"When can I eat stuff like this, papa?"
"爸爸, 我叫時食得炒飯呀?:("
Remember the bland fried rice we had the other day?
It was so bland, we decided that there's no point wasting calories eating it, so we took it home.
因為個味太淡, 我地個日都冇乜點食, 打包返左屋企
And we tastified it.
炒飯有take 2開始
I added minced garlic, thinly sliced shallot, lots of minced pork (uh huh!), fish sauce, salt, and pepper, topped with crispy shallot...and...
我加左D蒜頭碎, 乾紅蔥, 好多好多豬肉碎(要同個廚講返對唔住, 我咁攪佢個飯XDD), 魚露, 鹽, 胡椒....
Hello, TASTY!
個take 2 左既炒飯即刻立體晒..