Showing posts with label 雞蛋. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 雞蛋. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Three Egg Fried Rice 三色蛋炒飯

Three Eggs (Normal, Salted & Century Egg) Fried Rice
What are the three types of egg in this fried rice? Normal, salted and century (thousand year) egg. I loved the idea the moment SC threw it at me. Why haven't I thought of this before? We went to the market to buy our eggs.
琴日放假冇乜野做, 見有好多食剩飯, SC就好creative咁Google有乜炒飯可以整啦. 揾吓揾吓揾到個三色蛋炒飯, 個名好似好有霸氣, 就試啦. 三色蛋包括, 皮蛋, 咸蛋, 同雞蛋.

Three Eggs (Normal, Salted & Century Egg) Fried Rice
You must've recognized the regular chicken egg, the black one's the salted egg, and the grainy one is the century/thousand year old egg.
中國人應該好熟三種蛋, 黑色隻係咸蛋, 外面有一粒粒隻係皮蛋, 肉色個隻唔使講, 大家都知係雞啦

They were cleaned and then boiled for about 10 minutes, starting from cold water to prevent from cracking.
清理好D黑色同一粒粒野, 就洗乾淨佢地, 放入室溫水煲10分鐘
Three Eggs (Normal, Salted & Century Egg) Fried Rice

They yolks look like this.
三個蛋黃都唔同架, 好得意
Three Eggs (Normal, Salted & Century Egg) Fried Rice

SC pointed out to me that before plastic bags were widely used in Hong Kong, sprigs of scallions from the wet market used to be tied up this way...
榮幸地今日去街市買䓤, 佢地冇比膠袋而比個好懷舊既咸水草我, 真環保

Three Eggs (Normal, Salted & Century Egg) Fried Rice

What else went into the fried rice apart from the three eggs?
除左蛋, 仲要蝦米, 䓤
Three Eggs (Normal, Salted & Century Egg) Fried Rice
We added dried shrimps and scallion.

Three Eggs (Normal, Salted & Century Egg) Fried Rice
(serves 4)
Adapted from here
- 2 eggs (1 boiled, 1 beaten and seasoned, to be scrambled later)
- 1 salted egg, boiled
- 1 century/thousand year egg, boiled
- 3 sprigs of scallion, thinly chopped
- a handful of dried shrimps, soaked in water until softened, roughly chopped
- 4 servings of leftover rice
- vegetable oil, salt, pepper, sugar, fish sauce, chicken powder (optional)

- 兩隻蛋, 一隻烚熟, 一隻打散佢調味, 炒做蛋花
- 1 隻咸蛋, 烚熟
- 1 隻皮蛋, 烚熟
- 3 條䓤, 切碎
- 1 手咁多既蝦米, 用水浸軟(大概要浸2 個鐘), 切細佢
- 四人量既剩飯
- 油, 鹽, 胡椒, 糖, 魚露, 雞粉(自選)

Roughly chop the boiled three eggs, set aside. Saute dried shrimp chunks in hot oil, add scallion, add egg chunks, add rice, mix well, add beaten egg, scrambled, mix everything well, season with salt, pepper, sugar, chicken powder and fish sauce, serve hot.
將D蛋切粒, 備用. 炒香D蝦米同䓤, 加飯, 攪均, 加蛋, 攪均, 用油, 鹽, 胡椒, 糖, 魚露, 雞粉調味

Hmmm...eggy! :)