and optionally put a scoop of ice cream on top (preferably homemade - that's Gary. For me... I'd totally buy since I haven't tried making ice cream before heheheh).

Easy Cherry Clafoutis Recipe
Halfway done. How gorgeous are those cherries!

Easy Cherry Clafoutis Recipe
The beauty.

Dig in! I had it for tea time and breakfast the next day. I absolutely ADORE the flavor of baked cherries.
Easy Cherry Clafoutis Recipe
Thanks for the recipe & inspiration to bake again, Gary!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Peanut Butter Indomie Goreng - Happy New Year 2013

Wanna crank your Indomie Goreng up a few notches?
Add 1 tbsp peanut butter mixed with 1 tsp hot water, freshly chopped chilli & a touch of lime juice.
My first breakfast in 2013.
Happy new year, everybody!

Ps. Excuse the iPhone photo, my DSLR is in Canon hospital :(

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Guilty pleasure.

Tom yum instant noodles, cheddar sausage, fish dumplings, fried eggs, topped with fried shallot.
Exclusively for weekends ;)

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Fruity English Muffin Breakfast

Fruity English Muffin Breakfast
I'm a huge savory girl, especially for breakfast. I just can't have sweet muffins for breakfast. No matter how sweet it will make my day...

So. I made these as the "dessert" of my breakfast. The savory version's the one with smoked salmon & cream cheese.
Fruity English Muffin Breakfast
Don't you love English muffins? They're wonderfully chewy and even more delicious when buttered and toasted!

Even when I do sweet version, it needs to have a bit of savory touch, so here we go.. the vulgar shot!
Fruity English Muffin Breakfast
What's in this sinful breakfast?
Butter and toast English muffins, slather generously with peanut butter, add hazelnut spread (e.g. Nutella), add fresh berries (I used strawberries and blueberries), dust a bit of icing sugar, and serve. I like mine with black coffee or unsweetened tea.

I still have more English muffin combos... please bear with me ^_^
I bought a pack and there are only 3 of us, so we had to eat them a few days straight. Not that we're complaining. We love English muffins!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Super Cheesy Baked Egg with Broccoli

Cheesy Baked Broccoli Egg with Cheese
Cheesy is pretty much what I am all about. I kinda overdid this a bit. Well a lot. The amount of grated cheese I added to this thing was ridiculous, but hey... the block of cheese was gonna expired soon, I had no choice right? Plus, there's never too much cheese in my book ^_^

So this was one of my last low carb breakfast before I went on a chain of business trip. I'll surely go back home and make this easy treat again.
Cheesy Baked Broccoli Egg with Cheese
(served just me ^_*)
- 1 egg, beaten
- a dash of cream
- lots of grated cheese (like a tiny mountain of it), I used cheddar, but if you had a bit of mozzarella to go with it, it'd be nice too
- a handful of chopped broccoli (just used some leftover, a handful of frozen peas would be nice too)
- a bit of pepper
Preheat oven to 200C, throw everything, except a bit of grated cheese to put on top, bake until golden brown and fluffy. Serve with chilli sauce or tabasco.

And I got slimmer a bit eating this sinful thing? Howww?

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Mushroom Omelette with Black Truffle Pate

Mushroom Omelette with Black Truffle
OMG! It's been so long!
Lots have been going on in my life... a new job, a new flat, business trips, etc etc etc...I am overwhelmed!
And naturally, I've been eating a lot of carbs, dumping my diet aside, which is a bit sad since it was going so well :(

Anyway, looking at my old low carb pictures, I am inspired to start again, and I'd like share this one with you. It's meatless but very tasty and satisfying with a touch of luxe ;)

- 1 egg, beaten
- half a cup of button mushrooms, sliced
- a tsp of black truffle pate
- butter, salt, pepper

Melt butter in a non stick frying pan, saute mushrooms, season with salt and pepper, pour beaten egg, cook for a bit (do not overcook), flip, serve and add black truffle pate on top.


Tuesday, April 10, 2012

My Holiday Breakfast Indulgence

Chocolate Cake, Cream Cheese, Passion Fruit Jam, Peanut butter Breakfast
Chocolate cake for breakfast. So un-me, but so delish!

Chocolate Cake, Cream Cheese, Passion Fruit Jam, Peanut butter Breakfast
It all started when I bought a bag of super soft and chocolatey chocolate cake from A1 Bakery for baby M, and he cringed at the sight of chocolate cake (weird!!!) and refused to even try it (double weird!!!). But he adoresss eating just chocolate (triple weird).

Anyway... so we ended up with this chunk of temptation, and finally caved and had it for breakfast.
Chocolate Cake, Cream Cheese, Passion Fruit Jam, Peanut butter Breakfast
I added touches of savories, one's peanut butter and the other is cream cheese with passion fruit jam.

I had mine with coffee and SC devoured this with milk x yakult (weird?), with his bedhead (censored) and iPad on his lap (we no longer have human interaction on dining table since... iPhone and iPad). was your Easter holiday, guys?

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Sweet Savory Breakfast Sandwich - Croissant with Candied Kumquats and Cream Cheese

Breakfast - Croissant with Candied KumQuat & Cream Cheese
I received a jar of candied kumquats from my awesome foodie friend, Mr. W. He told me "Use it as you would marmalade"...and here's how I used it. I love a combo of sweet and salty, thus the buttery croissant and the creamy savory cream cheese with the candied kumquats. I love love loveeee!

It makes an amazing holiday breakfast!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Pickled Jalapeno & Cheddar Omelette with Grilled Sausages - Low Carb Breakfast

Pickled Jalapeno & Cheddar Omelette w/ Sausages Breakfast - Low Carb
One of my recent low carb brekkie.
Very tasty & satisfying, I love how the pickled jalapeno added a bit of heat & tang into the rich mix.
Btw, can I consider pickled jalapeno as "vegetables"? ^_^'

Pickled Jalapeno & Cheddar Omelette w/ Sausages Breakfast - Low Carb
(serves one and only me!)
- 1 egg, beaten
- 1 tbsp of pickled jalapeno, drained, chopped
- cheddar cheese chunks
- olive oil
Pour beaten egg to lightly oiled hot non-stick pan, add pickled jalapeno and cheese, fold or flip (I folded mine into a triangle), remove from heat and serve with grilled sausage of your choice (or bacon?). Do not overcook the egg.

This is good with some sweet and creamy coffee.
Happy Friday!

PS. Do you have more omelette ideas for me?

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Healthy Yummy Breakfast - Green Apples, Grapes, Yogurt & Cashew Nuts

Healthy Yummy Breakfast - Grapes, Apples, Yoghurt, Cashew Nuts
Just looking at this photo makes me feel healthier already. Heeheeee!
My second attempt of healthy breakfast, and my first time trying a sweet breakfast.

I simply squeeze lemon juice all over the cut-up apple, throw them onto a cup of yogurt together with halved grapes and cashew nuts.
Healthy Yummy Breakfast - Grapes, Apples, Yoghurt, Cashew Nuts
Despite how yum it is, I am simply not used to having sweet breakfasts. It makes me feel so... unfulfilled.
I need to find a way to make this savory without adding huge chunks of bacon or sausage.


Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Chinese New Year Holiday Homemade Breakfast

Chinese New Year Holiday Breakfast at Home
Just sharing one of my many lovely breakfasts during the Chinese New Year holiday :)
The yummies are all homemade by....(not me!) SC's uncle who lives in Guang Zhou, brought all the way back to Hong Kong! I am so grateful!

Curry Sticky Rice
Ultra delish curry steamed glutinous rice.

Homemade Curry Steamed Glutinous Rice

Homemade Nam Yue Crisps
We received a tin full of homemade nam yue (Chinese fermented beancurd sauce) crisps. We ate lotsss of these while watching trashy holiday TV and playing mah jong (yes! I finally learnt how to play!)

Red Bean Sticky Dumplings
Sticky dumpling with red bean filling. Greasy deliciousness!

And we polished everything off with pots of hot Chinese tea.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Leisurely Lazy Holiday Breakfast's been a while since I've prettified and properly photographed my breakfasts or any meals for that matter. I don't do it anymore, even on weekends! Sobs.
Leisurely Breakfast
So, finally, I had a chance during my last holiday when my sister was in town. It's a lazy breakfast, because I didn't make anything. I just bought stuff and put them on the table. They are some of our favorites buns from Yamazaki bakery

Leisurely Breakfast
The savory bun has a creamy filling with onion, sweet corn and corned beef with some crispy cheesy bits all over, super yummy! Another favorite of mine is the pumpkin donut with curry beef filling. Awh! can something so small be so sinful and so yummy?

Leisurely Breakfast
I love ending every meal with something sweet, including breakfasts. Normally I just have coffee with some cream and sugar, but on a holiday, I had mini chocolate croissant and red bean donuts.

All those and my favorite local food magazine, Eat Travel Weekly (I adore their photography)...just perfect.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Nissin Black Garlic Oil Tonkotsu Flavored Instant Noodles 傳說既黑蒜油豬骨湯味公仔面

I've heard so much about this instant noodle.
It's the talk of the town, at least on my Facebook newsfeed ^_*
Nissin Black Garlic Oil Tonkotsu Flavored Instant Noodles

The black garlic oil tonkotsu flavored instant noodles from Nissin.
Nissin Black Garlic Oil Tonkotsu Flavored Instant Noodles
It took us a while before we could buy some. That made me wanna try it even more. Clever marketing, eh?
我足足等左兩個月, 日日去超級市場等佢出...

Finally, I got to try it last weekend.
How was it? Was it all that? Did it make my earth move? Was it the instant noodles of all instant noodles?
最後, 好幸運地係一間唔近我地既百佳揾到!, 即買左10包! 本來想買一箱...炒賣返出去..sosad
Nissin Black Garlic Oil Tonkotsu Flavored Instant Noodles
Well, the black garlic oil is fragrant and the tonkotsu flavor's pretty intense (Hello, Mr. Sodium), but for me,  it's definitely not indispensable.
食落都幾好味, 好濃蒜香味!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Pan Fried Cheong Fun with XO Sauce 煮野有take 2之再生腸粉

Pan Fried Cheong Fun with XO Sauce
I wish I could have this for breakfast every day.
I love the slightly crispy edges of the cheong fun (Chinese rice rolls), then the softness, and all kinds of tasty bits from the XO sauce....perfect with a cup of hot tea.
Hmmm, maybe I could have this every day.
It's easy to prepare after all...

鐘意食D焦焦地脆脆地既腸粉, 加埋XO醬同杯茶就完美了!

Pan Fried Cheong Fun with XO Sauce
I didn't make my own cheong fun, of course. It's the combination of laziness, lack of skills, and my chronic obsession with short-cuts.

腸粉係酒樓飲早茶食淨, 大家都可以係出面買

Simply use store bought cheong fun, pan fry with lots of XO sauce and a touch of light soy sauce until the exterior of the cheong fun gets just a bit crispy. I used generous amount of XO Sauce from Mandarin Oriental, super yummy!

煎香D腸粉, 落D XO醬, 攪掂

Serve with a good pot of tea. Perfect.

Monday, April 11, 2011

My Weekend Breakfast & Baby Marcus' Food - Grass Carp & Choy Sum Congee

Weekend Breakfast - Grass Carp & Choy Sum Congee
Now baby Marcus has started eating various solid food, we prepare it daily, super fresh, using ingredients which are normally organic and even better than what we normally eat every day. Ahhh...things we do for our parents syndrome.

Marcus would only eat a bit, so we get leftover ingredients which we sometimes used the next day. But since we want to use the freshest things, these days we try to consume the ingredients used for baby Marcus' food, just like what I saw in this wonderful blog, Yummies for your little one's bellies. I saw her making two different versions of dishes, one for the baby and one for the big kids, and I was truly inspired!

Last weekend, I was on congee making duty, and I made grass carp and choy sum congee for baby Marcus. I ate the same congee, mine was just cranked up with a lot more seasoning. Heheheheh
Weekend Breakfast - Grass Carp & Choy Sum Congee
- 1/4 cup rice
- water to rice ratio: 5 to 1
- 2 small stalk of organic choy sum, finely chopped
- a small slice of grass carp belly (about 3cm x 10 cm)
Cook rice in hot water until soften (to congee/porridge consistency). While rice is cooking, clean and steam the fish. Once the fish is done (it's done when a chopstick could go through it very easily), mash the fish and remove all the bones. Once the rice/congee is done, add the shredded choy sum, let cook for 1-2 minutes (we don't wanna cook it for too long, w, e want to retain as much nutrients as possible, that's why we chopped the choy sum so finely), add the mashed fish, remove from heat.

For the baby, pour congee into a food processor/blender, pulse for a couple of minute, serve warm. No seasoning necessary, the rice actually makes the congee pretty sweet.

For me, I surely didn't food-process the congee, added fish sauce, pepper, topped it with crispy shallot. A very comforting hot weekend breakfast for me.


Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Easy Cheesy Baked Egg Breakfast

Cheesy Baked Egg Breakfast
I made some cupcakes last night, but was in the mood for a hot savory breakfast this morning, so I just dumped an egg, some milk, a bit of oil, salt, black pepper, nutmeg, mix it up, topped with grated parmesan cheese and baked it in 250C oven for a few minutes....and done.

Cheesy Baked Egg Breakfast
Hot cheesy, eggy, savory, quick and easy breakfast.
I wish I had some bacon/nice sausages/ham on hand...

Monday, March 28, 2011

Weekend Breakfast - Cream Cheese & Kaya Sandwich with Cinnamon Coffee

Just thought I'd share my weekend breakfast...when it's not instant noodles/dimsums/Hong Kong fast's gotta be an easy sandwich.
Cream cheese kaya sandwich & cinnamon coffee
This time, it's cream cheese & kaya (weird?) on fluffy and soft honey egg sliced bread. I love the creamy, tangy and slightly savory flavor of cream cheese with anything, including with the sweet and coconutty kaya. Toasting the bread would be nice, but I was just too lazy. Heheh.

Cream cheese kaya sandwich & cinnamon coffee
I also love the addition of a little cinnamon on my sweet black morning coffee. Love the sweet fragrance. I am so not a coffee purist, obviously ^_^

How was your weekend? Delicious?

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Hong Kong Street Snack - Cheong Fun & Siu Mai

I wish I had this plate of steamy goodness for breakfast this morning...
Hong Kong Snacks - Cheong Fun & Siu Mai
...silky smooth rolled rice sheets (cheong fun) and wonderfully chewy siu mai, drenched in soy sauce, peanut sauce and sweet sauce, sprinkled with sesame seeds.

It doesn't have to be from any famous shop, the cheong fun doesn't have to be hand rolled...I'd still LOVE!
If you're in Hong Kong, you've surely tried this? If you haven't, please go to any street snack stall/shop near you. Buddies abroad, do you have this in your area?