Alright - enough is enough!
I hate to have to do this. But I am blocking my blog from the general public. I do not want you to stop reading the blog. SO, if you would like to be on the list PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE leave a comment with your email address and I will put you on the list and when you go to the blog, you will have to enter it to read the blog! The comments WILL NOT be posted with your email address so I am the only one to see them.
Setting up this blog was the best thing that I could do to help keep family and friends updated with the happenings of our lives! However, after many rude and uncalled for comments I no longer want my blog open to the general public.
So - I am going to block it and you must be given permission to access the blog. Like I said, I love it that people read the blog, but I do not appreciate what has happened.
If you enjoy reading the blog, please leave a comment.
This will be effective this weekend.
Thank you!
Showing posts with label This and That. Show all posts
Showing posts with label This and That. Show all posts
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Goodbye Mr. President
For those that know me, you know that my favorite person that I don't know is
Ever since the election in 2001, I have loved this man and have the utmost respect for him as he leads our country. He is a man of conviction and integrity. One day I WILL meet him - mark my words!
As his presidency is coming to a close and our country is about to swear in a historic president, there are many questions about what will be written about George W. Bush. This is what he has to say about that:
"I would like to be a person remembered as a person who, first and foremost, did not sell his soul in order to accommodate the political process."
Bless him!
Steven Curtis Chapman recently recorded a song written for George W. Bush called "Goodbye Mr. President." You can click here to listen to it. It's a good song and worth your time.
Thank you Mr. President. Thank you!

Ever since the election in 2001, I have loved this man and have the utmost respect for him as he leads our country. He is a man of conviction and integrity. One day I WILL meet him - mark my words!
As his presidency is coming to a close and our country is about to swear in a historic president, there are many questions about what will be written about George W. Bush. This is what he has to say about that:
Bless him!
Steven Curtis Chapman recently recorded a song written for George W. Bush called "Goodbye Mr. President." You can click here to listen to it. It's a good song and worth your time.
Thank you Mr. President. Thank you!
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Our Mac is Back!!!
As you may remember, Jeremiah threw up all over our laptop the morning that we moved. They keyboard has not worked since then. Eric, who is a pro with macs, took it apart and cleaned everywhere and discovered that it was fried! So, we ordered a new keyboard from Apple and he installed it today and it is as good as new!!! It is so nice typing on a brand new keyboard :).
We are so pleased to have our mac back - we missed it!
On to baby news, I went and took the boys weighed today. We were concerned that Michael was a little behind, so I wanted to make sure they were both growing they way that they should be. Jeremiah now weighs 10lbs11oz and Michael is 10lbs8oz! We are so thrilled that they are doing so well. They have both gained EXACTLY two pounds in a month which is right where they should be! This is good news because if their weights were ok I was going to move them to a three and a half hour schedule (instead of feeding every 3 hours). That will take us down to 5 feedings a day - right now we are doing 6 and it will move our bedtime to 9 instead of 9:30. I am going back next week to get them weighed and if they are still right on target, then we will stick with it, if not, then we will go back to every 3 hours.
We'll see!
PS - I know it is Wednesday, but I didn't have a creative picture to show - maybe I will do a Wordless Thursday! Sorry!
We are so pleased to have our mac back - we missed it!
On to baby news, I went and took the boys weighed today. We were concerned that Michael was a little behind, so I wanted to make sure they were both growing they way that they should be. Jeremiah now weighs 10lbs11oz and Michael is 10lbs8oz! We are so thrilled that they are doing so well. They have both gained EXACTLY two pounds in a month which is right where they should be! This is good news because if their weights were ok I was going to move them to a three and a half hour schedule (instead of feeding every 3 hours). That will take us down to 5 feedings a day - right now we are doing 6 and it will move our bedtime to 9 instead of 9:30. I am going back next week to get them weighed and if they are still right on target, then we will stick with it, if not, then we will go back to every 3 hours.
We'll see!
PS - I know it is Wednesday, but I didn't have a creative picture to show - maybe I will do a Wordless Thursday! Sorry!
Monday, June 30, 2008
Hello Pensacola!
Well we made it to Pensacola! The trip was not bad at all and the boys did great! We left at 7am - and arrived in Pensacola at 8pm (Hour difference in time). It is normally a ten hour drive, but we were pulling a car, and had two boys that had to eat several times - so it was a 14 hour trip. They did so well - we only stopped three times to feed them. The last 30 minutes they were tired of being in the car and screamed the rest of the way. But the second we stopped and opened the door they stopped crying.
We are getting settled in. Mike and my parents unloaded the Uhaul yesterday and we got mostly everything where it goes. Mike cut his finger unloading a lamp - it is pretty deep, but we are hoping that a butterfly bandaid will help it heal without needing stiches. We cannot transfer our insurance until this morning, so we couldn't do anything about it last night.
Well, I will post pictures soon - maybe longer because Jeremiah threw up ALL OVER our laptop and now it doesn't work. So, we need to figure a way to get it fixed.
We are getting settled in. Mike and my parents unloaded the Uhaul yesterday and we got mostly everything where it goes. Mike cut his finger unloading a lamp - it is pretty deep, but we are hoping that a butterfly bandaid will help it heal without needing stiches. We cannot transfer our insurance until this morning, so we couldn't do anything about it last night.
Well, I will post pictures soon - maybe longer because Jeremiah threw up ALL OVER our laptop and now it doesn't work. So, we need to figure a way to get it fixed.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Goodbye Louisville!
Right now I am feeding the boys in my apartment for the last time while Mike and my mom are loading up last minute things in the truck. It is 5:30 am and I am sitting by the window that has those STUPID birds that chirp in the middle of the night and drive us insane - I think I might miss those stupid birds.
I am going to miss Louisville terribly! I have enjoyed every moment (mostly) that we have shared here! I would have been thrilled if the Lord chose for us to settle down here - but He didn't and I will rejoice in knowing that He has a plan for our family and has another great season in store for our life!
We came to Louisville has a newlywed couple and we are leaving Louisville as parents to our twin boys (our little souveniers)! Now that was the greatest part about this season!
Pray for us as we travel today - we will be doing it all in one day with the two little ones.
goodbye louisville.
I am going to miss Louisville terribly! I have enjoyed every moment (mostly) that we have shared here! I would have been thrilled if the Lord chose for us to settle down here - but He didn't and I will rejoice in knowing that He has a plan for our family and has another great season in store for our life!
We came to Louisville has a newlywed couple and we are leaving Louisville as parents to our twin boys (our little souveniers)! Now that was the greatest part about this season!
Pray for us as we travel today - we will be doing it all in one day with the two little ones.
goodbye louisville.
Friday, June 27, 2008
Well - today marks my 100th post since I started the blog back in October. I started it for the purpose of keeping family and friends up to date on the pregnancy and twins! We have been amazed at how many people have been reading the blog (over 14,000 hits so far) and have been praying for these two little boys, even while they were being knitted by the Master! Thank You!
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Happy Easter
This is a video of my niece, Elena Faith, when she was around 4 years old. She is retelling the story of Christ's death and Ressurection.
POWER OF THE CROSS: By Keith and Kristyn Getty
Oh, to see the dawn
Of the darkest day:
Christ on the road to Calvary.
Tried by sinful men,
Torn and beaten, then
Nailed to a cross of wood.
This, the pow’r of the cross:
Christ became sin for us;
Took the blame, bore the wrath—
We stand forgiven at the cross.
Oh, to see the pain
Written on Your face,
Bearing the awesome weight of sin.
Ev’ry bitter thought,
Ev’ry evil deed
Crowning Your bloodstained brow.
Now the daylight flees;
Now the ground beneath
Quakes as its Maker bows His head.
Curtain torn in two,
Dead are raised to life;
“Finished!” the vict’ry cry.
Oh, to see my name
Written in the wounds,
For through Your suffering I am free.
Death is crushed to death;
Life is mine to live,
Won through Your selfless love.
This, the pow’r of the cross:
Son of God—slain for us.
What a love! What a cost!
We stand forgiven at the cross.
POWER OF THE CROSS: By Keith and Kristyn Getty
Oh, to see the dawn
Of the darkest day:
Christ on the road to Calvary.
Tried by sinful men,
Torn and beaten, then
Nailed to a cross of wood.
This, the pow’r of the cross:
Christ became sin for us;
Took the blame, bore the wrath—
We stand forgiven at the cross.
Oh, to see the pain
Written on Your face,
Bearing the awesome weight of sin.
Ev’ry bitter thought,
Ev’ry evil deed
Crowning Your bloodstained brow.
Now the daylight flees;
Now the ground beneath
Quakes as its Maker bows His head.
Curtain torn in two,
Dead are raised to life;
“Finished!” the vict’ry cry.
Oh, to see my name
Written in the wounds,
For through Your suffering I am free.
Death is crushed to death;
Life is mine to live,
Won through Your selfless love.
This, the pow’r of the cross:
Son of God—slain for us.
What a love! What a cost!
We stand forgiven at the cross.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
I am very sad! :(
I love Sudoku! I have been playing this puzzle for almost 2 years and have tried to make it more challenging as I go. I will do the puzzle different ways with different strategies. The past few months I have been timing myself to see how fast I can do it. Through all the "hard work" I have gotten down to a little under 5 minutes a puzzle. When my family came to visit I was showing them new strategies on the puzzle and showed them how fast I could do these puzzles. BIG MISTAKE. You know that saying, "Pride comes before the fall"? AGH! Since they left, I CAN'T figure out some of the puzzles and if I do, it takes me FOREVER! What has happened to me?
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Because we just spent the past three hours out registering at Babies R Us. It was a very long and tiring process but I think we have everything on it - minus bottles. Laura if you could message me the type of bottles that are safe, that would be great. We couldn't remember the type of bottles to register for so we just skipped that part.
Here are several things that I learned from this long process today:
1. Babies really don't need anything! As we are registering for stuff, the thoughts go through, "Do we REALLY need this?" "Will I REALLY use this?" I am sure some of it will come in handy, and some of it I really need. But alot of it is just darn cute - so we registered for it.
2. My husband thinks anything that is NOT blue is girly! I could barely get close to anything that was green or yellow before I heard out of my husband's mouth "Our boys won't be sissy's!" I reply by saying "They are BABIES!" So - most of what we registered for is blue with "manly" things on it. (manly for babies = cars, trucks, dinosaurs, bugs, etc...) Our nursery is done in mostly green and yellow and blue with lambs and stars and after today I am wondering how he agreed to that. It was a miracle I think.
3. I don't have a third lesson, but two didn't seem enough for our long day.
All in all, we had fun looking at all the cute stuff and Mike was a real trooper. Here are a few of some "Fun" things that we registered for:

Diaper Bag - isn't it SOO manly - Mike will not feel whimpy carrying this.

Isn't this adorable!!! I saw it when I babysat some kids and thought it was precious. It is a frog that hangs on the bathroom wall to put toys in. Yes, it is green - but it is a frog (a bug) which equals Baby Manly. So we are good to go.

So - this one was COMPLETELY Mike's idea. He saw this and thought it was funny and great - so we registerd for two of them, The "Tinkle, Tinkle Little Star" and the "Lil Squirt". Here is the Item Description: "A must-have for the parents of baby boys, the Weeblock® Tinkle Tinkle Lil' Star from Sozo® is a wee-wee-absorbing sponge for use when changing diapers. Weeblock was invented by the parents of two boys who have developed a useful and fun solution to the inevitable "fountains of youth." Just cover the baby during changing with the Weeblock® and stay dry! Weeblock® is a machine washable sponge covered in soft cotton jersey." We'll see how much we use them.
We have our first baby shower on the 26th. Emily, my good friend from Knoxville, is throwing it for us along with a few of our neighbors here at the seminary. So, I figured I needed to finish our registry before then. If any of you "mom's" know of "must-haves" let me know so I can add it - because quite honestly - we have no clue!
Oh - one other exciting thing that happened today was that we got a really "nice" refund on our rug and lamp that goes with our nursery. Mike bought them for me for Christmas at full price - and now they are on clearance and I found a coupon for an EXTRA 40% off the clearance price. So, we took them our receipt and asked if they would credit us for the clearance price + 40% off and THEY DID!!! So we now got the rug and lamp for half of what Mike paid for it. NICE!
Here are several things that I learned from this long process today:
1. Babies really don't need anything! As we are registering for stuff, the thoughts go through, "Do we REALLY need this?" "Will I REALLY use this?" I am sure some of it will come in handy, and some of it I really need. But alot of it is just darn cute - so we registered for it.
2. My husband thinks anything that is NOT blue is girly! I could barely get close to anything that was green or yellow before I heard out of my husband's mouth "Our boys won't be sissy's!" I reply by saying "They are BABIES!" So - most of what we registered for is blue with "manly" things on it. (manly for babies = cars, trucks, dinosaurs, bugs, etc...) Our nursery is done in mostly green and yellow and blue with lambs and stars and after today I am wondering how he agreed to that. It was a miracle I think.
3. I don't have a third lesson, but two didn't seem enough for our long day.
All in all, we had fun looking at all the cute stuff and Mike was a real trooper. Here are a few of some "Fun" things that we registered for:
We have our first baby shower on the 26th. Emily, my good friend from Knoxville, is throwing it for us along with a few of our neighbors here at the seminary. So, I figured I needed to finish our registry before then. If any of you "mom's" know of "must-haves" let me know so I can add it - because quite honestly - we have no clue!
Oh - one other exciting thing that happened today was that we got a really "nice" refund on our rug and lamp that goes with our nursery. Mike bought them for me for Christmas at full price - and now they are on clearance and I found a coupon for an EXTRA 40% off the clearance price. So, we took them our receipt and asked if they would credit us for the clearance price + 40% off and THEY DID!!! So we now got the rug and lamp for half of what Mike paid for it. NICE!
Friday, January 4, 2008
God truly provides for us... even in the small stuff!
Well - as you know from my last post, I have not been comfortable and Mike and I are not sleeping in the same bed. :( Well, since he has been sleeping on the futon couch matress on the floor (See previous post for pics), we both have gotten better sleep. And it has really helped both of us with our sickness and moods. As we were fixing his bed last night I told him that we needed to think about investing in a bigger bed, or see if someone is getting rid of a Queen size bed or something. The double just isn't cutting it!!! Well, not even an hour after that conversation, I check my email and a couple from our small group sent us an email with the subject as: "GIVING AWAY A BED" - the email was that they have a QUEEN size bed (matress, boxspring, frame, and headboard) that they do not need and wanted to know if anyone needed a bed or wanted one, and if so, then they could have it!!! Well I quickly emailed them back and told them about our bed situation and so, we are arranging on Sunday to pick it up!!!
God is so good!
God is so good!
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Extreme Makeover: Home Edition
Here are some pictures of out adventure out to the site. We thought we would just go and it would take an hour or so - well we were quite wrong! We stood in line for 3 hours to load the shuttle bus to take us to the construction site. They did not allow anyone to walk or drive there. Once we got there we were able to watch the crew and we even saw two designers! Ty (the host) was not there - he was in Kansas City finishing a home over there. He will be back soon to reveal the house to the family. We then waitied around 45 minutes for the bus to take us back to our vehicles. It was well worth the wait! It was an experience to remember! The episode should air in February! We are excited to see it. We will probably make an effort to drive by the house in the next few weeks to see the finished product - who knows, maybe they will let people in to see the house. Today was fun and exciting, but it was also very exhausting!
Sunday, October 14, 2007
This is a great video with a bit of what Piper shared with Southern Seminary Students. Check it out.
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Motherhood Matters
I ran across this article today by Mrs. Mary Mohler. Mrs. Mohler is the wife of Dr. Al Mohler, president of Southern Seminary (Where Mike attends).
Here is the link to it: Motherhood Matters
It is a long article but it is worth the read. Makes me eager to have these two little ones here to mother. How I long for the day when I can hold them and Mike and I can begin to instruct them in the way of the Lord.
Here is the link to it: Motherhood Matters
It is a long article but it is worth the read. Makes me eager to have these two little ones here to mother. How I long for the day when I can hold them and Mike and I can begin to instruct them in the way of the Lord.
Monday, October 8, 2007
I love You Tube!
Well, I abolutley love YouTube videos. Here is a funny one that I saw on GirlTalk . I thought this was great!
And Here is one of my personal favorites that I might soon relate well to.
And Here is one of my personal favorites that I might soon relate well to.
Sunday, October 7, 2007
I was not tagged.
No, I was not tagged - I saw this on some other people's blog and thought it was fun. Here is a little bit more about Mike and I.
1. Who is your man? The man God has graciously given me is James Michael Spivey - Mike. God has blessed me with him and I enjoy every day with him!

2. How long have you been together? We started dating September 22, 2002 - we got engaged on March 9th, 2004 and we married on Dec. 4th, 2004
3. How long did you date? We dated for 1 yr and 6 months and we were engaged for 9 months.
4. How old is your man? Mike just turned 26 this past August.
5. Who eats more? Definitely Mike. But I have a feeling that I might surpass him the next few months.
6. Who said "I love you" first? He did.
7. Who is taller? He is.
8. Who sings better? He does.
9. Who does the laundry? I do...that is a scary thought to think of him doing it.
10. Who takes out the garbage? He does.
11. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? If you are facing it, me.
12. Who pays the bills? I do. I love filling out forms
13. Who is better with the computer? I am - I had to teach Mike where the power button is. He is doing bette since we got our Mac.
14. Who mows the lawn? What lawn? - If we had one, I am sure he would.
15. Who cooks dinner? I used to until I got pregnant - and now he does it all the time. Once I can smell and look I food I will take cooking back on.
16. Who drives when you are together? He does.
17. Who pays when you go out? He does. It all comes from the same account, but he actually takes his card out and pays. It is more manly.
18. Who is most stubborn? I probably am - although I am normally not stubborn for lon.
19. Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? We both really try to, but sometimes pride gets in the way.
20. Whose parents do you see the most? Living so far away from family, we try to spilt it right down the middle. We see his ENTIRE family more, because they all live in the same city. My family lives in 4 different states - but we always see my parents and grandparents when we go home
21. Who kissed who first? He did.
22. Who asked who out? He did. Our first date was to a theme park called Wild Adventures - I got sick. :( but we had a great times.
23. Who proposed? He did.
24. Who is more sensitive? By far me - especially now that I am pregnant - it is way worse!!!
25. Who has more friends? Well - we have a lot of couple friends. But, because I used to work on campus I know more people.
26. Who has more siblings? I do - I have 2 brothers and a sister. He just has one brother and one sister.
27. Who wears the pants in the family? Mike takes his responsibily that the Lord has given him very seriously and I am proud to submit to his leadership.
1. Who is your man? The man God has graciously given me is James Michael Spivey - Mike. God has blessed me with him and I enjoy every day with him!
2. How long have you been together? We started dating September 22, 2002 - we got engaged on March 9th, 2004 and we married on Dec. 4th, 2004
3. How long did you date? We dated for 1 yr and 6 months and we were engaged for 9 months.
4. How old is your man? Mike just turned 26 this past August.
5. Who eats more? Definitely Mike. But I have a feeling that I might surpass him the next few months.
6. Who said "I love you" first? He did.
7. Who is taller? He is.
8. Who sings better? He does.
9. Who does the laundry? I do...that is a scary thought to think of him doing it.
10. Who takes out the garbage? He does.
11. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? If you are facing it, me.
12. Who pays the bills? I do. I love filling out forms
13. Who is better with the computer? I am - I had to teach Mike where the power button is. He is doing bette since we got our Mac.
14. Who mows the lawn? What lawn? - If we had one, I am sure he would.
15. Who cooks dinner? I used to until I got pregnant - and now he does it all the time. Once I can smell and look I food I will take cooking back on.
16. Who drives when you are together? He does.
17. Who pays when you go out? He does. It all comes from the same account, but he actually takes his card out and pays. It is more manly.
18. Who is most stubborn? I probably am - although I am normally not stubborn for lon.
19. Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? We both really try to, but sometimes pride gets in the way.
20. Whose parents do you see the most? Living so far away from family, we try to spilt it right down the middle. We see his ENTIRE family more, because they all live in the same city. My family lives in 4 different states - but we always see my parents and grandparents when we go home
21. Who kissed who first? He did.
22. Who asked who out? He did. Our first date was to a theme park called Wild Adventures - I got sick. :( but we had a great times.
23. Who proposed? He did.
24. Who is more sensitive? By far me - especially now that I am pregnant - it is way worse!!!
25. Who has more friends? Well - we have a lot of couple friends. But, because I used to work on campus I know more people.
26. Who has more siblings? I do - I have 2 brothers and a sister. He just has one brother and one sister.
27. Who wears the pants in the family? Mike takes his responsibily that the Lord has given him very seriously and I am proud to submit to his leadership.
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