Showing posts with label Brazil. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Brazil. Show all posts

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Queijo, Carne, Frango, Agua, Obrigada!

Yeah, those are the words we learnt when we were in Brazil. Queijo =Cheese, Carne = Beef, Frango = Chicken, Agua = Water, Obrigada = Thank you (for girls). We were pampered by good food in Brazil, a heaven for carnivores, salads and vegetable dishes are generally more expensive than meat.

We love this place:
Bella Paulista

My Franca (Beef tenderloin Parmigiana, with fries, served with rice)

Liberdade sandwich: chicken fillet, yellow cheese, cream cheese, tomato, lettuce. It is yummiest hot sandwich I've ever had so far.

Augusta: beef tenderloin escalopes with onions, beans, rice & french fries. Did you see the amount of carbo side dishes? No wonder I could not get on with work after this, gulping down cups after cups (their cups are tiny) of Choco-cappuccino

The choco and cookie counter


and more cakes...

and more cakes!! I gained (opps lost) XX (private & confidential) lbs after this trip

The Black Dog
MAD MAD MAD Hot Dogs: with melted cheese, mashed potatoes, onions. Even their fries are drizzled with cheese powder. We also tried the local soft drink, Guarana

Cafe Paulista
chicken pastries, pão de queijo (local cheese bread), coxinha (chicken croquettes)

This is a lovely Italian place at the swanky Jardins district. Italian food is big in Brazil and to my surprise, people start dinner really LATE. We started around 10 pm, the restaurant was quiet until around 11:30 wow!

That was my first beef carpaccio. The waiters kept bringing you trays of food, you can decide to accept of decline. You will be charged for whatever you accepted.

The beef lasagna was the richest of the rich. It was officially the best lasagna I've ever had.

All-you-can-eat barbecue places. There are buffet counters overflowing with food, and the waiters walking around offerring you barbecued meat dishes. I love stuffing myself up close to explosion, so I love churrascarias!

Japanese food is supremely popular in Brazil, due to its large Japanese community, the largest outside Japan. Look! I even found sushi at this churrascaria (I am loving the sound of it, should it go to my potential first born name list? lol), but this strawberry sushi kinda scared me.

Look at my plae, that was my second. I loveeee the sausages, the rice, the pasta, the deep fried items (don't blame me, I am from Indonesia, the land of deep fried fantasies)

At Daniel's Place in Santos
We were treated to a home-made lunch by Daniel's mum. We had super yummy chicken strogonoff (cream & ketchup sauce), served with rice and potato chips. Nothing's yummier than mommy's cooking. Thanks for the hospitality to Dan and family!